
dǎn jié shí
  • gallstone;cholelithiasis
胆结石 [dǎn jié shí]
  • [cholelith;gallstone;choletethiasis] 一种常见病,胆囊或胆管内发生结石

  1. X射线荧光分析法直接测定胆结石中金属元素

    Metallic Elements in Gallstone Determined by Radioisotope X Ray Fluorescence Analysis

  2. CT显示胃肠道梗阻3例,胆管积气4例,异位胆结石4例。

    CT showed dilated stomach and bowel obstruction in 3 , pneumobilia in 4 and ectopic gallstone in 4 cases .

  3. 结论胆结石患者胆汁中存在多种细菌DNA;

    Conclusions There was DNA of multiple bacteria in bile .

  4. 结果糖尿病合并胆结石女性患病率高于男性(P〈0.01),胆结石患病率随年龄的增长而增高;

    Results The female had higher prevalence of cholelithiasis complication than male in diabetes patients ( P0.01 ) .

  5. 人体胆结石的X射线衍射分析

    X & ray diffraction study of the human biliary calculus

  6. 冠心病人患胆结石危险因素的非条件Logistic回归分析

    Non-Conditional Logistic Regression Analysis of Risk Factors about the Coronary Heart Patients with Gallstones

  7. C57BL/6小鼠胆结石形成中固醇载体蛋白2的mRNA水平和胆固醇饱和指数增高

    MRNA of SCP 2 and cholesterol saturation index are increased during gallstone formation in C57BL / 6 mice

  8. 胆囊结石嵌顿的腹腔镜处理胆结石的SEM和EDS研究

    Laparoscopic management for calculus incarcerated cholecystitis Study on Gallstones with SEM and EDS

  9. Meta分析在腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗胆结石疗效评价中的应用

    Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in treatment of cholelithiasis

  10. 目的研究胆囊结石患者胆汁细菌DNA,探讨胆结石形成与细菌感染的关系。

    Objectives To study bile bacteria deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) in gallstones patients and to detect relationship between gallstones form and bacteria infection .

  11. 旋磁场对胆结石病人胆汁中胆红素、钙、胆固醇和pH的影响

    Study on the effects of magnetic spin on bilirubin , calcium , cholesterol and pH in bile of patients with biliary calculus

  12. 胆结石的SEM和EDS研究

    Study on Gallstones with SEM and EDS

  13. 本文以微机测试系统测定28例胆结石患者和15例正常人的耳穴电容在10秒内的时变关系c~t。

    Relation of capacitance on auricular points to time variation within 10 seconds was investigated by a computer-detection system in 28 cases of cholelithiasis and 15 normal humans .

  14. 方法应用高效液相色谱法(HPLC),定量测定20例胆结石病人和15例正常对照者血清中七种结合胆汁酸含量。

    Method Seven kinds of serum conjugated bile acid in 20 patients with gallstone and 15 normal controls were measured by HPLC .

  15. X射线荧光光谱法:人体必需的常量无机元素都能在胆结石中发现,人体必需的微量元素大多也存在于胆结石中。

    X-ray fluorescence spectrometry : all the necessary inorganic elements can be found in the stones , most of essential trace elements exist in the gallstones .

  16. 目的探讨血吸虫病肝硬化伴症状性胆结石患者腹腔镜胆囊切除(LC)的效果。

    Objective To study the effect of laparoscopic cholecystectomy ( LC ) in the treatment of patients with schistosomiasis hepatic cirrhosis ( SHC ) complicated with symptomatic gallstone .

  17. 胆结石豚鼠比正常豚鼠胆酸池减小(P0.05),并且手术后再轻微下降;

    The bile acid pool was definitely small in the gallbladder stone ( GS ) guinea pigs compared with that in normal guinea pigs ( P0.05 ) and became slightly smaller after cholecystectomy .

  18. 目的探讨妊娠胆囊结石形成过程中h1型调宁蛋白mRNA表达变化对胆道动力学改变的影响,从分子水平上阐明妊娠胆结石形成的机制。

    [ Objective ] To explore effects of the expression of h1-Calponin mRNA on the biliary tract dynamics and investigate the molecular mechanisms of gallstone formation in pregnancy .

  19. 结论在本项磁场类型、强度和时间处理条件下,旋磁场与磁板对置能明显影响胆结石病人胆汁中的BIT、BID、BII、Ca和CH的浓度变化,且有显著降低的作用。

    Conclusions Magnetic spin and magnet static plate can obviously reduce the concentration of BIT , BID , BII , Ca and CH in bile of patients with stones .

  20. FTIR-ATR法对人体胆结石中胆固醇和胆红素的定量分析研究

    Study of Quantitative Determination of Cholesterol and Bilirubin Simultaneously in Human Gallstones by FTIR-ATR

  21. 结果:2335例中有慢性胆囊炎胆结石、胆石症急性发作者、胆囊萎缩者、非结石性胆囊炎及胆囊息肉,全部行LC,无中转开腹手术。

    Results : 2335 cases including : chronic calculous cholecystitis , cholelithiasis acute attack , gallbladder atrophy , non-calculous cholecystitis and gallbladder polyp , all of them were successfully performed in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy .

  22. 结论:豚鼠BSEP基因在胆结石豚鼠肝组织中表达下调可能与结石形成有关。

    Conclusions Down-regulation of BSEP mRNA expressions in cholelithiasis guinea pigs liver may be relative to the formation of cholelithiasis .

  23. 检出疾病种类共50余种,前10位疾病顺位是:高脂血症、高血压病、脂肪肝、胆囊炎胆结石、HBsAg阳性、冠心病、糖尿病、肝功能异常、前列腺增生、子宫肌瘤。

    50 kinds of diseases were detected , the following diseases occupied high percentage : hyperlipaemia , hypertension , fatty liver , cholecystitis , gallstones , positive HBsAg , coronary heart disease , diabetes , abnormal liver function , hyperplasia of prostate and hysteromyoma .

  24. 在33对样本的病例对照配对研究表明目前尚不能肯定胰岛素敏感性在胆囊胆固醇结石发病中的独立风险作用,但糖负荷试验2h胰岛素水平和收缩压升高是胆结石发病的危险因素。

    In this case-control study , the effect of insulin sensitivity on the genesis of cholesterol gallstones was not affirmed . However , raised 2h insulin level during glucose tolerance test and systolic blood pressure were risk factors in gallstone formation .

  25. 利用本法在pH4.5和7.0条件下测定了20例胆红素胆结石和17例胆固醇胆结石患者的胆汁GUSB的真实活性。

    Biles from 20 patients with bilirubin pigment gallstones , and biles from 17 cholesterol gallstones patients were assayed by this method .

  26. 结论胆囊癌和胆结石的关系密切,直径大于3cm,病程达10~15年的胆结石应高度提高警惕。

    [ WT5HZ ] Conclusions [ WT5FZ ] Gallbladder cancer and gallstones are closely associated . Patients with gallstone of 3 cm or above in diameter and a course of 10-15 years are usually at an increased risk for cancer .

  27. 本文使用脉冲插入取代法,在1MHz频率下,对25个离体胆结石的声学参数,如声速、声衰减等进行了测量。

    The acoustic parameters , such as sound speed , attenuation coefficient , etc. for 25 human gallstones in vitro were measured at frequency of 1 MHz by using the pulse insertion substitution method .

  28. 胆结石患者血清结合胆汁酸测定的临床研究

    Clinic study of serum conjugated bile acid in patient with gallstone

  29. 胆结石病是一种常见病,它属于异常生物矿化。

    Gallstone is a worldwide common disease and an abnormal biomineralization .

  30. 心理干预对胆结石病人术前焦虑的影响

    The effect of mental intervention on the gallstone patients before surgery