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  1. 本文主要回顾了新技术室这些年来的主要工作。

    In this paper , main work in this laboratory are introduced .

  2. 我们有一间新电脑室!

    Zip : We have a new computer room !

  3. 新舞蹈室会不会请旧工人?

    Will your new studio keep their old staff ?

  4. 要开始设计你的新游戏室,考虑你想要的房间是什么样。

    To begin the design of your new games room , consider what you want to accomplish with the room .

  5. 梅德尔赛克斯医院已经延迟了其中一个分院的新急诊室的建设至少一年半。

    Middlesex has chosen to delay a new emergency room at one of his hospitals for at least a year and half .

  6. 你有兴趣和其他几位妈妈一起共赏《乱世佳人》吗?在我家的新放映室哦。

    Uh , if you want , some of the moms are gonna stay and watch " Gone with the wind " in my new screening room .

  7. 斯蒂夫-波恩和阿尔韦恩-朱在轨道运行平台以外花了6个半小时进行维修;安装一个新储存室,取走一台有故障的冷却液泵。

    Steve Bowen and Alvin Drew spent six-and-a-half hours outside the orbiting platform , preparing it for the installation of a new store room and moving a faulty coolant pump .

  8. 该新试验室将开展活性药物成分和新制剂的稳定性研究,这将缓解公司对新产品的全球需求。

    The new lab will conduct stability studies , including studies on active pharmaceutical ingredients and novel formulations , which will support regulatory requirements for new products around the world .

  9. 该系统主机采用组态软件做控制软件,它取代了原来的人工控制台,并在距离原控制室近千米外的新控制室实现了远程控制和原控制台现场信号的再现。

    The mainframe of the system adopts configuration software as the control software , replacing the man control and can be used for remote control from 1000 meters away from the new control room .

  10. 不管在何时更改了会议的地点或添加了新的会议室,Notes将会自动地安排预定。

    If , at any point , you change the location of the meeting or add another room , Notes automatically reschedules the reservation .

  11. Brugada综合征新特征-室间隔运动异常

    Interventricular septum motion abnormalities-new characteristics of Brugada Syndrome

  12. RQL新概念燃烧室气动特性的数值研究

    Numerical study on aerodynamic characteristics of RQL new concept combustor

  13. 南京铁路新客站地下室防水施工

    Anti water Construction of Basement of Nanjing New Passenger Railway Station

  14. 新概念燃烧室应用高温空气燃烧技术的数值模拟

    The numerical simulation of HiTAC technology apply in new conceptual combustor

  15. 我们学校去年建造了一个新的电脑室。

    Last year , a new computer room was built in our school .

  16. 走进新的更衣室,我对新的挑战感到激动。

    I was excited by the fact it was a fresh challenge for me .

  17. 我们有一个新的计算机室。

    We have a new computer room .

  18. 医院已呼吁各种志愿组织帮助为新的手术室募集资金。

    The hospital has asked various voluntary organizations to help raise money for the new operation room .

  19. 目的:探讨新时期手术室护理风险的应对措施。

    Objective : To discuss the settlement measures of nursing risks for operation room in new period .

  20. 一项新的左室不同步指标在预测心脏再同步化治疗后心室重构逆转中的作用

    Utility of a new left ventricular asynchrony index as a predictor of reverse remodelling after cardiac resynchronization therapy

  21. 以此为依据,设计了新的反应室结构,并对新的设计进行了模拟计算,材枓生长结果验证了设计的合理性。

    A HVPE reactor configuration was designed on the basic of optimized configuration , which was verified over experiment .

  22. 补救措施可能相当于对初始请求进行修改,比如根据协商结果发出新的会议室请求。

    The remedy might be equivalent to modified original requests , such as new meeting room requests for the negotiated outcome .

  23. 我的房间在新的医务室盖好前,被用来当做传染病房的大楼里。

    My room is up in a tower that used to be the contagious ward before they built the new infirmary .

  24. 方法对某工厂从事噪声作业的人员在旧测听室与新测听室检查结果进行比较。

    Methods We compare the hearing-check results in the old audition-checking room with those in the new audition-checking room in one-factory workers who work in the noise workshop .

  25. 芙拉并非第一个伊斯兰娃娃,但却是第一个如此轰动当地市场的伊斯兰娃娃。自从两年前由阿酋新男孩设计室设计出来后到现在,销量大约已经有二百万了。

    Fulla is not the first Islamic doll but none of her predecessors ( 10 ) have taken the regional market by storm like she has , selling some two million since its creation two years ago by the Emirates-based NewBoy Design Studio .

  26. 该实验台由制冷机组,空气处理箱,新回风混合室,变频风机,静压控制单元,压力无关型变风量末端,散流器等组成。

    The test rig was composed of a refrigerating unit , an air-handling chamber , an air-mixing chamber , a variable-frequency fan , a supply air static-pressure control unit , three pressure-independent VAV box and diffusers etc. The test rig was of direct-expansion refrigeration type .

  27. 博物馆正在修建新的来宾接待室。

    The museum is building a new reception centre for visitors .

  28. 通过利用多Agent、语义Web、上下文觉察和逻辑推理等技术,参考早期的普适计算系统,提出了一个新的智能会议室系统模型。

    Taking advantages of the technologies of multi-agent system , Semantic Web , context-aware and logical inference , consulting earlier pervasive computing system , a new model of Smart Meeting Room ( SMR ) was presented .

  29. 他最新发行的录音室专辑是在2011年与重金属乐队Metallica合作完成的《Lulu》。

    His most recently released recorded album was Lulu , a 2011 collaboration with heavy metal act Metallica .

  30. 由新设计的涡流室镶块所构成的球锥形平底涡流室称QZ型涡流室式燃烧室。

    The sphere-cone-flat bottom swirl chamber made of new designed swirl chamber insert is called the QZ-type swirl chamber .