
  1. 实验结束后,连续进行3d代谢实验,并收集大鼠的粪便和尿液,分别测定其营养素含量,并计算出肥胖和肥胖抵抗大鼠的营养素消化吸收量。

    Then a three-day metabolism experiment was carried , and feces and urine were collected to measure the fat and protein .

  2. 医用黏合剂ZT胶延缓碘化油在肝脏内代谢实验研究

    Experiment research of ZT glue postpone iodinated oil metabolism in liver

  3. 大鼠按体重随机分为三组,分别饲喂基础饲料,添加亚硒酸钠饲料和贻贝提取物饲料,实验4周后测每组鼠体重并进行代谢实验,收集72h尿及粪,测定硒含量;

    Body weights of the rats were determined and metabolic experiment was conducted after 4 weeks . Urine and feces were collected for 72 hours and their selenium contents were determined .

  4. 砖茶氟在大鼠体内24小时代谢实验观察

    Experimental study of 24-hour metabolism of brick tea fluoride in rats

  5. 12~17岁少年钙代谢实验研究

    Study on calcium metablism among 12-17 years old adolescents

  6. ~(15)N-甘氨酸示踪法在运动动物蛋白质代谢实验中的应用

    The application of 15 N glycine tracer method in protein metabolism in exercising animals

  7. 方法:游泳动物为运动模型,用15N-甘氨酸作为示踪剂,进行蛋白质代谢实验。

    Method : Swimming animals were used as model . 15 N glycine tracer method was applied to study protein metabolism .

  8. 运动骨代谢实验动物特点与动物模型评价&运动骨代谢动物模型研究进展(二)

    Characteristics of exercise-related experimental animals and the evaluating indicators of animal model & The progress of exercise-related animal model on osseous metabolism (ⅱ);

  9. 从人和动物血浆及红细胞膜脂肪酸谱探讨脂质代谢实验模型动物选取

    Selection of Proper Animal Models for Lipid Metabolism Studies in Comparing Fatty Acids Profile of Plasma and Erythrocyte Membrane between Healthy Adult Humans and Animals

  10. 皮肤代谢实验结果表明来氟米特在兔皮肤中能被部分代谢,其代谢机制有待进一步研究。

    The metabolism experiment in rabbit skin showed that leflunomide can be partly metabolized in skin and a further study should be carried out to investigate the metabolism mechanisms .

  11. 大鼠胆固醇代谢实验表明大黄中有效成分主要是通过降低胆固醇的外源吸收从而达到降低血清胆固醇的目的。

    In the rat cholesterol metabolism experiment , it indicated the active ingredient of the rheum can degrade the serum cholesterol of rat mainly by degrading exogenous absorption of cholesterin .

  12. 苯甲酰乌头原碱未以原形方式入血,结合肠道菌群代谢实验结果,证实其要在肠道菌群内代谢后入血。

    Benzoylaconine can not be absorbed into the blood , combined with intestinal flora metabolism experimental results , confirmed its to be absorbed into the blood after metabolismed by intestinal flora .

  13. 本文主要从皂苷药代体内外研究方法、皂苷药代生物样品预处理方法和检测方法等方面,概述了皂苷成分药物代谢实验方法的研究进展情况。

    This paper reviewed current experimental methods on the metabolism of saponins including metabolism of saponins in vitro and in vivo , methods for sample pretreatment and the methods for detection .

  14. 胆红素代谢实验组的总胆红素、直接胆红素、间接胆红素分别下降13.69%、19.85%、10.38%。

    Emodin in group B showed the antiendotoxin effect and obviously elevated the cytoactive of hepatic tissue , and total bilirubin and direct bilirubin in group C decreased by 13.69 % and 19.85 % , respectively .

  15. 目的通过骨代谢实验研究蛇纹石降氟前后砖茶水对机体氟代谢的影响,为探讨蛇纹石降氟在病区人群中应用提供科学依据。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of the defluoridation technique by applying serpentine to people who live in brick-tea-fluorosis district , we have studied the metabolism of fluoride in two kinds of brick-tea liquors before and after defluoridation by serpentine through bone metabolism test lasting three months .

  16. 利用酶测活实验和代谢标记实验,研究表达蛋白的活性和特征,及对细胞磷脂酰胆碱(PC)合成的影响。

    CTP : phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase assay ( CT assay ) and [ 3H ] metabolic labeling experiment were used to study its activity , properties , and the effect on phosphatidylcholine ( PC ) synthesis .

  17. 本文介绍了治疗CRF的新药&包醛氧淀粉的作用机理、毒性、体内代谢分布实验及220例临床研究资料,并和氧化淀粉作了对比。

    Coated aldehyde oxystarch ( CAO ), a new medicine , was used in 220 cases , and its pharmacological mechanis - m , toxicity , internal metabolism and distribution were studied and compared with those of uncoated oxystarch .

  18. 代谢平衡实验未观察到锌的生物利用率受到抑制。

    Metabolic balance study indicated that zinc bioavailability was not inhibited .

  19. 雌激素影响中枢神经递质代谢的实验研究

    The experimental study of effects of estrogen on central neurotransmitters

  20. 脑外伤后血栓素A2及前列环素代谢的实验与临床观察

    An experimental and clinical study on TXA_2 and PGI_2 content after head injury

  21. 鹿茸多肽增强体外培养兔关节软骨细胞代谢的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects of PAP on Metabolism of Chondrocytes Cultured in Vitro

  22. 微透析方法检测万古霉素在玻璃体内代谢的实验研究

    Microdialysis for Pharmacokinetic Studies of Vancomycin in Rabbit Vitreous

  23. 地方性甲状腺肿重患区饮食致大鼠甲状腺肿碘代谢的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Rats Thyroid Iodine Metabolism Induced by Endemic Goiter Area Diet

  24. 产氢光合细菌葡萄糖跨膜传输及代谢特性实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Glucose Transmembrane Transportation and Metabolism of Photosynthetic Bacteria for Hydrogen Production

  25. 静脉皮瓣糖代谢的实验研究

    Experimental study of carbohydrate metabolism of venous flaps

  26. 先锋霉素Ⅴ在兔腰椎间盘内代谢的实验研究

    An experimental study of cephazolin metabolism in the lumbar intervertebral disc of New Zealand rabbits

  27. 大鼠侧脑室注射高渗氯化钠后水、钠代谢的实验研究

    Metabolisms of water and sodium after lateral ventricular injection of hypertonic saline in rats : a experimental study

  28. 成年动物肝细胞基本培养法筛选暨其胆红素代谢活性实验

    Screening of Basic Culture Methods on Adult Animal Hepatocytes and Experimental Study on its Metabolic Activities of Bilirubin

  29. 糖代谢细胞实验方法学及千金黄连丸加味方抗糖尿病作用及其机理研究

    Methodology Research of Glucose Metabolism in Cell Models Anti-diabetic Effects of a Modified Recipe of Qian Jin Huang Lian Pill

  30. 电针、口服中药、针药结合对心肌缺血临床疗效及心肌能量代谢的实验研究

    Changes of the Clinical Effect and Machanism of Myocardial Energy Metabolism by Electroacupuncture 、 Compound Danshen Dripping Pills and Acupuncture Medication Combined in Myocardial Ischemia