
  • 网络Natural ecosystem
  1. 多氯联苯(PCBs)是一种严重的环境污染物,它不断威胁着自然生态系统和人类健康。

    Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) are serious environmental pollutants that threaten both the natural ecosystem and human health .

  2. 工业化进程以来,以CO2为主的温室气体排放日益增多,由此带来的气候变化,如全球变暖、海平面上升和降水变化,给自然生态系统和人类社会以及经济系统都带来了不可预测的风险。

    Climate change , deduced by massive greenhouse gas emission , has brought unpredictable risks on natural ecosystem and socio-economic systems by means of global warming , sea-level rise and the change of precipitation .

  3. 他还撰写文章,希望更多的人加入到保护自然生态系统的行列中来。

    He also writes articles , hoping that more people will join in protecting natural ecosystems .

  4. 循环经济(circulareconomy)是一种建立在物质不断循环利用基础上的经济发展模式,要求经济活动按照自然生态系统的模式,组织成一个资源产品再生资源的物质反复循环流动的过程。

    Circular Economy is a economical developing model which base on the continually recycling of substances , and it demand that economical activities should follow natural ecosystem model , in order to make up a " Recourse Product Renewable resource " nonstop circulation moving process of substances .

  5. 以生态工业园为代表的产业生态系统(IndustrialEcosystem,简称IES)是模仿自然生态系统的结构、机理而构建的区域性人工经济系统,是当前世界范围内可持续发展的重要实践形式。

    As an important practical form of sustainable development in the world , Industrial Ecosystem ( IES ) represented by Eco - Industrial Park is an artificial regional economic system to simulate structure and mechanism of natural ecological system .

  6. 在综述国内外全球变化工作的基础上,分析了未来CO2加倍、全球变暖对农业与森林、陆地自然生态系统、海平面与海岸带、水资源、能源与人类健康的影响。

    Based on collection of most of research of global change , the impact of global change on agriculture , forest , terrestrial natural ecological system , sea level , coast zone , water resouces , and human health was analyzed .

  7. 以山东鲁北EIP的硫元素代谢网络为例进行了深入的案例研究,并在几个工业生态系统和自然生态系统案例之间进行横向比较,研究结果表明方法的有效性。

    To validate the effectiveness of these indicators , the sulfur element metabolism network in Lubei EIP was taken as major case study . Comparison among several other natural ecosystem and IES cases were carried out in addition .

  8. 本文对B2B在线支付产业现状的分析,运用自然生态系统及商业生态系统理论发现构建B2B在线支付生态系统的必要性和可行性,并辨析了B2B在线支付生态系统与电子商务生态系统的不同之处。

    Through the analysis of the status of B2B online payment industry , combining with the theory of natural ecosystems and business eco-system , discovers the necessity and feasibility of building a B2B online payment eco-system . And discuss the differences between B2B e-commerce and B2B online payment ecosystem .

  9. 自然生态系统中含硫气体的产生机理与环境归趋

    Source mechanisms and environmental fate of sulfur gases from terrestrial ecosystem

  10. 自然生态系统响应气候变化的脆弱性评价研究进展

    Research advances in vulnerability assessment of natural ecosystem response to climate change

  11. 区域集群创新系统与自然生态系统具有同构性特征。

    Regional cluster innovation system has similarity in terms of internal structure .

  12. 生物固氮是自然生态系统中氮的主要来源。

    Biological fixation is a main resource of nitrogen in natural ecosystem .

  13. 城市生态系统有着不同于自然生态系统的特点,它以人为主体,人工生态系统居主导地位。

    Urban ecosystem is different to natural ecosystems because it is human-oriented .

  14. 与此同时,人类社会对自然生态系统的影响和改变也是巨大的。

    Meanwhile , natural ecosystem had to change a lot for human .

  15. 地球上的自然生态系统起着一种缓冲的作用。

    The world 's natural ecosystems act as a buffer .

  16. 洛根将面向更多的自然生态系统。

    Logan would be oriented to more natural systems .

  17. 全球技术&自然生态系统的自调节与人类生产技术实践的控制

    The Self-Regulation of Global Techno-Nature Ecosystem and Control over Man 's Labor-Techno Practice

  18. 气候变化对人类自然生态系统和社会系统产生了重要影响。

    Climate change has profound ramifications on human natural ecological and social system .

  19. 修复河流自然生态系统,建设六安生态城市

    Rehabilitation River Natural Ecosystem , Construction Lu'an Eco-city

  20. 无锡市自然生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services in Wuxi City

  21. 地球生态系统大体包括自然生态系统、社会生态系统、精神生态系统;

    It mainly includes natural ecological system , social ecological system and spirit-ecological system .

  22. 人类对自然生态系统负有直接的、终极的道德责任和义务。

    Mankind has a direct , ultimate moral responsibility and duties to the ecosystem .

  23. 如同自然生态系统一样,高新技术生态系统始终处于动态的发展之中。

    Just like nature ecosystem , the hi-tech ecosystem is always in the dynamic development .

  24. 这种耕地的增长是自然生态系统遭破坏的主要原因。

    The expansion of agricultural land is a major cause of damage to natural ecosystems .

  25. 对比研究了城市系统与自然生态系统物质代谢的主要差别。

    Major differences in metabolism between urban system and natural system are compared and studied .

  26. 在当前人类有组织的所有活动中,矿物开采对自然生态系统的影响最为深远。

    Mining is the most profound human activities impacted on the natural ecological system now .

  27. 按人为影响程度不同,可将南大港湿地生态系统划分为自然生态系统和半人工生态系统。

    Its ecosystem can be divided into two parts : natural ecosystem and semi-artificial ecosystem .

  28. 和谐生态与和谐社会分别标志着自然生态系统和人类社会系统的不同状态。

    As we all know , harmonious ecology is a different word from harmonious society .

  29. 异龄林既是一个自然生态系统,又是一个复杂的森林经营系统。

    Uneven-aged forest is not only a natural ecosystem , but a complicated forest management system .

  30. 构成自然生态系统的生物种,通常表现有较大范围的遗传变异性。

    The species that make up natural ecosystems usually display a wide range of genetic variability .