
chuán dǎo xì tǒnɡ
  • conducting system
  1. 流行性出血热患者心脏传导系统的病理学观察

    Pathomorphological Observations of Cardiac Conducting System in Patients with Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever

  2. 心肌炎侵及心传导系统病理学观察

    Histopathology of the cardiac conducting system in cases of myocarditis died suddenly

  3. P物质在人心传导系统中的分布

    Distribution of substance P in human cardiac conduction system

  4. G蛋白偶联信号传导系统是一类重要的细胞跨膜信号传导途径之一。

    G protein coupled signal transduction system is one major transmembrane signaling pathways in cell .

  5. 下丘脑神经激素的合成和分泌与G蛋白偶联的信号传导系统有关。

    Synthesis and secretion of neuronal hormones of hypothalamus are associated with G protein linked signalling system .

  6. 结果心传导系统的P细胞(起搏细胞)肿胀、变形,胞质内线粒体肿胀、空泡化。

    Results There were swelling and deformation of pacemaker cells ( p cells ) and mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization in cardiac conduct system .

  7. 结论NF-κB信号传导系统参与了牵张诱导的β-MHC基因表达的调控。

    Conclusion The above data demonstrate that NF κ B signaling system is involved in regulating the stretch induced gene expression of β MHC .

  8. SE2智能型料位探测仪机械传导系统探测器的结构设计

    SE 2 Mechanical Transmission System of Intellectual Material Pile Detector Structural Design of Sounder

  9. 目的探讨Notch信号传导系统的作用机制及其对造血系统的影响。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of Notch signaling transduction system and its effects on hematopoietic system .

  10. 对枸杞多糖(LBP)发挥免疫调节效应的信号传导系统进行探讨。

    Had investigated the immunoregulatory of LBP on lymphocyte signal transduction system in mice .

  11. 蛋白酪氨酸激酶(PTK)信号传导系统参与了烧伤后PMΦiNOS的合成从而影响NO的产生。

    PTK signal system was involved in the NO production by M Φ via affecting the iNOS synthesis after burn injury .

  12. 丝裂素活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activatedproteinKinase,MAPK)级联是细胞内重要的信号传导系统,参与细胞的生长、发育、分化和凋亡。

    Mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) cascades is an important signal transduction system in cell , involved in its growing , generating , differentiation and apoptosis .

  13. 运动和胰岛素对高血糖大鼠骨骼肌JNK和p38信号传导系统的调节作用

    Effects of exercise and insulin on c-Jun NH_2-terminal kinase activity and p38 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of rats with hyperglycemia

  14. 方法对30例患者行食管心房调搏检查,测定三个不同心房BCL下心房、房室传导系统功能和有效不应期,以及静脉注射普罗帕酮后起搏周长对不应期的影响。

    Methods Refractory periods of atrioventricular conduction system were determinated at three cycle lengths in 30 patients with supraventricular tachycardiac history by transesophageal atrial pacing .

  15. 而NO/cGMP(一氧化氮/环磷酸鸟苷)途径作为一种信号传导系统,广泛参与哺乳动物多种生理功能调节。

    At the same time , NO / cGMP pathway , as a signal-transmitting pathway , is extensively involved in the regulation of many physiologic processes .

  16. 应用Amplatzer封堵器治疗室间隔缺损及对心脏传导系统的影响

    Transcatheter closure of perimembranous and muscular ventricular septal defects using the new Amplatzer VSD occluder and the effect of cardiac conductive system

  17. 结论川芎可能是通过调节Bcl-2和Caspase-3基因的表达,影响Caspase凋亡信号传导系统,抑制血管内皮细胞的凋亡,达到治疗的作用,这可能是川芎抑制血管内皮细胞凋亡的分子机制之一。

    CONCLUSIONS Rhizoma chuanxiong probably achieved its treatment purpose by adjusting gene expression of Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 , influencing signal transduction system of Caspase apoptosis and inhibiting apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells .

  18. 这种VSD特殊类型所用的常规缝合方法,是在当前人们对心内传导系统的普遍认识基础上发展而来的。

    The underlying concept of the conventional suturing method for this particular subset of VSD has evolved on the basis of the currently accepted view of the conduction system .

  19. 结论组胺通过H2组胺受体激活HKC相关信号传导系统,从而引起细胞内Ca2+浓度增加。

    Conclusion Histamine can activate correlative signal conduct systems through histamine H_2 receptors on plasma membrane of HKC , and subsequently elevate the free intracellular calcium concentration .

  20. 结论SARSCOV不仅能够感染心肌细胞,而且可感染心脏传导系统中的特化心肌细胞,可引起心脏轻度病毒性心肌炎性改变。

    Conclusions The results showed that SARS-CoV could invade not only cardiomyocytes , but also the specialized cells of heart conduction system , thus resulting in mild viral myocarditis-like pathological changes .

  21. 方法采用本组建立的心脏传导系统(CCS)检查法,对120例心源性猝死者进行常规组织学检查。

    Methods Sampling of cardiac conduction system ( CCS ) designed by the research group was adopted . The CCS of 120 cases died of cardiac sudden deaths were collected for routine histological examination .

  22. 本文利用分形树结构来描述Purkinje纤维传导系统,提出了满足边界条件的分形树生长算法。

    In this paper Purkinje conductive system is described by using the structure of fractal tree s. A fractal tree growing algorithm , that satisfies to boundary condition is presented .

  23. 目的研究成人心传导系统的Mahaim纤维组织形态学特点并探讨其意义。

    Objective To investigate the Mahaim 's fibers of the cardiac conduction system ( CCS ) of human hearts and study their morphological features .

  24. 目的:比较Diltiazem及西地兰-D对房颤心室率控制的安全性和有效率以及对传导系统的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : This randomized study was designed to compare the safety and efficacy of intravenous diltiazem versus intravenous cedilanid-D ( deslanoside ) for ventricular rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation ( AF ) .

  25. 由此可以推论:MENK在与δ阿片受体结合后,可以经过多种信号传导系统来调节细胞功能,从而产生不同的生物效应。

    Coupled with all findings , it might be appraised that MENK could modulate the function of cells via various signal transduction systems and therefore result in different biological effects .

  26. γ-32P-ATP和特异性底物肽检测海马内胰岛素信号传导系统中的关键酶糖原合成酶激酶-3β(Glycogensynthasekinase-3β,GSK-3β)活性。

    The activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3 β( GSK-3 β), a key component of insulin signal transduction pathway and a known tau kinase , in the hippocampus of rats was determined by using γ - 32P-ATP and the specific peptide substrate .

  27. 结果显示:S100阳性的神经组织在心脏传导系统内广泛分布,其含量以窦房结最多,房室结次之,希氏束和束支最少。

    The results showed that S100 positive nerve tissues were abundantly distributed in the cardiac conduction system , and the relative density varied in different regions , the rank order being sinoatrial node > atrioventricular node > bundle of His and bundle branches .

  28. 提示PI-PLC可能参与肿瘤细胞内钙恒稳的变化过程,异搏定的作用可能与磷脂酰肌醇信号传导系统相关。

    The results suggested that PI-PLC involved in changing the process of intracellular calcium homeostasis , and the effect of verapamil was closely associated with the phosphoinositide signaling pathway in the tumor cells .

  29. 甲基莲心碱对兔心内传导系统的影响

    Effects of neferine on the heart conduction system in anesthetized rabbits

  30. 不同剂量瑞芬太尼对心内传导系统的影响

    Effects of remifentanil on heart conduction system of isolated rabbit hearts