
  • 网络monetization of housing distribution;monetize housing distribution
  1. 实行住房分配货币化是深化住房制度改革的核心,必将向住房商品化迈出决定性的一步。

    To monetize housing distribution is the core of deepening housing reform and a decisive step toward housing commercialization .

  2. 住房分配货币化的风险与抉择

    The Risk of Monetization of Housing Distribution and Its Choice

  3. 住房分配货币化与高校工资改革

    Monetary Allotting Dwelling and the Reform of Wage System at Institutes of Higher Learning

  4. 企业住房分配货币化浅议浅谈实行住房分配货币化对住房市场的影响

    Simple discussion on the effect of the housing market of implementing monetization of housing allocation

  5. 分配制度改革刍议论住房分配货币化

    Discusses on the distribution system reform

  6. 积极稳妥地推进高校住房分配货币化,是高校改革与发展的重要组成部分。

    Steady forwarding of the Monetarilized Housing Allocation is one of the important parts of university reform and development .

  7. 住房分配货币化进程对房产、房、备的折旧计提怎样例证了配比原则?

    Capitalization process of housing distribution / allocation How is recognizing depreciation for PP & E an example of the Matching Principle ?

  8. 从1998年住房分配货币化开始,房地产业全面开始市场化运作,迎来了一个蓬勃发展的新时期。

    Since house assignment became monetization in 1998 , a comprehensive real estate market-oriented operation has ushered a new period of vigorous development .

  9. 而城镇住房分配货币化及中国城市化进程的加速是我国房地产业快速发展的推动力量。

    Urban housing assignment currency and the acceleration of Chinese urbanization process is fast promoted the development of real estate industry in our country .

  10. 自从1998年下半年实行住房分配货币化以来,中国房地产业一直在飞速发展之中。

    Since the second half of 1998 when monetization of housing distribution come into force , Chinese real estate industry has been rapidly developing .

  11. 住房分配货币化是我国住房制度改革深化的结果,也是目前高校住房制度改革的核心。

    As a result , housing distribution monetization plays a core role in housing system reform of the nation as well as in colleges and universities .

  12. 运用模型对住房分配货币化、住房补贴和已售公房产权安排给出了新的解释。

    With the application of these models , a new interpretation has been given to the monetization of housing distribution and the arrangement of property right of sold public housing .

  13. 住房分配货币化是我国经济市场化改革的必然选择,更是启动我国新一轮经济增长的重头戏。

    The currency of distributing lodging is inevitable choice toward our country economic marketing reformation , what 's more , it is the key to start the new cyclic economic growth .

  14. 我国于1998年开始实行住房分配货币化,广大城镇居民有了住房商品的概念,标志着房地产行业全面步入市场化时代。

    Majority of urban residents have the concept of home goods since China introduced in Distribution of Housing Monetization in 1998 , it makes Real estate industry entered the era of market-oriented .

  15. 然而,随着1998年的住房分配货币化以来,我国停止福利分房,住房的产权通过货币支出来购买或通过货币支出来建造。

    However , since the capitalization of housing distribution in 1998 , we have stopped the welfare-oriented public housing distribution system and the property right has to be gained by purchasing or building .

  16. 以制度经济学和福利经济学为主的经济学理论方法,对贵州住房分配货币化改革的实践以及产生的绩效进行理论描述和实证分析研究,不难看出其中蕴涵的丰富的经济学内容及其理论价值。

    The practice of the of monetization reform of the housing distribution and its performance is , based on the economics theory approach whose main parts are systematic economics and welfare economics , described theoretically and analyzed in this paper .

  17. 培育住宅消费的途径,从体制上看,虽然住房分配货币化改革对旧的住房分配体制有很大的突破,但本身也存在一些问题,根本的办法是实行住房分配市场化;

    Though the reformation of monetary policy of housing allotment is a breakthrough to the old housing allotment system , systematically , the way to foster housing consumption itself has some problems . Thus , the fundamental way is to put into effect the market policy of housing allotment .

  18. 实行住房分配的货币化,突破了分配制度改革的一个重要领域。

    The replacement of house allocation with house purchasing has made a breakthrough in the reform of the distribution system .

  19. 市场经济的发展客观上要求住房分配的货币化和商品化,这就要求改革中国原有的住房分配制度。

    Because of the development of the market economy , the housing allotment must be the currency turn and commercialization .

  20. 对已实施的住房补贴和住房分配货币化的新解释。

    New interpretation has been put on housing subsidies and monetization of housing distribution .

  21. 推动住房制度改革,实行住房分配货币化,其中最重要的形式之一就是建立住房公积金制度。

    To push the housing system reform and practice the housing allotment currency to turn , one of the most important forms is to build up housing provident fund system .

  22. 从上世纪80年代起,我国开始逐步实施住房体制市场化改革,推进住房分配货币化。

    From 1980s , China gradually began to implement the market-oriented housing finance reformation .

  23. 发展住房消费信贷已经具备了下列条件:住房分配货币化的实行为住房消费信贷的发展提供了有利条件;

    There are several conditions as follows to meet the demand of developing housing consumption credit : the implementation of housing allocation monetization offers the advantageous conditions to develop the housing consumption credit ;

  24. 个人住房贷款是我国福利分房制度向住房分配货币化转变过程中引入的一种金融产品,它是指贷款人向借款人发放的用于购买自用普通住房的贷款。

    Personal real estate loan is a financial product that was brought in during the transformation from the welfare housing allotment system to magnetization of housing allotment . This product refers to the loan made by the credit giver to the credit receiver for purchasing personal common real estate .

  25. 1998年我国加速了住房制度的改革,此次结束了福利分房制度,实现了住房分配向货币化和商品化的转变。

    The housing system reform in 1998 end in welfare housing system , fully completing the change of monetization and commercialization of housing distribution .