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  1. 看哪,你们的家要成为荒场,留给你们。

    Behold , your house is left to you desolate .

  2. 当然那墓草是长得很高了,而且荒了,还说什么花瓶,恐怕鲁迅先生的瓷半身像也要被荒了的草埋没到他的胸口。

    The tomb must have been overgrown with wild grass and the porcelain bust of Mr. Lu Xun buried up to the chest , not to mention what would have happened to the pot .

  3. 我要使地成为荒场,住在其上的仇敌就因此诧异。

    I will lay waste the land , so that your enemies who live there will be appalled .

  4. 要解决“民工荒”问题,就必须从政府、企业及民工三方面着手,尽量缩小劳动力供需双方知觉上存在的偏差。

    To solve the problem of farmer-turned worker shortage , we should start with the government , enterprises and workers , reduce the perceptional bias from both sides of labor supply and demand .