
  • 网络Sport tourism;Recreation and Tourism
  1. 构建三峡地区体育旅游经济圈的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of constructing Three Gorges Area Sport Tourism Circle

  2. 开发西北地区体育旅游业的研究

    Development research of the sport tourism industry in the northwest area

  3. 西北地区体育旅游产业的SWOT分析及对策建议

    SWOT Analyses and Countermeasures for Sports Tourism In the Northwest

  4. 湘西州体育旅游发展的SWOT分析及战略选择研究

    Analysis of the Sports Tourism Development SWOT in Xiangxi and Study of the Strategy Choose

  5. 采用SWOT分析法,对秦巴山地发展体育旅游的影响因素进行分析。

    By SWOT analysis , the paper analyzes influencing factors on the development of Qinba Mountains sport tour .

  6. 运用SWOT对吉县壶口瀑布发展体育旅游的条件进行总体评价。

    SWOT was used in the overall evaluation of the conditions of Sports Tourism Resources of Hukou Waterfall in Jixian County .

  7. 基于STV三角营销的湖南体育旅游产品的开发与营销

    Development and marketing of sports tourism products in Hunan based on the STV delta model

  8. 并运用SWOT模型进行分析,指出了黄山市体育旅游开发的优势、劣势、机遇和存在的威胁,促进黄山体育旅游更上一个台阶。

    SWOT analysis and use models , pointed out the development of Sports Tourism strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats exist to promote sports tourism of Huangshan to a higher level .

  9. 第四,以RMP分析理论为基础,以济南市体育旅游产品开发为例进行了实证分析。

    Fourthly , using RMP theory as foundation , it takes sports tourism products exploration of Jinan as an example .

  10. 透视北京奥运,抓体育旅游商机

    Business opportunity of sports tourism as seen from Beijing Olympic Games

  11. 红色旅游与体育旅游融合性开发的战略思考

    Strategy thought on integration exploration of red tourism and sports tourism

  12. 我国北方冰雪体育旅游产业发展浅探

    On winter sports tourism industry development in the north of China

  13. 三峡库区体育旅游资源优势研究

    Research of Advantages of Sports Tourism Resource in the Three Gorges

  14. 小康社会的体育旅游资源开发研究

    Research on the Development of Sports Tourism Resources in Well-off Society

  15. 美国佛罗里达大学体育旅游课程之研究

    A Research on the Course of Sports Tourism at Florida University

  16. 体育旅游资源的内涵及开发问题研究

    Study on Connotation and Development about the Resource of Sports Tourism

  17. 苏北地区体育旅游的现状分析及开发策略

    Northern Jiangsu Area Sports Traveling Present Situation Analysis and Development Strategy

  18. 中国体育旅游迅速发展的社会学思考

    Sociological Research on the Rapid Development of Sport Tourism in China

  19. 青海民族体育旅游业发展之我见

    About the Development of Tourist Industry of National P.E in Qinghai

  20. 西北地区体育旅游业的发展现状与对策建议

    Present Situation and Developing Countermeasures of Sports Tourism in the Northwest

  21. 我国西部体育旅游产业开发存在的误区与发展对策研究

    Misunderstanding and Countermeasures about the Exploitation of Western Sports Tourism Industry

  22. 天然体育旅游资源的分类评价及其实证研究

    Research on the Classification and Evaluation of Natual Sports Tourism Resoure

  23. 四川民族体育旅游资源内容丰富。

    National physical tourist resources in Sichuan province have rich content .

  24. 后奥运时期我国体育旅游产业发展动力研究

    Research on the Motive of Sports Tourism Industry in the Post-Olympic

  25. 西部民族地区体育旅游的外部性内化研究

    On Externality of Sports Tourism and Its Internalization of Western Minority

  26. 体育旅游人才缺乏间接影响体育旅游形象。

    Sports tourism talents lack of indirect impact of sports tourism image .

  27. 福州市发展体育旅游刍议

    Tentative Suggestion About the Development of Sports Tours in Fuzhou

  28. 体验经济视角中的体育旅游与体育旅游营销

    Comment on Sports Tourism From the Perspective of Experiential Economy

  29. 粤北地区体育旅游资源开发研究

    Study on Exploitation of Sports Tourism Resources in North of Guangdong Province

  30. 深度开发著名景区的体育旅游资源。

    To develop sports tourism resources of famous scenery area .