- 名school for gymnastics
Your daddy called every elite gym in the country .
His dream was to open a school for gymnasts .
Influences of group calisthenics on school sports
Relative analysis of competitive ability of elite male gymnasts aged 6 ~ 7 of Xintai Gymnastic Sports School in Shandong province
As a part of school sport and sport teaching , gymnastics has profound and active effect in the history of China school sport .
Research of the influences of the group calisthenics on the school sports can provide the theoretical basis of the enhancement and development of middle school sports .
Gymnastics is an important part of the school sports content . For a long time , the content of Gymnastics teaching is attached great importance by school sports in my country .
Basic gymnastics is one of the physical educational teaching materials in the middle schools .
Welfare factories developed activities such as broadcast exercises , etc. and schools established physical education .
Gymnastics is the content of school physical education , an important part of teaching in physical education occupies a large proportion .
Gymnastics is an important part of school sports in China , an important part of school physical education content , is also important colleges and universities of one of the main courses .
The term is in gymnastics , the public exercises and schools gymnastics development has important , it affects in gymnastics , the public exercises and schools of the rate of growth and size , in turn , they also affects the terms of development and improvement .
The school gymnastics including queue formation , free-hand gymnastics , gymnastics on apparatus , hand on apparatus gymnastics , special instrument gymnastics , group calisthenics , practical gymnastics , school rhythmic gymnastics , fitness aerobics and mat tumbling .