
  1. 中国古代国家的产生经历了两个步骤,一是施舍聚民,二是以家代国。

    There are two steps , charity for attracting people and family ruling the country .

  2. 东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。

    In the late East-jin Dynasty , in the wars and conflicts between sixteen kingdoms of five ethnic groups , called Xianbei Tuoba , rose abruptly with great strength .

  3. 以孙巾山为代表的那一代国人,遭遇了传统文化与西方思潮的激烈碰撞,而当代巾国也依然面临着巾西遭遇的问题。

    Represented by Sun Yat-sen , the compatriots of his generation encountered fierce collision of traditional culture and western ideological trend , which is still happening in contemporary China when facing problems between east and west .

  4. 闽开元通宝大铁钱,存在不同的版别,它们是否均为五代闽国钱?

    The big iron coins of Kai Yuan Tong Bao of Min State were produced in several different types .

  5. 从色彩、文字、图案三方面总结出现代我国运动服装品牌包装视觉传达设计的特殊规律。

    Then I educed my original principles of visual communication design on Chinese sportswear brands from three aspects : Colour , Letters and Pattern .

  6. 五代吴越国和南宋王朝都曾在这里建都,因此亦留下了众多的古、近代文物遗址。

    It was capital of the Wu-Yue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties and the South Song Dynasty , and has numerous ancient relics and sites .

  7. 杭州还是中国著名的七大古都之一,五代吴越国和南宋王朝都曾在这里建都。

    Hangzhou is also one of the seven famous ancient chinese capital , Wu and Yue of Five Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty all set capital there .

  8. 三星电子在一份声明中说,今年8月对其代工厂海格国利电子(惠州)有限公司(HEGElectronics(Huizhou)Co.,简称:海格国利)的调查发现,该工厂存在管理不善和潜在不安全操作等若干问题。

    Audits conducted in August at the manufacturing facility of subcontractor HEG Electronics ( Huizhou ) Co. found ' several instances of inadequate management and potentially unsafe practices , ' Samsung said in a statement .

  9. 该锅炉已在洛阳华润热电有限公司顺利投入商业运行,热效率达到91.15%,性能稳定,可靠性高,综合社会效益和经济效益显著,是新一代具有我国自主知识产权的CFB锅炉。

    The thermal efficiency of said boiler has reached to 91.15 % , having stable performance , high reliability , and remarkable comprehensive social and economical benefits , being a CFB boiler of the new generation possessing our own intellectual property right .

  10. 有宋一代,我国雕版印刷进入其黄金时代。

    The carved printing stepped into its golden age in Song Dynasties .

  11. 隋唐五代是我国道教发展最为鼎盛、道教信仰最为迷狂的时期。

    Sui Tang and Five Dynasties were the most prosperous period of the development of Taoism , and people at that time were deeply obsessed with it .

  12. 有商一代,方国林立,商作为天下共主,除了用武力维持其统治地位之外,婚姻也是一重要手段。

    There are many countries in the Shang Dynasty , and Shang is the " Lord of the world . " In addition to the use of force to maintain its dominant position , the marriage is an important tool .

  13. 三代领导人对我国知识分子的阶级分析

    Class Analysis of the Three-generation Leaders of the Party towards Intellectuals

  14. 有宋一代,是我国历史上学术繁荣时期。

    It is a flourishing period in Song Dynasty in Chinese history .

  15. 论三代领导人对我国和平外交政策的发展

    Development of Chinese Foreign Policy of Peace by Three Generations of CCP Leading Groups

  16. 柴达木盆地形成于中新生代,是我国西北地区主要的含油气盆地之一。

    Qaidamu basin is one of the most impotent oil and gas bearing basins in China northwestward .

  17. 论证了代建制在我国铁路建设项目中运用的必要性和可行性。

    The necessity and feasibility of the implementation of construction-agent system in Chinese railway construction project is demonstrated .

  18. 健康的、受过良好教育的一代新人是我国经济、社会可持续发展的保障。

    A healthy and better-educated new generation is a guarantee for sustainable economic and social development of our country .

  19. 下一代互联网给我国提供了一个与世界科技强国平等发展的机会。

    The next generation Internet provided our country with the equal development opportunities with the advanced countries in science and technology all around the world .

  20. 隋唐五代不仅是我国工艺美术史上的黄金时代,同时也是我国包装设计史上的一个辉煌时期。

    Sui , Tang and Five Dynasties were not only the golden ages in Chinese history of arts and crafts , but also the resplendence periods in Chinese packaging design history .

  21. 提出了按地震监测技术系统的主要特征对水库地震监测台网进行分类划代,将我国已建和在建的水库地震监测台网划分为四代。

    According to main characteristics of earthquake monitoring system and classification for network of reservoir induced earthquake monitoring , the existed network and that under construction are classified into four generations .

  22. 本文运用文献、考古和古文字资料分析认为:三代时期,我国绝大多数地区仍为亘古以来的森林、草场所覆盖。

    This article concludes that the most part of China was covered by forests , grasslands in immemorial time based on the analysis of the historical documents , archaeology and ancient writing materials .

  23. 新生代农民工是我国社会转型期出现的特殊群体,因世代继替,已成为进城农民工的主体。

    " Cenozoic migrant workers " are special group that appear in social transformation period in china , due to alternate from generation to generation , has become an important part of migrant workers .

  24. 本文具体分析了郊外居住、择邻而居、各代分居等我国居民住宅消费新观念形成的原因。

    The article has analyzed the reasons specifically which lead to the formation of the residents ' new housing consuming concept such as living in the suburb , each generation living separately , selecting their own neighbours .

  25. 以煤代油是我国一项长期的能源政策,水煤浆作为一种以煤代油技术将发挥其应有作用。

    It is a long-term energy policy to replace oil-fuel by coal in our country . CWM ( coal water mixture ) is a new technology as a substitute for oil-fuel which will have its definite effect .

  26. 在分析国内外建设项目管理模式的基础上,结合对我国工程建设管理现状的分析,提出代建制在我国政府投资工程建设项目中存在的问题和未来展望。

    This paper put forward some existing problems and its prospect of substituting construction model in construction project which invested by government based on analysis of construction management models of in land and abroad and scanning of current situation of construction management in our country .

  27. 代建制在我国的推行解决了政府投资项目传统实施方式的弊端,实现了专业化建设管理,达到了控制投资、提高投资效益和管理水平的目的,取得了一些经验。

    The implementation of agent construction in China conquers the abuse of the traditional ways of government investment projects , achieves professional construction management , secures the end of controlling investment and improving returns of investment and control level and gets a lot of experience .

  28. 公元386年(魏登国元年),拓跋娃乘前秦瓦解之际,在盛乐称代王,重建代国。同年,改国号为魏,史称北魏。

    In 386 , Tuoba Gui set up the state of Dai at Cheng Yue when the Former Qin collapsed and changed Dai into Wei in the same year , which was known as the Northern Wei in history .

  29. 介绍了代建制的概念、代建制模式的理论依据、代建制在我国的产生与发展、代建制在我国的实践情况。

    The concept , theoretical basis , origin and development of the construction-agent system are introduced .

  30. 在论证这一过程中阐述了五代都城功能的转移和完备,以及城市功能的演进,指出五代是我国古代政治重心的转移和城市发展的关键时期。

    Under the discussion of four phases , the parts illustrate the transformation and completion of foundation of Five Dynasties ' capital and its involvement , focusing on that Five Dynasties are a critical period in which ancient Chinese political core transferred and the functions of cities developed .