
  • 网络Living Area;Accommodation Zones
  1. 建设内容包括:农产品展示区、农产品交易区、农产品信息中心、市场管理区、住宿区、停车场等。

    The construction contents include the exhibition area , trade area and information center of agricultural products , market management area , living area , and parking area , etc.

  2. 住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。

    The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college .

  3. 招待所里有分开的男女住宿区。

    The hostel has separate sleeping areas for each sex .

  4. 男女众不可以到异性的住宿区及其周围。

    Men and women are not allowed in each other 's residences or surrounding areas .

  5. 未经校方同意,学生不可以在校内的住宿区停放机动车。

    Without permission , students may not be allowed to keep motor vehicles at their residence in this university .

  6. 她终止了远足,来到了优胜美地谷的住宿区,在那里喝酒打发时间。

    She aborted her hike and went to the lodge area in Yosemite Valley to get a drink and pass the time .

  7. 住院费使我动用了积蓄中的一大部分。住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。

    The hospital bills have made a large hole in my savings . The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college .

  8. 这里会在期末考试期间搭建出一处面积超大的住宿区,临时的工作台上杂乱地摆放着电脑、线缆、啃了一半的面包圈和已被喝光的红牛饮料空罐。

    The space resembles an oversize dorm room during final exams : Temporary workstations are cluttered with computers , electronics cables , half-eaten doughnuts and empty cans of Red Bull .

  9. 运动会组委会的秘书长布罕纳特在一个记者招待会上说,运动员的住宿区需要一次“彻底的清扫”,但是所有的工作都会准时完成的。

    Lalit Bhanot , secretary general of the organising committee , said in a news conference that the athletes'accommodation needed a " deep cleaning ", but everything would be ready on time .

  10. 这些公园的门票价格略有上升,好处是管理和游客中心的水平有了提升,住宿区和徒步保护区有所扩大,特别是骑行区域。

    Within the parks , visitors are likely to see a nominal increase in entry fees across the board , the upside of which is enhanced programming and visitors " centers , lodging expansion and trail restoration , especially for bike use .

  11. 学校俱乐部离住宿区也不远,同学们可以在此组织各种活动。生活是一所全日制学校,而你则是这里的学生。在这所学校里,每天你都有机会学习到各种课程;

    The club is also not far from the accomodation where students can enjoy their sociable activities . You are enrolled in a full-time school called " life . " Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons .

  12. 住宿:经典住宅区

    SLEEP / / In Classic Quarters