
  1. 现在,洛杉矶的大楼也可以像上海的上海中心大厦(ShanghaiTower)一样,在屋顶设计可以收集雨水的螺旋形结构。

    Now Los Angeles can do something like the spiral form in the rooftop of Shanghai Tower in Shanghai that captures rainwater .

  2. 戈公振(1990a)。中国报学史。上海:上海书店。

    Ge Gongzheng ( 1990a ) . The History of China Newspapers .

  3. 我们与上海及上海人有很多共同之处。

    We have much in common with Shanghai and its people .

  4. 上海大学上海市应用数学和力学研究所;

    Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Institute of Shanghai University ;

  5. 新文化地产的开发&上海海上海新城

    New Cultural Real Estate Development & Hi-Shanghai in Shanghai

  6. 期待着您再来上海!上海将变得更加迷人!

    Welcome to Shanghai again . I 'm sure it will be more charming !

  7. 2003年,是上海图书馆上海科技情报研究所的整合提高年。

    The year 2003 is another year of integration of library and information service .

  8. 《作为教育任务的数学》。上海:上海教育出版社。

    Freudenthal , H. ( 1991 ) . Revisiting mathematics education . Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers .

  9. 邀请国际媒体来沪采访,对上海和上海世博会进行报道。

    The international media will be invited to Shanghai to report on the city and the Exposition .

  10. 面向21世纪的上海&上海经济社会发展战略纲要

    Shanghai toward the 21st Century

  11. 王宏印,《文学翻译批评论稿》,上海:上海外语教育出版社。

    Wang , Hongyin.2006.On the Criticism of Literary Translation . Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Presss .

  12. 小上海:上海的景点有很多,一天是看不完了。

    Little Shanghai : Shanghai has many more tourist attractions than you can see in one day .

  13. 这样一来,北京客户的打车速度仅稍稍落后于上海,上海客户通常需要等待大约八分钟才能打上车。

    That figure puts Beijing just behind Shanghai , where customers usually wait about eight minutes for a ride .

  14. 刘守兰:《狄金森研究》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2006年。

    Liu Shoulan . A Study of Emily Dickinson . Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press , 2006 .

  15. 李维屏:《乔伊斯的美学思想和小说艺术》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年。

    Li Weiping . Joyce 's Aesthetic Concept and Fictional Art . Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press , 2000 .

  16. 吉梅内斯,请带着你的同胞滚出上海,上海球迷不欢迎你!

    Osvaldo Gimenez , invites to lead your compatriot to tumble out Shanghai , the Shanghai fan does not welcome you !

  17. 为拓展国内市场集团公司于2002年在上海设立上海安正金属制品有限公司。

    In order to expand the home market , we set up a subsidiary company of Shanghai ATOZ metal products co. , Ltd.

  18. 从实际生活出发去理解实际生活&在上海大学上海社会发展研究中心揭牌仪式上的讲话

    Understand Real Life from the Real Life Itself The Lecture at the Establishing Ceremony of Center for Shanghai Development Research , Shanghai University

  19. 本文将20世纪70年代末至今以上海和上海人为文本中心的小说作为研究对象。

    The subject of this paper is the stories of Shanghai from the end of seventies of the 20 ~ ( th ) century to now .

  20. 中国有两个股票市场,其中之一在上海。上海城隍庙供奉著财神。为消灭物质主义的势力祷告。

    Shanghai is home to one of Chinas two stock markets , and the Temple of the Town God features an idol of the God of Wealth .

  21. 殷企平高奋童燕萍:《英国小说批评史》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001年。

    Yin Qiping , Gao Fen and Tong Yanping . A History of Criticism of British Fiction . Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press , 2001 .

  22. 不过,一名40岁的男性商业咨询师表示,玛莎“完全误解了上海”上海自命站在全球设计的最前沿。

    However , one 40-year-old male business consultant says that M & S has " totally misunderstood Shanghai " , which fancies itself at the cutting edge of world design .

  23. 众多河流和湖泊点缀着上海,上海因丰富的水资源而闻名遐迩,其水域占总面积的百分之十一。

    Dotted with many rivers and lakes , the Shanghai area is known for its rich water resources , with the water area accounting for11 % of its total territory .

  24. 其他外商说得更加直白:许多跨国公司觉得,他们不敢冷落上海和上海世博会,本届世博会是多年努力和支出的结晶。

    Other foreign businessmen put it more bluntly : many multinationals felt they did not dare snub Shanghai and its Expo , the culmination of years of work and spending .

  25. 走进2004年这个美丽的夏天,我们会发现世界的目光都关注着中国上海,上海嘉定,这颗东方的明珠将再一次光耀浦江。

    The attention of the whole world will once again be focused on Jiading , Shanghai of China , an oriental pearl shining brilliantly at Huangpu River in the summer of2004 .

  26. 上海&上海地铁周二发生两列车追尾事故,造成数百人受伤,该条庞杂的地铁线路是去年才刚刚开通的。

    SHANGHAI & Hundreds of people were injured here on Tuesday when a subway train slammed into the rear of another train in a sprawling transit line that opened just last year .

  27. 近年来,越来越多的全球性经济会议以及全球性行业大会选择了上海,上海会议旅游发展迅速,会议旅游产品成为上海市都市旅游产品的重要组成部分。

    In recent years , more and more global economic conventions and industrial meetings selected Shanghai as the host , implying the prosperous development of convention tourism in Shanghai . Moreover , convention tourism product has been a key element of urban tourism system of Shanghai .

  28. 中国大陆城市中,排名位于北京之后的是上海。上海排在第18位,落后北京好几个名次,但上海的人力资本排名高于北京,因为上海的外国人数量更多,教育水平也较高。

    The second-highest ranked mainland Chinese city was Shanghai , which trailed Beijing by a considerable factor and clocked in at No. 18 , though it enjoyed a higher ' human-capital ' ranking , given its larger foreign-born population and levels of education , the report said .

  29. 不过,在上海上市的上海外高桥保税区开发股份有限公司(ShanghaiWaigaoqiaoFreeTradeZoneDevelopment)股票周一已连续第三日达到10%的涨停限制。据传外高桥是可能参与该项目的两家房地产开发公司之一。

    But Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development , one of two real-estate developers rumoured to be likely to be involved in the project , jumped by the 10 per cent daily limit for a third day in Shanghai trading yesterday anyway .

  30. 上海南站&上海西站巴士快速公交(BRT)建设研究上海到南京的特快客车直开南京,中途不停站。

    The Research on The Construction of Brt Between Shanghai South Railway Station and Shanghai West Railway Station The Shanghai-Nanjing express train goes straight to Nanjing without stop on the way .