
  1. 电网企业在ERP实施过程中业务流程梳理与再造是ERP的成功实施和持续应用的关键。

    Business process reengineering during ERP implementation process of Power Grid Enterprises become the key of the successful implementation and ongoing application of ERP .

  2. 本文论述整个系统的实现,并重点论述本人所做的数据信息采集系统需求分析工作、业务流程梳理工作等。

    In this paper , the realization of the entire system , and I focus on information gathering done by the system requirements for data analysis , business processes such as carding work .

  3. 在此基础上,先对移动ERP系统业务流程进行梳理,主要针对客户关系管理、库存管理、采购和销售订单管理、客户服务等主要流程,确定系统的功能需求。

    The functional requirement for the mobile ERP mainly focuses on inventory management , purchasing , sales management and customer relationship management .

  4. 在系统建模的基础上,重新对HR相关的业务流程进行了梳理,明确相关各级业务基准,最终实现公司管理、生产和劳资人事信息的集成与共享。

    In the system modeling based on the repairs of HR-related business processes conducted a combing operation at all levels , specifically related to the base , and ultimately the company management , production and labor personnel information integration and sharing .

  5. 论文对保险业务流程进行了梳理,围绕保险业务处理进行各级需求分析,完成数据仓库的主题选取和建立数据模型。

    This Paper writes on the insurance business process at all levels to deal with requirement analysis , successfully completes data warehouse and creates data models .

  6. 在需求分析过程中,从管理流程分析出发,对项目管理业务流程进行了梳理,在此基础之上进行了相应的功能设计以及详细的功能需求介绍。

    In the requirements analysis process , starting from the management process analysis , project management business processes carried out and on this basis for the corresponding functional design and detailed description of functional requirements .

  7. 而在烟草供应链上所有的业务流程中,对物流系统的业务流程梳理显得尤为重要。

    Among the all work flow within the tobacco supply chain , the conforming of logistic systems is seen to be more important than the any else .

  8. 在业务和支撑系统层面,结合端到端业务流程的穿越,梳理出AAA、CRM、服务开通及DNS等系统的IPv6改造内容。

    In service and support system level , combined with end-to-end service process walk-through , presenting the transformation content of IPv6 systems , which are AAA , CRM , Service Process System and DNS system and so on .

  9. 根据采油厂油水井作业管理业务的实际情况,详细设计了整体系统的架构,对油水井作业管理各相关业务进行流程梳理,使作业管理业务有了一个很好的平台。

    According to the production of oil and water Wells in the actual situation of business operation management for the whole system , the detailed design of oil Wells of architecture , the relevant business operations management , operations management process that business is a good platform .