
  • 网络spicy hot pot;Hotpot;Spicy hotpot
  1. 你喜欢吃麻辣火锅吗?

    A : Do you like to eat spicy hot pot ?

  2. 重庆以它的麻辣火锅,棒棒军和美女著名。

    Chongqing is well known for its spicy hot pot , laborers and beauties .

  3. 我真的很有兴趣吃麻辣火锅。

    I am really in the mood for a spicy hotpot .

  4. 今晚的口味是超级麻辣火锅!

    The flavor of the night is Super-Hot Hot Pot !

  5. 我能说什么呢?我又不是死忠的麻辣火锅迷。

    What can I say ? I 'm not a die-hard spicy hot pot fan .

  6. 只要天气一冷,我朋友就会找我去吃麻辣火锅。

    Whenever the weather is cold , my friend invites me to have spicy hot pot together .

  7. 其中,中国的四川麻辣火锅和上海生煎包榜上有名。

    The Hot pot from Sichuan , and Shen jian bao from Shanghai have become two of those " must-haves ".

  8. 我觉得麻辣火锅用的食材还蛮好吃的,像卷心菜、血豆腐,还有肉丸和香菇等。

    I think the materials in a spicy hot pot are delicious , such as cabbage , congealed duck blood , pork meatballs , and mushrooms , etc.

  9. 崔琳说她很乐意看到外国人吃麻辣火锅时的反应。同时她也十分愿意倾听这些沙发客和当地人打交道的经历,人们常常会盯着他们看或者冲他们微笑。

    Cui says she has enjoyed watching foreigners ` reactions to spicy hotpot and listening to their experiences with local people , who often stare or smile at them .

  10. 作为麻辣火锅和超级可爱的大熊猫的故乡,位于中国西部的四川省为国内外人民深知和喜爱。

    As home of the chili hot pot and the unbearably cute giant panda , Sichuan province in west China is well known and well loved by people at home and aboard .

  11. 成都在2010年联合国教科文组织列为“美食城市”,这是亚洲第一个获此殊荣的地方,成都以其麻辣火锅和辛辣菜肴而闻名。四川菜的特点就是用很多川椒,咸辣酸甜、口味多样。

    Crowned as Asia 's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010 , Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes , which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and are usually layered with salty , sour and sweet flavors .

  12. 我要吃麻辣烫和火锅的挖,这个脸怎么办啊

    I should eat hemp hot iron and of chaffy dish dig , how does this face do ?