
shànɡ xiāo huà dào chū xiě
  • upper gastrointestinal bleeding;UGIB
  1. 结论FPP≥35cmH2O是并发上消化道出血的必要危险因素,动态监测FPP可以及时预报上消化道出血的发生并指导出血的防治。

    Conclusion FPP ≥ 35cmH 2O was key dangerous factor of complicated upper gastrointestinal bleeding , and dynamic monitoring FPP can provide timely prediction of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and guide how to prevent and treat it .

  2. 目的探讨颅脑损伤后GCS评分与上消化道出血的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relationship between GCS and upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with head injury .

  3. 奥美拉唑对颅脑手术病人胃内pH的影响及对上消化道出血预防的临床研究

    Effect of omeprazole on the intragastric pH and the prevention of upper gastronintestinal bleeding in patients receiving brain surgery

  4. YAG激光治疗上消化道出血的动物实验

    Photocoagulation with Nd : YAG Laser for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Animal Experiments

  5. 静脉曲张导致的出血门静脉高压性上消化道出血TIPS的临床应用

    Clinical Application of TIPS for the Treatment of Digestive Tract Hemorrhage Caused by Portal Hypertension

  6. 促凝血药在COPD并上消化道出血中应用的临床观察

    Observation on the effect of coagulants for the patients with COPD combined upper GI bleeding

  7. 目的:探讨肝功能ChildC级的门静脉高压症合并上消化道出血手术治疗的可行性。

    Objective : To explore the possibility of operative treatment of patients with portal hypertension and liver function Child grade C with hemorrhage of upper digestive tract .

  8. 方法:62例应激性溃疡合并上消化道出血患者随机分为两组:洛赛克组(40mg,iv,bid,疗程3~10天)共33例;

    62 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding from stress ulcer were randomly divided into two groups .

  9. 结果B组病人上消化道出血及首次出血发生率显著低于A组(均P<0.05);

    Results The incidence of the gastrointestinal bleeding and the first bleeding in group A was significantly lower than that in group A ( P < 0 . 05 for both ) .

  10. 为观察奥美拉唑对颅脑手术病人胃内pH的影响,研究其对颅脑手术后上消化道出血的预防作用。

    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Omeprazole on the intragastric pH and the prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients undergoing brain surgery .

  11. 目的:消化性溃疡并发出血(petpticulcerblood,PUB)是上消化道出血的主要原因之一,也是临床消化科的常见重症。

    Objective : petptic ulcer blood is the main reason of upper gastrointestinal bleeding , and one of the common clinical Digestive System Department disease .

  12. 目的:Dieulafoy病是上消化道出血的重要原因。

    Objective : Dieulafoy 's disease was the leading cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding ( UGB ) .

  13. 目的探讨胰十二指肠切除术(PD)后上消化道出血(UGIH)的原因及防治。

    Objective To investigate the pathogenesis , prevention and treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage ( UGIH ) after pancreatoduodenectomy ( PD ) .

  14. 病死组血清胆红素水平、HBVdna阳性率、肝性脑病、电解质紊乱、肝肾综合征、上消化道出血、继发感染发生率明显高于好转或治愈组(P0.01);

    In death group , serum bilirubin level , appearance of HBV DNA positive , hepatic encephalopathy , gastrointestinal hemorrhage , hepatorenal syndrome and secondary infection were higher than that in improvement group ( P0.01 ) .

  15. 目的评价三联手术(人造血管肠腔静脉C型架桥、冠状静脉结扎、脾动脉结扎)治疗门静脉高压症(PHT)上消化道出血的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of triplex operation ( mesocaval C shunt with artificial graft , ligation of coronary vein and ligation of splenic artery ) on portal hypertension with upper digestive tract bleeding .

  16. 治疗组无因上消化道出血致死的病人,对照组1例病人因上消化道出血合并肺部感染死亡,两组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no death case in the treating group caused by upper gastrointestinal bleeding , while one death case in the control group caused by upper gastrointestinal bleeding with lung infection . But there was no significantly difference between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. Rockall危险性积分在护理急性上消化道出血患者中的应用

    Application of Rockall Risk Scoring in Nursing Patients with Acute Upper Digestive Tract Hemorrhage

  18. 方法:将71例高原昏迷患者随机分为两组,治疗组用西咪替丁800mg/24h,静脉滴注,根据并发上消化道出血情况测定胃液pH值及胃液隐血试验;另一组为对照组;

    Method : All 71 subjects were randomly divided into test group ( Cimetidine infusion , 800mg / 24h ) and control group . The level of pH and occult blood in gastric juice and other indices were examined while treatment of high altitude coma .

  19. 目的观察肝硬化患者门静脉系统血流动力学的改变及其与肝功能ChildPugh分级、上消化道出血的关系。

    Aim To observe the changes of portal hemodynamics in cirrhotic patients with color Doppler ultrasonography and to study the relationship between portal hemodynamics and the Child Pugh classification as well as upper gastrointestinal variceal hemorrhage .

  20. 呕血、误吸、PPI大量使用等因素使肝硬化并发上消化道出血患者的消化道细菌发生迁移,常常会引发或加重肺部感染。

    Vomiting , aspiration , extensive use of the PPI factors on liver cirrhosis complicated with gastrointestinal bleeding patients with gastrointestinal bacterial migration , often lead to or aggravate lung infection .

  21. 结论:(1)HP感染和儿童消化道疾病密切相关,其中腹痛及上消化道出血HP-IgG阳性率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Conclusions : It showed that : ( 1 ) Helicobacter pylori infection would be the reason of digestive disease especially in child of abdominalgia and bleeding in digestive system .

  22. 结论GCS评分与上消化道出血率成反比关系,即GCS评分越低上消化道出血率越高,预后越差。

    Conclusion The significant inverse relation was found between GCS score and upper gastrointestinal bleeding rate , that is the lower the former is , the higher the latter is and the worse the prognosis is .

  23. 结论NSAIDs所致上消化道出血的主要临床特点为:常见于老年人,内镜下胃溃疡和复合溃疡多见,HP感染增加发生胃黏膜糜烂的机会。

    Conclusion The main clinical and endoscopic manifestations of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage caused by NSAIDs are easy to find in elderly patients and have a higher frequency of gastric ulcer and compound ulcer . HP infection increases gastric erosion .

  24. 目的研究上消化道出血住院病人中服用非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)的比例以及NSAIDs引起的上消化道出血的经济负担。

    Objective To study the proportion of patients taking nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) in inpatients with upper gastrointestinal ( GI ) bleeding and the economic burden of NSAIDs induced upper GI bleeding .

  25. 摘要:目的研究北京地区上消化道出血(UGIB)发病的节律性特点及相关气象因素。

    ABSTRACT : Objective To study the circadian patterns of the incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding ( UGIB ) and its relationship with climatic factors in Beijing .

  26. 结果369例上消化道出血住院病人中有165%在出血前10d内服用过NSAIDs,服用的NSAIDs品种以乙酰氨基芬、阿司匹林、双氯芬酸及克感敏为主,3/4的病人服用NSAIDs的时间少于10d。

    Results Of these inpatients with upper GI bleeding , 16 5 % took one or more NSAIDs in 10 days before bleeding occurrence . Acetaminophen , aspirin , diclofenac and chlorphenamine composite were the leading NSAIDs .

  27. 目的:探讨上消化道出血(UGIH)发病特点和酸相关性疾病抑酸剂疗效。

    Objective : Objective to investigate the clinical characteristics in patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage ( UGIH ) and effect of acid-inhibitory drugs on the acid-related diseases .

  28. 二组间在上消化道出血发生率(4/11vs1/24)差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而在食道静脉曲张(EV)、胸腹水、肝肾综合征、肝性脑病的发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    There was significant difference in upper digestive tract hemorrhage ( 4 / 11 vs 1 / 24 ; P < 0.01 ), but no difference in esophageal varices ( EV ), hydrothorax and ascites , hepatorenal syndrome , hepatic encephalopathy ( P > 0.05 ) between these two groups ;

  29. 结果:38例上消化道出血患者(男30例,女8例;平均年龄53岁)经内镜检查确诊为Dieulafoy病,28(73.7%)例患者在内镜检查时有活动出血。

    Results : Dieulafoy 's lesion was diagnosed in 38 patients ( 30 males , 8 females , mean age , 53 years , range , 21 ~ 81 years ) . 28 out of 38 patients had active bleeding .

  30. 方法急性上消化道出血(AUGH)是尿毒症出血倾向最突出表现之一,本文总结38例维持性血透者合并AUGH的治疗情况。

    Methods Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage ( AUGH ) is one of the most typical manifestations of the hemorrhagic tendency of uremia . The treatment of 38 patients with maintenance hemodialysis complicated with AUGH is summarized .