
rén jì
  • human relations
  • interpersonal
  • human
人际 [rén jì]
  • [human] 人与人之间

  • 人际交往

  1. Acme拥有各种部门,包括:客户关系管理(customerrelationshipmanagement,CRM)、产品设置和维护、销售和市场、供应链和后勤,以及人际关系。

    Acme has various departments , including : customer relationship management ( CRM ), product setup and maintenance , sales and marketing , supply chain and logistics , and human relations .

  2. 本人具有良好的人际关系技巧,能够组织,制定和实施EBS培训计划。

    I possess good human relations skills and be able to organize , develop , and deliver EBS training program .

  3. 拥有良好的人际关系对我最为重要。

    Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me .

  4. 对重视人际关系的人,护理工作很有吸引力。

    Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities .

  5. 情感冲突可以动摇哪怕是最牢固的人际关系的基础。

    Emotional conflict may shake the foundations of even the strongest relationship .

  6. 也许其诚实值得称道,但在处理人际关系方面却是个失败。

    Full marks for honesty , perhaps , but a fail for diplomacy .

  7. 她很擅长处理人际关系,能够胜任管理一个团队。

    She has very good people skills and is able to manage a team .

  8. 人际交往技巧的培训非常必要。

    Training in interpersonal skills is essential .

  9. 我的意思是它是一种人际关系,就如同婚姻也是一种人际关系一样。

    I mean , it 's a relationship , the same as a marriage is a relationship

  10. 商人们聚集在一起寻求创意、建议、人际关系等,以便能比计算机领先一步。

    Businessmen cluster together to get ideas , tips , personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer .

  11. 最近30年里,男性和女性在个人期望、社会角色和人际关系方面都发生了180度的大转变。

    In the last 30 years , both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations , roles and relationships .

  12. 在任何人际关系中,都得互相忍让。

    In any relationship , there has to be some give-and-take .

  13. 我母亲很会处理人际关系。

    My mother was so clever in social matters .

  14. 一个更有力的批评是他把道德规范简化为人际关系。

    A more telling criticism is that he reduces ethics to interpersonal relationships .

  15. 本身较少涉及人际关系的科目,如数学,可以通过团队解决问题和同伴辅导的方式获得其社交方面。

    Less inherently interpersonal subjects , such as math , could acquire a social aspect through team problem solving and peer tutoring .

  16. 学者、培训师和管理者如此普遍地强调在工作中培养亲密人际关系的重要性,这会使你十分意外,如果你仔细想想的话。

    This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work .

  17. 还有处理人际关系的法则。

    There are also rules dealing with interpersonal relationships .

  18. 审视一下你的人际网络。

    Take a look at your own network .

  19. 你可能需要从鼓励你当前的人际网络开始,帮助你识别你的盲点。

    You may need to start by encouraging your current network to help you identify your blind spots .

  20. 我们依旧需要人文关怀或是人际交往,尤其当人们抑郁的时候。

    " We do still need the human touch or the human interaction , particularly when people are depressed . "

  21. 伤害你所在群体或者你生活中的其他人,破坏人际关系,会给自己招致一种精神创伤。

    That damaging other people in your community and in your life , trashing relationships , results in a kind of self-inflicted spiritual wound .

  22. 但据亚里士多德——柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的老师——所说,大多数的人际关系都算不上是真正的友谊。

    But according to Aristotle — a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great — most relationships don 't qualify as true friendships .

  23. 所以退后一步,关掉自动驾驶仪,真正停下来反思我们的重要事务我们的价值观和我们的人际关系等等。

    " So take a step back , switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities , our values , and our relationships . "

  24. "讨人喜欢的人"能与他人友好相处,增进校园友谊,提高人际交往能力,这种品质在早期开发后可以在生活和工作中得到广泛应用。

    The likables ' plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships , jump-start interpersonal skills and , when tapped early , are employed ever after in life and work .

  25. 报告发现,如果年轻人不快速、全天候地回复社交媒体的帖子,他们就会感觉自己的人际关系出现了漏洞。

    The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond to social media posts quickly , and around the clock .

  26. 谦虚的人有更好的人际关系,也能够更清楚地看到生活中的幸福!

    Humble people have better relationships and see life 's blessings much more clearly !

  27. 同时,那些有感性需求、要求优秀的人际沟通能力的工作不会被人工智能所取代。

    Meanwhile , jobs that require feelings , excellent communication skills with people will not be replacedby AI .

  28. 我想这完全可以证明我有很好的人际关系技巧。

    I think that is the strongest evidence of my interpersonal skills .

  29. 你最大的资本就是你的人际关系。

    Your biggest asset is your network . —— Eddie M.

  30. 要求社交隔离的疫情期间不是建立人际网络的一个好时机。

    A pandemic which requires social distancing is not a great moment for building your network .