
  • 网络rps;quota;Renewable Portfolio Standard
  1. 邻国乌克兰正在考虑针对玉米、大麦和小麦实行出口配额制。

    Neighbouring Ukraine is considering export quotas on corn , barley and wheat .

  2. 我们是这样理解的:在新的配额制下似乎使用涤纶短纤比用加捻变形丝更好。

    Our understanding is the renewed quotas may be more favorable to fabric with more spun fiber than textured fiber .

  3. 中国MBA教育发展相对缓慢的第二个原因是配额制。

    A second reason for the relatively slow progress is the quota system .

  4. 可再生能源配额制(RPS)是国际上为促进可再生能源开发而实行的一种新政策。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) is a new policy to promote development of renewable energy in the world .

  5. 可再生能源发电配额制(RPS)和强制上网制(FIL)是国际上两种主要的可再生能源激励制度。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) and Feed-in Law ( FIL ) are two major incentive policies for renewable energy development in the world .

  6. 第二点是建立配额制纠偏制度。

    The second point is to establish a quota system correction system .

  7. 论自然资源所有权客体可再生能源配额制研究

    On the object of natural resources ownership Research on the Renewable Portfolio Standard

  8. 可再生能源配额制及广东省实施方案的设计研究

    Research on Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) & design plan for Guangdong Province

  9. 对可再生能源配额制的考察与思考

    Investigation and deliberations on renewable energy quota system

  10. 但在货物运输途中,美国方面开始对糖的进口实行进口配额制。

    Before the sugar arrived , the United States placed a quota on sugar imports .

  11. 围绕配额制的持续争议

    Continuing Controversy Over the Quota System

  12. 最后论述了配额制纠偏行动和企业社会责任的关系。

    Finally , corrective actions are discussed and the quota system the relationship between corporate social responsibility .

  13. 自动获准进口配额制

    Automatic import quota system

  14. 使用配额制来提高女性参政已经成为欧盟国家的主要政策和法律工具。

    This paper is focused on the quota to increase the presence of womens political participation in EU countries .

  15. 主办方建立了一个基于配额制的系统,为非政府组织人员签到进入大楼。

    A system has been set up to allow NGO delegates into the building based on a quota system .

  16. 计及可再生能源配额制的购电策略研究含分布式电源的配电网故障恢复策略

    The Research of Optimal Electricity Procurement Strategy with Renewable Portfolio Standards Service Restoration Strategy for the Distribution System with DGs

  17. 在制定政策时有针对性的适当倾斜,或使用配额制促进男女平等地位的建立。

    In the formulation of policy appropriately targeted , or the status of the quota system established to promote gender equality .

  18. 技术性贸易壁垒由于自身的灵活性和隐蔽性,成了继关税保护和配额制及许可证保护后最难对付的贸易保护主义手法,也成为近年来发达国家限制进口的最常用手段。

    Because of its flexibility and invisibility , technological trade barriers have become the most usual protectionism practice among developed nations .

  19. 配额制也帮不了多大忙:世贸规则规定,2008年配额制取消。

    Nor can they expect too much help from quotas : under World Trade Organisation rules , these must be lifted by2008 .

  20. 然而这次会议并未能制止货币贬值,提高关税以及实行配额制等情况的连续发生。

    This conference , however , was unable to halt a rash of currency devaluations , tariff increases , and quota arrangements .

  21. 本文的研究结论表明,在证券市场发展的初期,以配额制为核心的行政治理机制能够替代正式的法律治理起到一定的作用。

    This article holds that the quota system as the core administration governance mechanisms can substitute for the law to play a role .

  22. 在销售方面:先后经历了自由销售、配额制、计口授盐制和自由销售四个不同的阶段。

    In sales : sales , has gone through the free quota system , plan dictate salt system and free sales of different stages .

  23. 第二,从正面的角度来论证,配额制能收集分散的信息,提供激励刺激地区间竞争,发挥了很好的作用。

    Secondly , argues that the quota system can collect scattered information , provide incentives to stimulate the inter-regional competition , and played a role .

  24. 自上世纪60年代初开始,在欧美等发达国家的主持下,国际纺织品贸易实行配额制。

    From 1960s , initiated by some developed countries , such as Europe and America , quota system had been carried out in international textile trade .

  25. 该模型的研究表明,双重定价体系以及配额制是导致中国股票市场无效的主要原因。

    The model in this paper suggests that the dual pricing system and quota on the overall stock market supply represent major forces to market inefficiency .

  26. 据韩联社10日报道,韩国孤儿的海外领养配额制和缓冲期制度执行3年来,并未提升国内领养,反而造成了海外领养的递减。

    But according to a report Wednesday by the Korea Associated Press , domestic adoption has not increased in the three years since the law went into effect .

  27. 本文分析了一体化前后配额制所发生的变化及其带来的影响,并为纺织品出口企业的未来走向提出建议。

    This article makes an analysis on changes and effects of quota system before and after the integration in2005 in order to give some suggestions for our textile export enterprises .

  28. 根据考察情况,结合我国实际,提出一些在中国推行可再生能源配额制的思考与建议。

    This paper , based upon the investigation situation and combining with China 's reality , puts forth some deliberations and proposals for pursuing renewable energy quota system in China .

  29. 2005年1月1日,配额制全部取消,这将有利于纺织品服装进一步拓展国际市场减少进口国对我国出口的种种限制。

    January 1 , 2005 , the abolition of all quotas , which will be conducive to further explore the international market to reduce textile and apparel import restrictions on Chinese exports .

  30. 积极行动计划要求雇主在特定条件下给予少数族裔或女性一定的优惠待遇。这样的优惠待遇主要包括配额制、优先权、建立目标和时间表。

    Affirmative action plans require employers to give certain preferential treatment , such as quota system , priority , establishing goals and timetables , to ethnic minorities or women under certain conditions .