
xiān jī
  • decisive occasion
先机 [xiān jī]
  • [decisive occasion] 关键的时机;决定未来形势的时机

  • 丧失先机

  1. 不管是应对国际金融危机,还是抢占新一轮发展先机,都离不开创新。

    No matter people are facing the international financial crisis or companies are grabbing decisive occasion competitively , the development of everything cannot leave creation .

  2. 如果策略得当,墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。

    If its strategy succeeds , Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour .

  3. 谈判者成功地签署了一项贸易协定,抢占了邻国的先机。

    The negotiator2 managed to sign a trade deal that stole a march on neighbouring countries .

  4. 对于高级用户界面设计来说,作为可选的开放源代码平台,Linux已经把握住了先机。

    Linux is leading the pack as the open source platform of choice for advanced user interface design .

  5. 凭借谷歌钱包,谷歌运用近场通讯技术(near-fieldcommunication)在移动支付市场稍许占得先机。

    With Google wallet , Google had an early lead in the market for mobile payments using near-field communication .

  6. 我认为IBM觉得如果它不把握下一件大事,那么其他公司就会抢了先机。

    I think IBM figures if it doesn 't get that next big thing then some other company will .

  7. 研究人员在这一点上占有先机,因为他们已经了解ACE抑制剂的情况。

    They have a head start in this because they know what ACE inhibitors look like .

  8. 为了获得决胜3G市场的先机,各运营商积极准备3G网络建设工作。

    With the aim of winning 3G market , Mobile Network Operators all begin to prepare for the construction of 3G Network .

  9. 很多公司选择了直接推出不可调光或TRIAC调光LED照明器具,从而抢占成本先机。

    Many will simply decide to create a non-dimmable or TRIAC dimmable LED fixture and win on cost .

  10. 埃德米利班德(edmiliband)公开斥责“强盗资本主义”,这让他在政治上抢占了先机。

    Ed Miliband stole a political March when he denounced " predatory capitalism " .

  11. 如果能提前一个月发布HTCOne手机,将有助于HTC抢占市场先机,并证明自己在智能手机研发上走在了行业前列。

    Having a head start of a month could help HTC steal thunder and show that it was making a big step forward with its smartphones .

  12. 就在马斯克发表这番讲话一天前,在底特律车展上,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)悄然抢占先机,披露了一款以电池电力推动的概念车,其目标价位定为3万美元。

    Mr Musk was speaking a day after General Motors stole a march on rivals at the Detroit motor show by unveiling a battery electric concept car with a targeted price tag of $ 30000 .

  13. 在他的新书《稀有的发现:抢占先机,锁定人才》(TheRareFind:SpottingExceptionalTalentBeforeEveryoneElse)中,安德斯为读者分析了最成功的企业挑选“千里马”的秘诀。

    For a new book , the rare find : spotting exceptional talent before everyone else , Anders set out to analyze how some of the most successful enterprises choose extraordinary new hires .

  14. 部分品牌也纷纷在App的世界里发布其应用,想以最快的速度在移动互联网世界里抢占先机树立形象,产生传播价值。

    Some brands are in the world of App , its application to the fastest speed in the mobile Internet world first sets up the image , produce spread value .

  15. 以普锐斯(Prius)品牌为代表,丰田汽车公司(Toyota)通过普及油电混合动力发动机技术在全球汽车行业中抢得先机。

    Toyota stole a march on the global automotive industry by popularizing gas-electric hybrid engines , using its Prius brand to highlight the technology .

  16. 在E时代,对于酒店企业来说,谁能为顾客提供方便的电子商务服务,更好地满足顾客的需求,谁便能在竞争中抢得先机。

    Only the hotels that can offer convenient electronic commerce service to the customer can seize the first chance during the competition in E times . So the article studies the E-business problem of the hotel enterprise emphatically .

  17. 鉴于亚马逊(Amazon)在价格与货运方面已经占据先机,所以很显然,仅靠这些策略并不足以使Quidsi胜出。

    Given that Amazon was already winning the price and delivery game , this wasn 't obviously a winning strategy .

  18. 这一延误使得谷歌等竞争对手在在线广告领域大大抢占了先机,而这个领域几乎是aol在20世纪90年代后期创建的。

    The delay gave rivals such as Google a big head start in online advertising , an area AOL practically invented in the late 1990s .

  19. 腾讯推出的基于智能手机的通讯应用微信(WeChat)大受欢迎,令这家多元化互联网巨头在移动领域占得先机。

    This diversified Internet giant has the advantage in mobile thanks to WeChat , a massively popular messaging app that is native to smartphones .

  20. 加快WCDMA网络演进,在3G发展中赢得先机,充分利用网络资源和网络的融合优势,为客户提供高速数据业务。

    Speed up the evolution of WCDMA networks , snatch opportunities in the 3G development , and make full use of advantages of network resources and network convergence , providing customers with high-speed data services .

  21. LG此举的目的是在这个可能带来丰厚盈利的市场上抢占先机,超过同城的韩国对手、全球业界领袖三星显示(SamsungDisplay)。后者的战略与LG不同,他们把主要精力放在了改善LCD面板以适应超高清电视的需要上。

    LG aims to steal a march in the potentially lucrative market on crosstown South Korean rival and world leader Samsung Display , which is instead focusing on improving LCD panels for ultra high-definition TVs .

  22. 克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerCorp.)1957年取消了原有的产品计划,匆匆上马了一条新生产线,生产了一款大尾鳍、车身三色调涂漆的新车,从而在竞争中占得先机。

    Chrysler Corp. got a jump on the competition in 1957 by tearing up its product plans and rushing out a line of cars with big tail fins and three-tone paint jobs .

  23. 身体语言专家和“性信号”作者JudiJames向你展示怎样辨别这些信号,在约会游戏中占据先机。

    Judi James , body language expert and author of ' Sex Signals ' , shows you how to decode these signals and get ahead in the dating game .

  24. 企业实施PDM技术可以重用以往产品设计优良成果,提高产品设计效率,缩短产品上市时间,加速产品对市场的响应速度,占领市场先机;

    Application of PDM can facilitate enterprises to reuse the previous precious product design result , enhance product design productivity , shorten product marketing time , expedite response to market and take the initiative in business competition ;

  25. 最后,基于移动电子商务发展策略的规划,细化了现阶段产品平台和品牌建设、合作运营管理、营销推广的实施方案,为广西移动在3G时代取得进一步竞争优势、抢占市场先机提供支持。

    Finally , based on the strategy , Refining the current product platforms , brand-building , and cooperation operations management , marketing implementation plan were refined , which make Guangxi Mobile achieve the further competitive advantage in the 3G ear .

  26. 许多外国公司均有意与伊拉克签署有利可图的长期石油协议,最终中石油抢得先机。该公司是中国石油(PetroChina)的母公司,为亚洲最大的油气公司。

    CNPC , the parent company of PetroChina and Asia 's biggest oil and gas company , has a head start as foreign firms line up to sign lucrative long-term oil deals with Iraq .

  27. 与竞争对手相比,腾讯已经在向移动互联网的过渡中占得先机,因为它拥有大受欢迎的手机即时通讯软件微信(Weixin),该软件在中国境外称为WeChat。

    Tencent already has the jump on its counterparts in the move to mobile due to its hugely popular mobile instant messenger Weixin , known outside China as WeChat .

  28. EPON已经形成了一个比较完整和成熟的产业链,这将有利于EPON技术的进一步完善和发展,也在与其他技术竞争的过程中占得了先机。

    EPON has come into a integrity and maturity chain of the industry , it 's a benefit for EPON technology to be improved and developed , and EPON has taken the head when compete with other technologies .

  29. 新的3G运营商必注重宣传策略和创新,力争获得市场先机。未来运营商将会十分关注手机补贴、渠道建设和品牌打造等问题。

    New 3G carriers must be paying attention to the strategies of publicize and innovation , fend to acquire the opportunities in markets , In future the carriers will pay a lot of attention on the mobile allowance , channels construction , and brand creation etc.

  30. 包括在线视频网站hulu在内的多项实验以及各种视频点播服务尝试都在进行当中,这一次苹果将无法悄悄抢得一个逐渐衰退行业的先机。

    Already running several experiments , including online video site Hulu , and a variety of video-on-demand trials , Apple will not be stealing a march on a declining industry this time .