
  1. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系是下阶段金砖经济合作的一个重要抓手。要敢于先行先试,将企业合作同新工业革命伙伴关系结合起来,争取在创新、数字经济、绿色经济等领域拿出更多亮眼成果,助力五国经济实现高质量发展。

    The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage , the business sector results in such areas as innovation , digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies .

  2. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  3. 谈天津滨海新区投资银行业务的先行先试

    Launching Investment Banking Business in the New Developed Area of Binhai

  4. 探索高等职业教育改革先行先试、科学发展的试验模式。

    Meanwhile , some leading scientific models of educational reform will be carried out .

  5. 海峡西岸经济区对台先行先试政策研究

    The Pilot Political Mechanism in Taiwan Economic Zone

  6. 2007年6月,国家批准成都成立全国统筹城乡发展配套改革试验区,允许成都在城市带动农村方面先行先试。

    June 2007 , the state approved the establishment of the National Urban and Rural Development reform pilot area .

  7. 在新一轮发展机遇面前,各地都存在抢先发展、先行先试的思想,投资冲动强烈。

    In the new round of development opportunities , there exists the " develop first , action first " and the invest phenomenon strongly .

  8. 作为改革开放先行先试区的浦东是上海打造国际航运中心的主要承载区和核心功能区。

    As the national pilot zone for overall reform , Pudong New Area is the main carrier and key function zone of the shipping center .

  9. 海峡西岸经济区作为对台交流先行先试地区,在全国区域经济发展布局中具有重要的战略地位。

    As a communication foretaste region with Taiwan , the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits has an important strategic position in in China regional economy development pattern .

  10. 事实上,这些年我们在金融上的改革都首先在香港先行先试。

    In fact , many of the pilot programs we have taken in the reform of the financial sector in recent years were first conducted in Hong Kong .

  11. 为特区的体制创新、产业升级和对外开放而需要先行先试的。

    Regulations on carrying out firstly tests of creating new systems , upgrading industrial levels and opening to foreign countries in the SEZ , which need to be enacted .

  12. 为进一步缩小经济差距,发展区域金融,国家允许先行先试,以创新促发展。

    In order to further narrow the economic gap , develop regional finance , the country allows early and pilot implementation in local areas to seek development by innovation .

  13. 发达地区作为改革开发的先行先试的区域,这些地区现在面临的诸多问题有可能是其他地区在今后发展中也会面临的。

    The " developed regions " as a pilot reform developed areas , these areas are now facing many problems that other areas in the future development may also face .

  14. 只有与时俱进,不断创新,先行先试,科学发展,才能使广东发展模式始终保持旺盛的生命力。

    Only by advancing with the times , continuously innovating , daring to try and foretasting , and developing scientifically , can Guangdong always maintain its development mode with thriving vitality .

  15. 海峡西岸经济区对台临海产业合作先行先试研究&福建霞浦县东冲半岛试验区分析

    On the Taking the Lead of Sea Front Industrial Cooperation Towards Taiwan in the West Straight Economic Zone : Analyzing the Dong-chong Peninsula Test Area in Xia-pu County , Fujian Province

  16. 支持海峡西岸经济区在两岸交流合作中发挥先行先试作用。

    We will support the economic zone in Fujian Province on the west coast of the Straits in playing its role in pioneering new approaches to exchanges and cooperation between the two sides .

  17. 最后进行了实证分析,以山西为例,研究山西资源型经济转型的问题,为当前山西综改试验区先行先试提供一定的借鉴意义。

    Finally , the empirical analysis , taking Shanxi as an example , study Shanxi resource-based economies transition problems , provide certain reference significance for the current Shanxi " comprehensive reform pilot area " .

  18. 更好发挥深圳等经济特区、上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区在改革开放中先行先试的作用。

    We will get Shenzhen and other special economic zones , Pudong New Area in Shanghai and Binhai New Area in Tianjin to better play a leading and exploratory role in reform and opening up .

  19. 这就要求滨海新区在金融和土地等方面,实施相应的改革措施,对一些金融改革和创新先行先试,为在其他地区的推广积累经验。

    This requires the Binhai New Area carry out appropriate reform measures in the financial and land , a number of financial reform and innovation pilot for the promotion in other areas to accumulate experience .

  20. 本文就此提出了建立和完善桐乡市农村社会养老保险制度的几点具体建议,认为通过在较为富裕的地方先行先试,可以为更大范围的政策推进提供经验和借鉴。

    The thesis raised several detailed suggestions on establishing and perfecting the rural social endowment insurance system in Tongxiang City , believing that trying in well-off places first can provide experience and reference for policy promotion in wider areas .

  21. 福建在对台农产品贸易上不仅政策优先,而且先行先试,使闽台农产品贸易一直走在祖国的前列,现已步入良性发展阶段。

    Toward Taiwan agricultural trade Fujian is not only priority in policy but also a pilot , so that agricultural trade between Fujian and Taiwan has been at the forefront of the motherland and has entered a positive phase of development .

  22. 讨论资源型城市上级政府的政策支持,主要是中央和省政府支持资源型城市转型的政策建议,比如转移支付政策、财税改革、体制机制创新和某些政策的先行先试等。

    Discussion of government support policies to resource type city , mainly focuses on the central and provincial government level , and makes some policy suggestions , such as transfer payments , tax reform , institutional mechanisms and some trial policies .

  23. 种种客观实际迫使珠三角城市群城市政府必须以科学发展,先行先试的开拓进取精神,在积极预防和妥善处置突发事件中积极探索应急联动。

    Various objective realities force governments of the Pearl River Delta city group according to the pioneering spirit of " scientific development , early and pilot implementation " to explore emergency linkage in the process of actively preventing and properly responding to emergencies .

  24. 分析其原因,主要是:对新型交易行为的定位不清,制度设计的风险性,对金融先行先试的政策导向存在认识偏差以及监管机制有待探索。

    The main reasons are that the positioning of the new trading behavior is unclear , the system design is at risk , there is some understanding deviation on pilot of financial policy-oriented as well as the regulatory mechanisms has to be explored .

  25. 从分析来看,尽管没有字数上的优势,但我们充分地考虑到了深圳的具体情况,比较熟人社会与先行先试就是我们重点考虑的内容。

    Analysis from the point of view , although there is no word superiority , but in the cause analysis , we fully take into account the specific circumstances of Shenzhen , more acquaintance with the pilot community is the focus of our consideration of the content .

  26. 但需要说明的是,作为一项新制度,立法听证在我国尚处于探索阶段,有待于国家层面鼓励地方先行先试,地方政府也要解放思想,勇于探索实践,使之不断完善。

    But we need to say that , as a new system , legislative hearing in our country is still in the stage of exploration . The local government also must emancipate the mind , have the courage to explore and practise , and make it continuous improvement .

  27. 明确提出要坚持以工业化理念谋划农业产业化,以项目工作理念重点发展农产品加工业,要坚持因地制宜、市场导向、可持续发展、科技引领和先行先试等基本原则。

    It obvious that it should adhere to the industrialization of agriculture industrialization , focusing on the development philosophy for the project of agricultural products , adhere to local conditions , market-oriented , sustainable development , science and technology lead , and the basic principles of a pilot .

  28. 为了加快香港同内地的金融融合,我们将采取新的先行先试措施,同邻省广东一道加强香港和珠三角地区在金融机构、金融产品以及资金和人才方面的双向流动。

    To speed up our financial integration with the Mainland , we will implement new measures with our neighbours in Guangdong Province on an early and pilot basis to enhance the two-way flow of financial institutions , financial products , capital and talent between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region .

  29. 先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究先行先试促进闽台农业合作大有可为

    On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law Antecedence and Foretaste , large possibilities in Agriculture cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan