
  • 网络disclosed reserve;undisclosed reserve;declare dreserves
  1. 二级股本增加了未公开储备、贷款损失准备金、重估价帐户以及其它奇怪的债务和混合型证券。

    Tier two capital throws in undisclosed and loan-loss reserves , revaluation accounts and other quirky debt and hybrid securities .

  2. 全球金融市场昨天出现回调,原因是投资者担心亚洲央行正公开对外汇储备进行多样化,以减少美元资产比例,并担心对石油的需求将长期持续保持强劲。

    Financial markets reversed yesterday on concerns that Asian central banks were publicly diversifying out of US dollar assets and that the demand for oil would remain persistently strong .