
rén zhǒnɡ zhì
  • Ethnography;anthropography
  1. 科林•特恩布尔(ColinTurnbull)在1972年出版了一本关于Ik部落的人种志研究著作——《山民》(TheMountainPeople)。这本书提供了一个“贫穷滋生怀疑”的例子。20世纪60年代,乌干达旱灾重创这个流离失所的部落。

    An example of poverty breeding mistrust comes from Colin Turnbull 's ethnographic study The Mountain People ( 1972 ) , about the Ik , a displaced tribe ravaged by Ugandan drought in the 1960s .

  2. 该研究中有三位高中英语教师为主要参与者。本文对他们在新课程话语影响下的教学活动通过人种志(ethnography)和叙述性研究(narrativeinquiry)的方法进行了分析。

    With three English teachers from three senior middle schools as the main participants , this study attempts to make a critical analysis of their life and practices under the impact of New Curriculum discourse through the research methods of ethnography and narrative inquiry .

  3. 这是一个利用人种志方法的定性研究。

    It is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach .

  4. 基于教师专业成长的教育人种志研究

    A Research on Educational Ethnographic on the Basis of Teachers ' Professional Development

  5. 最后一部分综合分析人种志资料分析常用的计算机软件。

    Computer programmes for data analysis in ethnographic research .

  6. 著名的人类学家马林诺夫斯基写过几部特罗布里恩群岛的人种志。

    The famous anthropologist , malinowski , wrote several ethnographies of the Trobriand islands .

  7. 第四部分阐述人种志研究的七个阶段;

    Seven stages of ethnographic research procedures ;

  8. 人种志研究与教师智慧的生成

    Ethnography Study and Production of Teacher Wisdom

  9. 第三部分叙述人种志研究的八个方面的特征;

    Eight characteristics of ethnographic research ;

  10. .【人类学】人种志,人类志,人类地理分布学(根据人类的体质特征、语言、习俗来研究人类的地理分布)

    The branch of anthropology that deals with the geographical distribution of specific human cultures . n

  11. 人种志方法与课堂研究

    Ethnography Method and Classroom Research

  12. 因此,本论文采用的研究方法是教育叙事研究法、教育人种志研究、教育观察法。

    Therefore , this paper uses the Educational narrative method study , methods of Education human race and Educational observation .

  13. 接着对西方学者在相似历史背景下所作的流动人口的教育人种志研究作了介绍,并由此引入我的人种志研究。

    Then it introduces the western scholars ' ethnographic research on education of floating population under a similar historical background .

  14. 教学行为分析的主要方法有课堂观察法、课堂语言行为互动分析法和人种志方法。

    Several methods like classroom observation , interactive analysis of classroom speech act and ethnography may be adopted in analysis of instructional behaviors .

  15. 本论文主要采用人种志的研究方法,对北京市海淀区某所职业学校学生的学校生活进行了描述和分析。

    The thesis mainly adopts ethnography research to describe and analyze the student ' sschool life world of a vocational school in Beijing .

  16. 在人种志事态博客中,她写道,地位较高或年长的男人似乎更喜欢站在电梯轿厢的后面。

    In a blog for Ethnography Matters , she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator cabins .

  17. 20世纪80年代兴起的关于教育人种志的理论探讨与反思,使得该研究方法的应用范围逐渐向纵深发展,并诞生了学校教育人种志。

    The discussion and reflection on educational ethnography in the 80s of the 20th century deepened its research area and resulted in the birth of the schooling ethnography .

  18. 基于1994~2002年对上海青年性文化所做的人种志研究,通过符号互动论来阐释有风险的性行为。

    Based on ethnographic research on youth sex culture in Shanghai from 1994 to 2002 , this paper outlines a symbolic interaction approach to understanding risky sexual behaviors .

  19. 一些教育研究者提倡人种志研究方法特别实用于对学校或课堂教学,这样相对局限的系统作经验研究。

    At present , many research fellow advocate the Ethnographic Research Methods can be used in school and class teaching , to study the limited system with experienced method .

  20. 而若能不囿于先前量的研究方法的一些评判标准,就能更清晰地了解教育人种志的优点和不足。

    If the judging standards aren 't restricted within the narrow limits of those of quantitative research method , the advantages and disadvantages of educational ethnography will be more distinct .

  21. 教育人种志是教育研究对人种志的一种借用,它具有人种志的根本特征和研究规范,又体现了教育研究的学科特色。

    As an application of ethnography to the educational research , educational ethnography has the basic characters and research rules of ethnography as well as the subject features of educational research .

  22. 我的研究思路是基于个案的思考,因此我采用了人种志研究、访谈法、经验总结法、文献法等研究方法,当然也没完全摈弃量的研究。

    My research thought is based on case study , therefore I have used research methods such as ethnography study , interview , experience summary and literature study without discarding quantification research .

  23. 随着质的研究方法在教育研究中的兴盛以及教育人类学的诞生,教育人种志于20世纪60、70年代逐渐成型,并在正规教育中得到了广泛的运用。

    Along with the flourish of the qualitative research method in educational research and the birth of educational anthropology , educational ethnography came into being and was applied extensively into normal education in the 60-70s of the 20th century .

  24. 作者基于个人的学术背景和研究兴趣,在一所学校的一个班级里开展了对班级道德生活的人种志研究,试图呈现班级道德生活的一系列剖面。

    The author has performed an ethnography study on moral life of a class in a school , based on personal academic background and research interest , attempting to show a series of profiles of moral life in the class .

  25. 在几十年的发展历程中,教育人种志曾受多种理论流派的影响,从而形成了观点各异、策略不同的三种类型:传统教育人种志、交流教育人种志和批判教育人种志。

    During its history of several decades , educational ethnography was affected by many schools and evolved into three categories which have different standpoints and strategies , namely traditional ethnography in education , educational ethnography of communication and critical ethnography in education .

  26. 女性主义教育研究方法是对现有多种教育研究方法的女性主义方式的运用,这主要体现在实验法、人种志和元分析等研究方法上;

    The feminist research methods in education is the application of a variety of the existing research methods of education in feminist modes by the feminist educational researchers from the feminist perspective , which are mainly embodied in experimentation , ethnography and meta-analysis .

  27. 从量化研究上实证的不确定性和通过加利福尼亚人种志的质性研究结果两个方面,来说明当前美国公立学校中单一性别教育所面临的挑战,并具体分析了影响其未来发展的因素。

    In this part we will illustrate the challenges that contemporary single-sex education in American public schools are facing and will detail the factors that affect its future development from two aspect that the emprical ambiguity and the results of California ethnographic qualitative study .

  28. 自20世纪初人种志在西方人类学中确立其方法霸主地位之后,一些人类学家和社会学家开始于20世纪30&50年代将人种志运用于教育研究,从而萌发了教育人种志的雏形。

    After ethnography achieved its hegemony of research method in the west anthropology at the turning of the 20th century , several anthropologists and socialists tried to apply it to education research in the 30-50s of the 20th century . Therefore educational ethnography began to bud .

  29. 我选取了上海市卢湾区S中学作为研究田野,2003年10月正式进入研究田野,以一种人种志研究的取势,采用参与观察、访谈的研究方式,展开对学校升旗仪式的田野调查。

    I selected S middle school of Lu Wan , Shanghai as my objective of field research . In October , 2003 I began the field research on flag 's raising ritual of schools with an attitude of anthropology researching and researching way of participation observation and interview .

  30. 在“人种志事态”博客中,她写道,地位较高或年长的男人似乎更喜欢站在电梯轿厢的后面。她写道:“站在老年男人前面的是年轻一些的男人,站在年轻男人前面的是各个年龄段的女人。”

    In a blog for Ethnography Matters , she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator cabins . She said : ' In front of them were younger men , and in front of them were women of all ages . '