- 名humoral immune response

PRV inactive vaccine induced weakly humoral immune response , so it was not reasonable to choose inactive vaccine to prevent PRV infection .
Reduction of the male scent attractiveness after SRBC treatment had maximum manifestation in males of dwarf hamsters with low humoral immune response to this challenge .
Objective : To investigate the humoral immunoreaction of mice induced by TCR V β DNA vaccine of T cell lymphoma .
BLOM is a proliferative disease of local humoral immunity mediated by B lymphocyte .
Objective : To study humoral response in HBsAg asymptomatic carries ( ASC ) .
Humoral response , receptor mediated cascade reaction and specific B cell apoptosis can be induced by B SAg .
DNA vaccine as one of the most potential new vaccine strategies , could not only induce cellular and humoral responses efficiently , but also induce long-time immune memory .
IL-2 , CpG and liposome can improve the humoral immunoreaction induced by TCR V β 8 genes vaccine .
Inclusion of biotin enhanced humoral immune response , which elevated serum globin . The antibody titer to Newcastle and IgG content were elevated by addition of biotin .
Identification of the B cell epitopes of IBDV is very useful in understanding the nature of IBDV humoral immunity .
Factors interfering humoral immune response ( FIHIR ) were detected by means of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) in the serum of ewes .
The outcome of HBV infection depends on the balance between host and virus , particularly on the strength of innate and adaptive , humoral and cellular immune response .
It is concluded that Ad-S_N expresses the secretary type S_N protein of which the SARS-CoV-specific humoral immune responses can be induced in rats .
Thes data suggest that the humoral immune response was significantly enhanced systemically and locally in the digestive and respiratory tract of chicks after inoculation with MD vaccines ;
Conclusion : The pulpal immune system actively responds to carious stimuli . The T lymphocyte-mediated re ˉ sponse in early phase has a central role in the initiation of pulpal specific immunity , but in advanced phase , B lineage cells further the humoral immunoresponse .
Early intervention of vitamin A combined with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin BCG . could reduce the concentration of anti-OVA sIgE concentration of the serum and lung and spleen tissue in adult SD mice asthma model .
Kinetics of Humoral Immune Responses Induced by an Infectious Clone Derived from an Attenuated EIAV Vaccine and Env Glycosylation Modification Research
PEPCK can induce strong cellular and humoral immune responses and may be a good candidate for TB vaccine .
Compared to traditional vaccines , DNA vaccine stimulates both potent humoral and cellular immune responses . DNA vaccine also offers advantages in terms of their design , production and safety . These merits promote DNA vaccines to become one of the hottest areas in vaccine research and development .
In addition , the vaccine containing 3D is also able to the highest levels of lymphocytes proliferation than that of other vaccine candidates . These results demonstrated that 3D protein is not only able to improve the humoral immune responses , but to elicit T cell immune responses .
These results confirm that Influenza inactive vaccine with bursin-like peptide enhances the protection against influenza virus infection through both humoral and cell-mediated immunity .
It was proposed by Marchuk in 1980 . It is presented in the language of humoral immune reaction .
Co immunization with gag and gp120 plasmids induced both gag and gp120 specific cell mediated and humoral immune response , and showed stronger than that of immunization with gag or gp120 alone ;
Conclusion : The inactivated SARS vaccines might stimulate stronger humoral immunoresponse , and slightly up-regulate the activities of CD4 + and CD8 + T cell in BALB / C mice . The intensity of immunoresponse depends on adjuvants used to prepare the vaccine .
Results : TPA 96 had good vessel parameters , fewer cells and appropriate number of holes compared with TPA 72 and TPA 96 . Humoral immune reactions stimulated by GPA 、 TPA 96 emulsive antigen were similar but slighter than that by PA.
These results suggest that the optimized codon usage contributes to the enhancement of humoral immune responses induced by immunization with bovine papillomavirus L1 gene , and the attenuated Salmonella typhimurium may be an effective carrier for the mucosal immunization with DNA vaccine .
These demonstrate that the humoral immune response was significantly enhanced not only in the systemic immune organs but also in the local immune tissues of digestive and respiratory tract of the immunized chicks ; the trivalent vaccine-immunized chicks manifested stronger humoral immunity than HVT vaccine-immunized chicks .
Aim The humoral immune response of A uncleic acid vaccine ( VR1012 / MSP1 17 ) encoded a important P.falciparum candidate antigen for vaccine block 17 of merozoite surface protein 1 ( MSP1 ) was investigated .
Our previous study found that cancer-testis antigen OY-TES-1 was highly expressed in liver cancer , restrictively expressed in normal tissues . There was humoral immune response against OY-TES-1 in cancer patients . It is suggested that it may be a promising target antigen .
What are the effector cells of the humoral immune response ?