
zhù zhǐ
  • address
住址 [zhù zhǐ]
  • [address] 住所的地址

  • 住址不详

住址[zhù zhǐ]
  1. 请用印刷体在空白处填写你的姓名和住址。

    Print your name and address clearly in the space provided .

  2. 注意一定要让你的邮件改投到你的新住址。

    Make sure you get your mail redirected to your new address .

  3. 说话时谨防透露你的住址。

    Beware of saying anything that might reveal where you live .

  4. 请说明你的职业和住址。

    Please state your occupation and place of residence .

  5. 你的姓名、住址?

    What 's your name and address ?

  6. 这是你的住址吗?

    Is that your home address ?

  7. 请提供你上学期间的住址。

    Please give your term-time address .

  8. 你的详细住址是哪里?

    Whereabouts are you living ?

  9. 报纸联系了他祖母,查到了他现在的住址后便前往登门采访。

    The newspaper contacted his grandmother to trace his present address , and later doorstepped him at his home .

  10. 如果你想要一个的话,只要把姓名、住址写在一张明信片上寄给我们就行。

    If you 'd like one , simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us

  11. 请告诉我你的住址和电话号码。

    Tell me your address and telephone number , please .

  12. 请在信里给我写上住址。

    Please address the letter for me .

  13. 把你的住址写在纸的上端。

    Write your address at the head of this page .

  14. 请留下住址。

    Would you please leave your address with us ?

  15. 一家唯利是图的搬运汽车公司还是把她的住址泄露了。

    A venal moving-van company had revealed her address .

  16. 我去查了电话簿,但找不到她的住址。

    I went to the telephone book , but couldn 't find her address .

  17. 请问你的住址?

    May I have your address ?

  18. 你的家庭住址是哪儿?

    What is your home address ?

  19. 我查看了一下他们的表单,上面没有填住址。

    I checked their charts — no address .

  20. 通过记录孩子从出生到研究期间的住址信息,他们在生活环境中终生接触绿色空间的情况得以记录下来。

    Lifelong exposure to green space in the living places was recorded — using the information on the children 's addresses from birth up through to the time of the study .

  21. �居民身份证登记项目包括姓名、性别、民族、出生日期、住址。

    The items to be registered in a resident identity card shall include name , sex , nationality , birth date and address .

  22. “addresstype”项包含“O”和“H”,分别表示办公地址和家庭住址。

    The item " address_type " holds " O " and " H " for office and home address , respectively .

  23. 本市的住址簿上查不到登启事人留下的那个回信地址.此为f。O。b。横滨实盘,有效期为本地时间星期一收到回电。

    The city directory showed no such return address as the advertiser had left . We offer firm FOB yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time .

  24. 在该场景中,XMLstage从输入XML文件中仅过滤出家庭住址,然后将整个员工信息映射到单一输出顺序文件。

    In this scenario , the XML stage filters out only the home address from the input XML file , then maps the entire employee information to a single output sequential file .

  25. 需要一张基本表单来收集ID卡的字段(名字、授权、家庭住址、出生日期、头发颜色和眼睛颜色)。

    We need a basic form to collect the fields for the ID card ( Name , Authorization , Home , Birth date , Hair and Eye color ) .

  26. 在这一点上你需要告诉Zope真实的虚拟主机住址是什么。

    To handle that situation , you need to tell Zope what the true virtual hosting address is .

  27. 这个的住址处只注明要寄给ncis的特别探员

    This one is just addressed to " ncis special agent . "

  28. 当加拿大邮政联系Fane,想知道他的具体住址以调查此事时,Fane表示他并不是投诉什么。

    When the Canadian mail service responded asking Fane to provide his exact location so that they could investigate the incident , the homeowner insisted he had no complaints .

  29. 用户们输入他们的家庭住址和个人喜好,Reddit会随机对礼物赠送者和接收人进行配对,并鼓励他们在收到礼物之后回到网站发一封公开的感谢信。

    Users enter their home address and information such as likes and dislikes , and Reddit matches gifters and recipients at random . After participants receive a gift , they 're encouraged to return to Reddit and post a public thank you .

  30. 比如,在我测试Addappt时,一个帮我进行测试的同事在她自己的手机上更新了她的家庭住址,短短几分钟内,我手机通讯录里她的名片页就显示出了该新住址。

    For instance , in my tests of Addappt , one of my colleagues who was helping me try it out updated her home address on her own phone , and the new address appeared within minutes on her contact card in my phone 's address book .