
tǐ yù yònɡ pǐn
  • sports goods;sporting equipment
  1. 当今体育用品行业中,耐克和阿迪达斯是名符其实的巨人。

    Nike and Adidas are two leading heads among sports goods .

  2. 中国体育用品企业发展现状分析

    Analysis of present status of China 's enterprises for sports goods

  3. 雅拍体育用品公司开展了加强员工培训的活动。

    Apacs has launched a campaign to improve the training of staff .

  4. 如果你对足球很感兴趣,你可以选择在体育用品店工作或在当地的足球俱乐部帮忙。

    If you 're mad about football , you can choose to work in a sports shop or help out at a local football club .

  5. 美洲豹体育用品公司(P)在92年已濒临破产。

    Sporting goods company Puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992 .

  6. 基于SEM的体育用品制造业经营管理绩效测评模型

    SEM based on sporting goods manufacturing performance management evaluation model

  7. 中国加入WTO后,我国体育用品品牌将面对更严峻的竞争。

    After China entering the WTO , our sport goods brand will face more serious competition .

  8. 因而,在我国加入WTO,国外大型体育用品公司大规模涌入中国市场的情况下,产业集群无疑是发展我国体育用品产业的重要战略选择。

    Hence , industrial cluster is no doubt the strategic choice for developing China 's sports goods industry .

  9. 基于DEA的体育用品制造业效率评价与分析

    Evaluation and analysis on efficiency of manufacturing industry of PE products based on DEA

  10. Wilson体育用品的本土化包装设计

    Native Packaging , Design of Wilson Sporting Goods

  11. 匹克体育用品(PeakSportsProducts)发布了全年盈利预警,而李宁(LiNing)更换了长期执掌的首席执行官,以求找到新的业务模式。

    Peak Sports Products issued a full-year profit warning , while Li Ning dumped its long-serving chief executive in the hopes of finding a new business model .

  12. NIKE的品牌扩张与我国体育用品品牌的发展

    The Brand Expansion of NIKE and the Development of Sports Products Brand in Our Country

  13. 在FIFA足球联赛期间,FIFA体育用品将全年无休的为各国球迷提供出售,而不仅仅是比赛所在国家。

    For the first time , FIFA merchandise will be available to fans all year round and not just in host countries during FIFA events .

  14. 随着人民币升值,安踏体育用品有限公司(AntaSports)去年7月份上市招股说明书中的一个小细节,给这家中国公司带来了一个当初未曾意料到的头痛问题。

    A small detail in Anta Sports ' listing prospectus last July has yielded an unexpected headache for the Chinese sportswear company as the value of the renminbi rises .

  15. 你可以在班夫或者路易斯湖的FairmontChateau宾馆的体育用品商店租用冰鞋。

    You can rent skates in Banff or at the sport shop in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise hotel .

  16. 11月份李宁宣布将斥资3.21亿港元(合4100万美元)收购上海红双喜冠都体育用品有限公司(ShanghaiDoubleHappinessCo.)58%的股份。红双喜主要生产乒乓球桌和相关体育用品,同时也是奥运会赞助商。

    Li Ning in November announced it would pay HK $ 321 million ( US $ 41 million ) to buy58 % of Shanghai Double Happiness Co. , a leading maker of ping-pong tables and equipment and a sponsor of the Olympics .

  17. 他们2015年搜集的数据显示,每小时有至多1.4万行人走过第七大道近西34街的麦多体育用品店(Modell’sSportingGoods)门前。

    As many as 14000 pedestrians an hour walk in front of the Modell 's Sporting Goods store on Seventh Avenue near West 34th Street , according to 2015 data collected by the partnership .

  18. eBay起初只是个收藏家的网站,今天则成为最大的网上集市,销售范围由汽车到电脑到体育用品,全部货种有1.8万类之多。

    And collectables were just the beginning , today eBay is the largest online seller of goods ranging from automobiles to computers to sporting goods , a total of 18 thousand categories in all .

  19. 早些时候,他的导师,也就是体育用品公司耐克(Nike)的合伙创始人,泰斗级人物比尔•鲍尔曼,曾鼓励他“改项”,也就是跑3英里赛(5公里)而不是1英里赛。

    Early on , his coach and Nike co-founder , the amazing bill Bowerman , encouraged him to " change the game " by running the 3 mile ( 5K ) instead of the mile .

  20. 采用文献资料和SPA同异反系统理论研究浙江省11个地市在体育场馆、体育用品专营制造、体育彩票三者之间的同异反协同关系。

    This article studies the coordinate relationship of similarities , differences and counter coordination among stadiums , manufacturers of sports articles and physical education lottery in eleven Zhejiang regional cities by resorting to documents and the SPA systematic theory .

  21. 虽然消防队员战斗在REI的体育用品建设大火,医护人员给予氧气在刷抓住火的时候开始的小猫。

    While firefighters battle the blaze at the REI sporting goods building , paramedics give oxygen to kittens who were caught in the brush when the fire began .

  22. ICOP方法在体育用品业国际竞争力评价中的研究及应用

    The Research and Apply on the International Competitive Power Appraisal of Sporting Production by ICOP

  23. 我国中小体育用品企业的营销战略

    Marketing strategies of small and medium-sized sports ware enterprises in China

  24. 文章介绍了近几年来国内外各种功能性运动服、竞技性运动服和特种纺织体育用品的性能和应用等。

    This article introduces the applications and properties of sportswear textiles .

  25. 成功进入中国体育用品通路(DO)

    Successful entry into Chinese sporting goods market channel ( DO )

  26. 爱丽丝和男友斯科特在一家体育用品商店里购物。

    Alice and her boyfriend Scott are in a sports shop .

  27. 浙、闽体育用品民族企业创新能力的研究

    The national sports enterprises innovation ability study in Zhejiang , Fujian

  28. 这条沿线上有三家体育用品商场

    And I found 3 sporting goods store along that line .

  29. 中国高档体育用品市场的顾客价值分析与检验

    An Analysis and Test on Consumer Value in High-quality Sports Market

  30. 我国体育用品业的产业政策选择

    On The Choice of Industrial Policy about Sports Utility in China