
  • 网络Shanghai Law Society
  1. 谨以此画册献给为上海市法学会作出贡献的人们!

    This pamphlet is respectfully devoted to all those have made contributions to Shanghai Law Society .

  2. 中国法学会成立以后,上海市法学会成为其团体会员,在业务上开始接受中国法学会的指导。

    After the founding of CHINA LAW SOCIETY , SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY became one of its members .

  3. 1984年,上海市法学会第三次变更会名。

    SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY is named in 1984 over again .

  4. 1957年6月之后,上海市法学会的正常发展不断受到严重干扰。

    At the beginning of June 1957 , the normal development of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY was destroyed seriously .

  5. 第二章上海市法学会组织机理的历史变迁。

    From then on , it has no changed its names . Chapter 2 . The Historical Transformation of organizations of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY .

  6. 自恢复活动后至1980年上半年,上海市法学会的工作主要是恢复和健全组织,初步开展学术活动。

    From 1978 to the first half of 1980 , the major work of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY was restoring its organization and endeavouring to increase academic .

  7. 上海市法学会之所以发生历史变迁,是因为它有着属于自己的变迁动力。

    This historical transformation was attributed to motive forces of its own development . In the history of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY , it makes apparently laws of social development .

  8. 通过考察上海市法学会的历史变迁,我们发现它有着旺盛的生命力,正在沿着法学学术团体的方向发展和攀登。

    Through the study of the historical transformation of SHANGHAI LAW SOCIETY , we find that it still keeps the memorial hall a dynamic attraction . Now , it is just forward developed along the road of the study of law .

  9. 熊彦律师系上海市世通律师事务所专职律师,华东政法学院法学学士,同济大学工程管理学士,上海市法学会会员。

    Lawyer Cathy Xiong is a member of Shanghai stone law firm , law Bachelor of East China University of politics and law , Construction Management Bachelor of Tongji university , and is a member of Shanghai law association .