
  1. 接着,还有更多专门针对职位的考试,用来测试具体的技能。

    Then there are more position-specific exams that test for specialised skills .

  2. 比如说,你可以有一份简历专门针对管理职位,还有另一份简历针对广告业的工作职位。

    For example , you might have one specifically for management positions , and another for advertising positions .

  3. 并且要注意,如果你投的简历不是专门针对该职位的,而是对上百份职位一起发送的,你的简历最后的结果就是被当成垃圾邮件来处理的。

    And be aware that if you 're not applying for a specific job but rather sending out dozens or hundreds of form letters , your resume is likely to end up in companies ' spam folders .

  4. 招聘经理能区分你的求职信是发给所有申请公司还是专门为某个职位写的。

    Hiring managers can tell the difference between a letter that youre sending with all your applications and a letter that you wrote specifically for this job .

  5. 近年来,中国在联合国专门机构的高层职位竞选中接连实现历史性突破这一事实,充分说明了中国日益重视在国际组织中作用的发挥。国际教育组织是其中重要组成部分。

    The fact that China has achieved many historical breakthrough in the election of top positions in specialized organizations of the UN , fully explained that China has attached increasingly greater importance to its role playing in international organizations , of which International Educational Organization is an important part .