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  1. 高锰酸钾溶液药浴加硼酸湿敷治疗天疱疮效果观察

    Effect of Potassium Manganate Bath and Boric Acid Compression on Pemphigus

  2. 试验组:术后即与冰袋持续冷敷膝关节,每隔6小时更换一次冰袋,持续冰敷7天,配合术后康复锻炼。

    Treatment group : continuous cold with cold packs after the postoperative , every 6 hours to replace an ice pack , continuous ice for 4 days , with the postoperative rehabilitation exercises .

  3. 最好用热毛巾敷,1天敷两次,每次15分钟。

    Better put hot towels on it , twice a day and fifteen minutes for each time .

  4. 每次敷贴时间均达6~8h,每天敷贴1次,连续敷贴30天。

    Each applicator time reached 6-8h , 1 day Applicator , 30 days continuous external application .