
wū tuō bāng
  • Utopia
乌托邦 [wū tuō bāng]
  • [Utopia] 本是英国空想社会主义者莫尔(Thomas More)所著书名的简称。作者在书里描写了他所想像的没有阶级的幸福社会,并把这种社会叫做乌托邦,意即没有的地方。后来就用乌托邦指不能实现的理想

乌托邦[wū tuō bāng]
  1. 我们并不是要设计一个现代乌托邦。

    We weren 't out to design a contemporary utopia .

  2. 国家航天局表示,“祝融号”火星车将继续向乌托邦平原南部的古海陆交界地带行驶,实施拓展任务。据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relaycommunication)。

    The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks .

  3. 他对大自然怀有一种极为纯粹的乌托邦式看法。

    His was a utopian vision of nature in its purest form .

  4. 他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的乌托邦之梦。

    He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity

  5. 这种乌托邦式的梦想根本不可能实现。

    This Utopian dream is far beyond the range of possibility .

  6. 他们通常会把乌托邦式的梦想与“真理”混为一谈。

    Often , utopian dreams can be confused for " The Truth . "

  7. 社会工程”这个词已被乌托邦主义者毫无理由地盗用了。

    The expression'social engineering'has been usurped by the Utopianist without a shadow of light . “

  8. 他的乌托邦不是空想的联邦,而是对那些已经存在的联邦实际改进

    His utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists .

  9. 事实上,爱德华·贝拉密早在1887年便在他的乌托邦小说《回顾》中描述了持卡消费的理念。

    In fact , the concept4 of using a card for purchases was described in 1887 by Edward Bellamy in his utopian (

  10. 我国航天科研人员已经在火星上的“乌托邦平原”南部选定了一块相对平坦的区域作为着陆点。

    Chinese space engineers and scientists have chosen a relatively flat region in the southern part of the Utopia Planitia , a large plain , as the potential landing zone .

  11. CreativeCommons在中国的本土化:彼岸花还是乌托邦?

    Localization of Creative Commons in China : Flower over the Coast or Utopia ?

  12. 没有XML和要添加的内容头部,请求体中没有要发送的数据;换句话说,这就是Ajax的乌托邦。

    There 's no XML or content headers to add , no data to send in the body of the request & this is Ajax Utopia , in other words .

  13. 来自阿富汗的电影《乌托邦》(Utopia)因为有太多英语对白而落选学院奖名单。

    A film from Afghanistan , " Utopia , " was disqualified by the Academy since it was deemed to have too much English-language dialogue .

  14. 尤戈。盖达(YegorGaidar):这是一个空洞的市场改良乌托邦。

    YEGOR GAIDAR : It is a pseudo market utopia .

  15. Sikania其最古老的民族,对古希腊人来说,西西里就是Sikelia,柏拉图的乌托邦社会。

    Sikania to its most ancient peoples , Sicily was Sikelia , Plato 's utopian society , to the ancient Greeks .

  16. 一个多世纪以前,社会学家维尔纳桑巴特(wernersombart)解释了社会主义在美国缺乏吸引力的原因,他得出的结论是“在烤牛肉和苹果派上面,一切社会主义的乌托邦都烟消云散了”。

    Over a century ago the sociologist Werner Sombart explained the lack of appeal of socialism in the us with the observation that " all socialist utopias have foundered on roast beef and apple pie " .

  17. 路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的主席、首席执行官贝尔纳·阿尔诺(BernardArnault)微笑着坐在蒙田大道这个奢侈购物乌托邦高层的镶木会议室里。

    High above the luxury shopping utopia that is the Avenue Montaigne in Paris , Bernard Arnault , the 65-year old chairman and chief executive of LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , was sitting in a wood-paneled conference room and smiling .

  18. 在这样一种条件下,马尔库塞提出了自己的拯救理论&乌托邦革命论。

    Marcuse raised his salvation theory - " Utopia " progressivism .

  19. 《乌托邦》与圣经暨莫尔的宗教观

    Utopia & the Bible , and More 's Views on Religion

  20. 最后,女性乌托邦静静地在诗意的理想里死去。

    Finally , the female utopia died in Poetic ideals silently .

  21. 他们长期抱有的伟大的乌托邦式的梦想

    The great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long

  22. 从天堂到地狱:反面乌托邦小说对乌托邦的解构

    From Heaven to Hell : Deconstruction of Utopia by Dystopian Fictions

  23. 《羊的门》的家族神话与悲剧性反讽&陷落的乌托邦

    The Clan Myth and Tragedy Satire of Door of Sheep-Sunk Utopia

  24. 这些品质似乎是一份长长的、甚至是乌托邦式的清单。

    That seems like a long , even Utopian , list .

  25. 道德乌托邦在社会主义现代化中的边界和意义

    The Boundary and Significance of the Moral Utopia in Socialist Modernization

  26. 听起来你把这里当成了自己的乌托邦。

    It sounds like you got yourself a little Utopia here .

  27. 乌托邦主义的政治人士提出了很高的期望,但他们只会让人们失望。

    Utopian politicians raise high expectations that they can only disappoint .

  28. 另外还应消除任何乌托邦的教育理念。

    Third , any Utopian educational concept should be avoided .

  29. 技术时代与美学乌托邦的魅力&以《边城》中的湘西世界为例

    The Times of Technology and the Charm of Aesthetic Utopia

  30. 因特网的分析索引:乌托邦的梦想

    Dreams of Utopia : an Analytical Index to the Internet