
xiān qū zhě
  • pioneer
  1. “先驱者号”太空探测器上装有紫外线仪器,能够对在地球上探测不到的光进行测量。

    The Pioneer probes have on board ultraviolet instruments which are measuring light that we can 't measure on the earth .

  2. 他是数学领域的先驱者。

    He was a pioneer in the field of mathematics .

  3. 留下在那儿生活并取得成功的先驱者为自己感到骄傲。

    The pioneer who stayed and lived and succeeded was proud of himself .

  4. 他是这个反抗运动的先驱者。

    He was the forerunner of the resistance .

  5. facebook无意成为促进此类市场发展的先驱者。

    Facebook was an unwilling pioneer in the development of these markets .

  6. 电影先驱者塞西尔·B·戴维尔,导演了《圣女贞德》和《十诫》这样的史诗片,看到了大众娱乐业的潜力。

    Film pioneer Cecil B. Deville saw the potential for mass entertainment , directing such epics such as Joan of Arc and The Ten Commandments .

  7. 没错,微软的先驱者有主导市场的操作系统和Office软件,跟Google革命性的搜索类似。

    That is , much like Google revolutionized search , Microsoft was a pioneer with its market-dominating operating systems and Microsoft Office .

  8. 质量管理的先驱者J.危机管理的民众技能

    Mr. J. The mass skills of crises management

  9. 成立于1997年的飞翱是专为跨国公司和行业先锋提供外包呼叫中心和顾客关系管理(CRM)解决方案的先驱者。

    Founded in1997,800 TeleServices are a leading provider of outsourcing customer contact services and Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) solutions to multinationals and industrial leaders .

  10. 下文将介绍NBA中4种这样独自带领球队的球员,同时也会介绍历史上对应各个类型的先驱者。

    Below is a guide to the four different kinds of Lone Stars in the NBA , along with their historical patron saints .

  11. 例如,行业先驱者汤尼•法德尔重新思考了控制室内温度的方法,设计出一款与iPod外观类似的恒温器Nest。

    Trailblazer Tony fadell rethought the method for controlling home temperatures with nest , a thermostat that looks more like an iPod .

  12. 高空大气中的火山微粒还制造出壮观的日落景象,被英国风景画的先驱者J·M·W·透纳(J.M.W.Turner)详细捕捉在笔下。

    The particles high in the atmosphere also produced spectacular sunsets , as detailed in the famous paintings of J.M.W. Turner , the English landscape pioneer .

  13. 最近由SouthbySouthwest(SXSW,Inc.)举办的研讨会又用事实证明了娱乐业仍是先驱者。

    The entertainment industry continues to be in the vanguard , as demonstrated by the recent conference held by South by Southwest ( SXSW , Inc. ) .

  14. 这个过程和数十年前以类似方式探索外太阳系的“先驱者号”(Pioneer)和“旅行者号”(Voyager)探测器基本一样。

    That process is essentially unchanged from decades ago , when the Pioneer and Voyager probes similarly navigated to the outer solar system .

  15. Cummings,美国现代派诗人,是具像诗歌的先驱者。

    Cummings is a significant poet in modern American poetry , who is also the forerunner of concrete poetry .

  16. 它是在雪佛兰先驱者(TrailBlazer)的平台上生产的,它的重量太重了,价格也高达42000美元。

    Built on the Chevy TrailBlazer platform , the SSR was badly overweight and overpriced at $ 42,000 .

  17. 例如,美国联合航空公司(UnitedAirlines)、达美航空公司(DeltaAirlines)、美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)和飞机餐饮的先驱者新加坡航空公司(SingaporeAirlines)表示,他们提供的一些餐点中含有鲜味,但是他们并没有大力推进鲜味的使用。

    United , Delta , American and Singapore Airlines , a carrier heralded for its food , say they serve some foods containing umami , for example , but they don 't make an effort to pump up use of it .

  18. 现在,摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)这个去年被谷歌(Google)收购的没落的手机行业先驱者即将发布一款名为MotoX的旗舰手机,它的设计用意是让这些功能用起来更简便快捷。

    Now , Motorola Mobility , the faded cellphone pioneer purchased by Google last year , is about to release a flagship phone , the Moto X , that aims to make those functions easier and quicker .

  19. 这是另外一个先驱者们在前面的VS版本做dogfooding的例子。所以这最后的转变也是同样的顺利。

    This is another area where some pioneer dogfooding occurred in the previous version of VS development , so the ultimate transition for the division was also similarly smooth .

  20. ITK正是此研究领域的先驱者和佼佼者,它是专门用于医学图像分割与配准的算法库,涵盖了大量算法和实例,但缺乏可视化,往往借助数据可视化软件开发包VTK联合应用。

    It is dedicated to medical image registration and can be used as a library , covering a large number of algorithms and applications . However , it lacks the function of visualization .

  21. 同性恋权利运动的先驱者JackNichols道:我们同马丁路德金一起游行,我们中有七个人来自马特辛社区,一个早期同性恋组织-自此,我们梦想同性恋权利运动,如它般卓尔不群。

    Gay pioneer Jack Nichols said , We marched with Martin Luther King , seven of us from the Mattachine Society , which was an early gay rights organization and from that moment on , we had our own dream about a gay rights march of similar proportions .

  22. 这个发现证实在印加的Tiwanaku的一些先驱者们使用能改变精神状态的物质,并且暗示了他们的文明是建立在有广泛影响的交易网上,从而得到这些药物。

    The finding confirms that predecessors of the Inca known as the Tiwanaku used mind-altering substances , and hints that the civilization relied on far-reaching trade networks to obtain the drugs .

  23. 纽约——家庭房屋出租服务先驱者Airbnb给自己打造了一个既有用又善良的形象,但从纽约检察长埃里克·T·施耐德曼(EricT.Schneiderman)本周四发布的一份报告来看,实际情况远远谈不上良好宜人。

    NEW YORK - Airbnb , the pioneering home rental service , presents itself as useful and virtuous , but the reality is far less benign , according to a report that Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York attorney general , released on Thursday .

  24. 二是中国近代革命先驱者的宣传思想。

    The other is the propaganda thoughs of Chinese revolution pioneers .

  25. 此后不久,美国的先驱者号航天器围绕金星进行环绕飞行。

    Soon after that , the American Pioneer spacecraft orbited Venus .

  26. 贾思勰被认为是农学的先驱者之一。

    Jia Sixie is known as one of the pioneers of farming .

  27. 李达是中国现代著名理论家、社会主义先驱者之一。

    Li Da was one of the contemporary socialist pioneers in China .

  28. 中国现代科学美育的先驱者

    Lu Xun : A Forerunner of Science Aesthetic Education in Modern China

  29. 临床流行病学及循证医学的先驱者萨克特

    Sacker , a pioneer of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine

  30. 李渔&我国现代文化产业的先驱者

    Li Yu & The Pioneer of Chinese Modern Cultural Estate