
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ lì yì
  • public interest;public advantages
  1. 现代商业建筑在追求商业利益的同时也特别关注社会价值、公共利益和文化品位,它强烈地影响着人们的生活模式。

    The social values , public advantages and cultural personal status are especially paid attention to the modern commercial construction at the same to pursuing commercial interest .

  2. 完善行政补偿制度不仅是建立社会主义法治国家所必需的,也是直接维护社会公共利益、保障行政相对人合法权益不受侵犯所必不可少的。

    Improving the system of administrative compensation is not only necessity for establish the socialist legal state , but also absolutely necessity for maintenance public advantages and protect the administrative counterpart rights avoiding damage .

  3. 政客们将他们的狼子野心美化成是谋求公共利益。

    Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good

  4. 凡是损害公共利益的行为,都应该制止。

    Any conduct harmful to the public interest must not be permitted .

  5. 作者明确界定了“公共利益”。

    The author gave a clear definition of " public interest " .

  6. “说起这些访问代码,我们认为这是教科书垄断的新形式,是一种把学生锁在这个系统中的新方式,”美国公共利益研究集团高等教育倡导者伊桑·斯奈克对Buzzfeed新闻说道。

    When we talk about the access code we see it as the new face of the textbook monopoly , a new way to lock students around this system , said Ethan Senack , the higher education advocate for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group , to BuzzFeed News .

  7. 国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。

    The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests .

  8. 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

    In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education , the principles of independence , equality , mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to , the laws of the People 's Republic of China shall not be violated , and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed .

  9. WTO反倾销协议中公共利益原则之确立

    The Establishment of Public Interest Principle in WTO Anti-dumping Agreement

  10. 企业利润Vs.公共利益传统能源公司的新能源

    Profits Vs Public Interest : New Energy of Traditional Energy Companies

  11. GPA协定救济机制作为平衡公共利益、善意中标人的既得权利以及其他竞标人利益的制度设计,采取了将前契约阶段和契约阶段相分离并主要针对前契约阶段的公法救济模式;

    GPA remedy system is designed as a system of balance of public benefit and the right of all bidder . It adopts a model of public remedy which separates the phase of previous & contract from the phase of contract ;

  12. 公共利益科学中心的执行理事MichaelJacobson说道:我们要求FDA禁止可乐,当然也包括其他软饮料和食品添加焦糖色素。

    We 're asking the FDA to ban the use of caramel coloring that 's used in colas and certain other soft drinks and a variety of other foods , said Michael Jacobson , Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest .

  13. 国际贸易反倾销中的公共利益研究

    Study of the Public Interests in International Trade Anti - dumping

  14. 现代行政法理念下的公共利益

    On Common Interests Under the Rational Sense of Modern Administrative Law

  15. 政府改革应该以公共利益的实现为依托。

    Governmental reform should be supported by realization of public interests .

  16. 公共利益是经济法的利益价值取向。

    The public benefit is the benefit orientation of economic law .

  17. 土地征用必须以公共利益为基本的前提条件。

    Land requisition must take public benefits as a prior condition .

  18. 公共利益是公益诉讼的特定标的。

    Public interests are the particular target of public interests litigation .

  19. 公共利益领域举报制度研究

    The Public Interest Domain Informant to the Authorities the Research System

  20. 必要、困难与前提:也谈公共利益的界定

    Necessity , Difficulty and Presupposition-Discussion on the Definition of Public Interest

  21. 非公共利益性质的征地行为与土地发展权补偿

    Land expropriation for a non-public purpose and compensation for its development right

  22. 公共利益问题话要公益行政诉讼制度探索

    An Exploration of the Administrative Lawsuits in the Public Interest

  23. 治道变革:公共利益实现机制的根本转变

    Governance Reform : Radical Transformation of the Realization Mechanism of Public Good

  24. 维护公共利益是检察机关赖以存在和发展的根基。

    Safeguarding public interests is the foundational function of the procuratorial organ .

  25. 贸易救济措施中进口国公共利益问题的投入产出分析&以钢铁产业为例

    The Input-output Analysis of Public Interest in Trade Remedy Measures

  26. 析知识产权法中的公共利益概念

    An theoretical explanation of ' Public Interest ' in intellectual property law

  27. 论国际投资仲裁中公共利益和私人利益的平衡

    The Balance of Public Interest and Private Interest in International Investment Arbitration

  28. 组织必须设计适当的激励机制才能实现其公共利益。

    Organization must design an appropriate incentive mechanism to achieve their public interest .

  29. 公共利益界定&兼评物权法草案第四十九条

    Public Interest Identification & Reviewing Item 49 of the Draft of Property Law

  30. 环境利益属于公共利益。

    Environmental interests are a kind of public interests .