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  1. 林前九7有谁当兵,曾自备粮饷?

    1 cor.9:7 what soldier ever serves by his own wages ?

  2. 请开快一点。我九点有个约会。

    Please drive quickly . I have an appointment at 9:00 .

  3. 索伦给他们了九枚有着强大力量的戒指。

    Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them nine rings of power .

  4. 政府说道生产率在七月、八月以及九月份有很大提升。

    The government says productivity jumped in July , August and September .

  5. 离这东边九英里有一座村庄。

    There 's an Inuit village about nine miles east of here .

  6. 您明早九点有个早餐会。

    You have a breakfast meeting tomorrow at nine .

  7. 噢,糟糕。我还以为九点有一班飞机呢。

    Oh dear . I was sure there was a plane at nine .

  8. 数字包括零到九,有十种不同的颜色。

    Including zero through nine , the numbers come in ten different colors .

  9. 我每九天有两天休息。

    I get two days off every nine days .

  10. 九天前有个男子在少女岩的海面上淹死了。

    The man that was drowned nine days ago off Maiden 's rock .

  11. 我想九点有一架班机飞往广州,不过最好核实一下。

    I think an airplane starts for Guangzhou at9 , but you 'd better make sure .

  12. 交警九哥有个习惯,只在马路中央疾走。

    Make the police nine brother has a habit , just in the middle of the road .

  13. 结果表明:九华山有药用植物约810种包括种级以下单位、药用动物约90种、药用矿物5种。

    In Jiuhua Mountain , there are about 810 species medicinal plants , 90 species medicinal animals and 5 kinds of mineral ones .

  14. 多谢特别温暖柔和的满月的帮助,五月九日有一个华丽的社交活动临时出现在你的日程表中。

    A terrific social event may dot your calendar within four days of May9 , thanks to an especially warm and tender full moon .

  15. 九月份,有消息称,首次有一种疫苗表现出防止HIV感染的能力。

    In September , there was news that a vaccine showed some ability to prevent H.I.V.infection in humans for the first time .

  16. 他们在九个州有分会。

    They 've set up shop in over nine states .

  17. 她在九层楼上有一套房子。

    She had an apartment on the ninth floor .

  18. 我们在星云九号上有陆战队员。

    You have Marines on cloud nine .

  19. 这九年里有哪一桩具体事件,让他一提起就感到无与伦比的自豪?

    What specific thing can he point to with singular pride from his first nine seasons ?

  20. 九榆树这儿有很多好餐馆,但这个是比其他的都好。

    Nine elms is full of good restaurants but this one is a cut above the rest .

  21. 除中国外,目前全球仅有九家动物园有大熊猫,其中三家在欧洲。

    Only nine zoos outside China currently house the animals , three of which are in Europe .

  22. 总的来说,实验结果支持所提出的模型,模型中提出的九个假设有六个得到了验证。

    Six of the nine hypotheses were supported , which suggested the empirical data supported the proposed model .

  23. 这九场比赛有六场打平&他们也和富勒姆以及桑德兰一道成为同期平局最多的英超球队。

    Six of those games have ended in draws-the most in the top-flight along with Fulham and Sunderland .

  24. 但九人中有七人进入执法下一阶段比赛的16名裁判之列。

    But seven of those nine made the cut to 16 referees for the next stage of play .

  25. 分析报告发现,在从这些国家出发的乘客预计前往的目的地中,前九位中有六个是非洲其他地方。

    It found that six of the top nine estimated destinations for travelers from these countries were elsewhere in Africa .

  26. 当然,明早九点她有化学考试,我得帮她再复习一次。

    Sure , tomorrow she will have chemistry exam , and I will take over the theory with her once more .

  27. 再次感谢我们的杜校长。大会第九项:有请我们的一年级新生代表发言!

    Ninth item of the school opening ceremony : let 's welcome the representer of the new students to give a speech .

  28. 那年母亲九岁,有一天深夜她醒过来,透过后院的窗户向外面看去。

    When my mom was nine , she woke up in the middle of the night to look outside the window into the backyard .

  29. 通过调查得知,浙江西部的衢州九华山共有野生蕨类植物103种,隶属于29科,53属。

    Investigations demonstrated that there are 103 species of wild pteridophyte , which belong to 53 genera 0f 29 families in Jiuhuashan of west Zhejiang .

  30. 观察大约克夏母猪10个胎次,每胎次40窝,发现其断奶至发情配种天数,从第九胎开始有明显减少;

    According to the observations on 40 litters in ten births of Large Yorkshire sows , the period from weaning to oestrus began to shorten remarkably at the ninth birth .