
  • 网络industrial software
  1. 这正是有关工业软件开发者道德行为问题的结症所在。

    This is the crux of the issue with respect to ethical behavior for industrial software developers .

  2. 我们未来所有的工业软件和硬件产品将支持现今和将来的领先端口和标准。

    All our future industrial software and hardware products will support today 's and future leading interfaces and standards .

  3. 充分利用Flash界面美观的优点,可以使工业软件的界面更加美观,更加人性化。

    Making full use of the beautiful interface of flash to make the interface of engineering software more pretty and more hommization . 4 .

  4. 使用RAISE(工业软件工程的严格方法)规范语言,建立了MRPⅡ系统的形式化模型,并且实现了该系统。

    Using the RAISE Specification Language ( RSL ), a formal model of MRP ⅱ systems is established . An implementation of MRP ⅱ system is then made .

  5. 在通用工业软件基础上开发出实时显示、记录、自动报警的隧道通风数据采集监控系统软件。

    The paper had developed the tunnel ventilation data acquisition and supervising system that can real-time display , record and voluntarily warn on general industry software . 3 .

  6. 基于WEB平台工业组态软件在多线船闸监控系统中的应用

    Application of Web-Based HMI / SCADA to Multi-line Ship Lock Monitoring and Control System

  7. 基于Windows的工业控制软件中的定时问题

    Timing Problem of Process Control Software based on Windows

  8. Linux操作系统下工业组态软件的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Industrial Configuration Software Based on Linux

  9. VC环境下工业监控软件趋势曲线显示画面的实现

    Realization of Displaying Tendency under Visual C + + Environment

  10. 基于组件技术(COM)的工业控制软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Industry Control Software Based on Component Technology

  11. OPC(OLEForProcessControl)为工业自动化软件面向对象的开发提供一项统一的标准。

    OPC ( OLE for Process Control ) Provides a unified standard for the industrial automation software object-oriented development .

  12. 对于不同的通信方式,需要开发不同的工业控制软件,介绍如何利用VB实现不同方式的多种通信功能。

    For different communication different industrial control software needs to be developed .

  13. VC环境下小型工业监控软件的开发

    Development of Mini and Economical Industrial Monitoring and Control System under Visual C + + Environment

  14. 目前基于工业组态软件的远程PLC虚拟控制系统在教学上尚无具体的应用。

    At present , remote PLC Virtual control system based on industry configuration software still has not concrete application in teaching .

  15. 介绍了一种工业组态软件(ConfigurationSoftware)的设计思想与实现技术,论述了该组态软件系统的组成部分及基本功能。

    The design idea and realization technology of the industrial configuration software is introduced , the composing parts and basic function of the configuration software system are discussed .

  16. 该方案核心思想是选用一种工业组态软件与matlab相结合,以DDE通信的方式一起完成优化计算。

    Its core idea is combining an industrial configuration software and matlab to complete optimization with DDE communication .

  17. 工业设计软件讲座第二讲CAE在冰箱助吸器疲劳寿命设计中的应用(一)

    Application of CAE in Failure Life Design of the Part Aided to Tighten Refrigerator 's Door ( 1 )

  18. 通过具体的测试数据对用Visualc++开发工业控制软件的实时性问题进行了分析研究,并提出了实用的解决办法。

    Using concrte data , this paper analyzes and researches real - time questions of industry - controlled software designed by Visual C + + , and it also gives several solutions .

  19. 该系统以上位工业监控软件人机界面操作及现场监控、下位PLC为核心进行动态测量。

    In upstream , the system adopts industrial monitoring software interface operation and on-site monitoring , in downstream , dynamic measurement is adopted with PLC as core technology .

  20. 通过上述项目,本文讨论了可视化编程工具Delphi在工业控制软件中的应用,特别是在串口通信、数据库、人机界面方面的应用。

    By above project , this paper analyzes the application of Delphi in industrial controlling , especially in serial communication , database and interface .

  21. 本文将结合某传感技术中心的工业监控软件的实例,介绍如何利用Visualc++6.0实现高速有效的串行数据采集。

    This paper will combine the industry monitoring software of one senser technique center , recommend how to realizes the serial data acquistion with effective and high speed by utilizing Visual C + + 6.0 .

  22. 一些基于InTouch的工业控制软件设计技巧

    Design Stills of Process Control Software Based on InTouch

  23. B样条曲面的使用不仅增加了孔洞修补的自由度,而且可以与工业CAD/CAM软件系统兼容,为进一步理论研究和应用开发提供了可能性。

    It not only increases freedom degrees of hole filling , but also compatible with the industrial CAD / CAM software system that B-spline surfaces are used . This offers the possibility of further theoretical research and application development .

  24. NET作为操作系统,而运输皮带控制自动化系统是利用MCGS工业组态软件根据实际要求开发出来的。

    NET of Microsoft is used as operating system . The transport strap control automation system is developed according to practical request by using MCGS Industrial configuration software .

  25. OPC(OLEForProcessControl)是微软公司的对象链接和嵌入技术在过程控制方面的应用,为工业自动化软件面向对象的开发提供一项统一的标准。

    OPC ( OLE for Process Control ), which is the application of Microsoft 's OLE ( Object Linking and Embedding ) technology in process control system , provides a unified standard for Object-Oriental Design in industrial automation software .

  26. 本文介绍了在VB环境下,无需采用第三方控件,直接利用VB绘图基本函数,完成在工业控制软件中常用的模拟仪表面板和数据趋势线的绘制方法。

    This paper presents a method of drawing the interface of measuring appliance board and data tendency chart which usually used in industry scene based on VB Function instead of 3 rd-party control .

  27. Linux操作系统具有真正的多任务、源代码全开放、极强的稳定性、优秀的内存管理以及强大的网络功能等特性,使其适合用作工业控制软件平台。

    Linux has many advantages , such as true multi-tasks , open source codes , good stability , excellent memory management and strong network function , which make it a good choice for acting as software platform of industry control .

  28. 本文介绍了工业测控软件设计中常用的几种定时器技术,并通过用Delphi设计的继电器测试系统实例,来讲述各种定时器技术在系统中所发挥的不同作用。

    This paper introduces many technologies of timer usually used in industry measuring software design , and tells variant roles of these technologies of timer by an example of relay test system designed by Delphi .

  29. 后面章节详细介绍了系统的一些接口和控制电路,如大功率数模转换板、滤波器、控制逻辑处理器等等,以及CVI工业控制软件开发环境及WINDOWS编程等软件方面的内容。

    In addition , some interface circuits , such as high-power D / A card , filter board , logic-process board and the feature of CVI programming language and WINDOWS programming are also introduced in detail with some chapters .

  30. 介绍了用Java开发工业监测软件的技巧和方法,结合多参数水质在线监测仪软件设计的实例,叙述面向对象程序设计的方法和常用组件的应用。

    This paper introduces the skills and methods of developing industry monitoring and measuring software with Java , presents object-oriented programming method and application of components commonly used in industry controlling by an example of multi-parameter instrument for monitoring and measuring the water quality on line .