
shàng xún
  • the first ten-day period of a month
上旬 [shàng xún]
  • [the first ten-day period of a month] 每月的前十天

上旬[shàng xún]
  1. 这个承诺是在本月上旬伦敦G20峰会上作出的。

    They did so at the G-Twenty meeting in London earlier this month .

  2. 自从8月上旬Win10更新1607版本发布以来,许多人都开始通过网站向微软公司报告摄像头问题。

    Soon after Windows Update 1607 was distributed in early August , many people started reporting webcam problems to Microsoft via its support site .

  3. Andy十月上旬接受《亚特兰大》杂志采访时说:我的工作就是按照剧本演绎好我的角色。

    Andy told Atlanta Magazine in early October . My job is to serve my character in the scripts that Im given .

  4. 植株总叶数19张,3月上旬春播全生育期111天,与CK比,鲜穗采收期早8天、成熟期早7天。

    The total leave number was 19 and with 111 days growing season from sowing in the early March to maturity and 7 days earlier than CK .

  5. ②12月上旬的昆都士战役,成了阿富汗塔里班政权的滑铁卢(Waterloo)。

    The battle of Kunduz , in early December , was the Waterloo of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan .

  6. 该项研究与Groupon在本月上旬申请上市期间发布的数据基本吻合。

    The findings generally align with the data Groupon released earlier this month when it filed to go public .

  7. 在本月上旬发布的这次更新,使得许多摄像头既不能用于Skype网聊,也不能用来视频直播。

    The update , released earlier this month , stops many cameras being used for Skype or to broadcast and stream footage .

  8. 这些因素导致8月上旬曼联(ManchesterUnited)以高达1.1亿英镑的价格从意大利的尤文图斯(Juventus)买下保罗•博格巴(PaulPogba),创出全球最高的转会费纪录。

    These factors led to the world record signing of Paul Pogba , worth up to Euro110m , by Manchester United from Italy 's Juventus earlier this month .

  9. 本月上旬,世界卫生组织官员在CNN的报道中说,此次埃博拉蔓延速度之快,已超出了我们的控制范围。

    Officials from the World Health Organization ( WHO ) said earlier this month the outbreak is moving faster than our efforts to control it , reported CNN .

  10. 用48h三维轨迹分析和物理量诊断分析相结合的方法研究了1991年7月上旬的一次大暴雨过程及其与高低空急流的联系。

    A case of heavy rain in July 1991 was diagnosed with 48-hour three dimensional trajectory of air parcel associated with the high and low level jets .

  11. 星期三,NASA发布了探测器本月上旬掠过水星时所摄的可提供答案的图片。许多火山活动的迹象远超过前期的探测。

    NASA released photos Wednesday , from Messenger 's fly-by earlier this month , that gave the answer : Lots of volcanic activity , far more than signs from an earlier probe .

  12. 海拔500~900m地带,宜在3月上旬造林;

    In the belts with an elevation of 500 ~ 900m , proper afforestation time was the first ten days of March ;

  13. 戴蒙后来作证说,3月份CIO达到了其风险限制,4月上旬该行就此向监管部门通报了情况。

    In March , the CIO risk limits had been hit , and in early April , the bank had notified regulators of the situation , Dimon later testified .

  14. 耳萝卜螺Radixauricularia3月上旬开始产卵(水温8-12℃),繁殖高峰期在3、4月份,5月份以后产卵量和产卵次数均下降。

    Radix auricularia begins to spawn from the beginning of March ( water temperature 8 ~ 12 ℃), and the peak appears in March or April . After May , both the fecundity and the frequency of spawning decline .

  15. 4月上旬越冬幼虫在木质部内做一椭圆形蛹室化蛹,历时13~15d后成虫羽化。

    In the first April , the overwintering larva makes a oval papal chamber in xylem . After 13 ~ 15 days , the adult emerges .

  16. G20官员计划在8月27日这周召开一次电话会议,就举行上述会谈进行讨论。据四名了解该会谈的官员表示,该会谈或将在9月下旬至10月上旬举行。

    G20 officials plan to hold a conference call in the week of August 27 to discuss the meeting , which could be held in late September or early October , according to four officials familiar with the conversations .

  17. 利用1998年9月至2004年3月上旬中国地壳运动观测网络基准站GPS连续观测结果所获得的垂直位移时间序列,讨论了基准的选择,分析了基准站垂直位移的特点。

    Time series of vertical displacements obtained from continuous GPS observation at fiducial stations in Crustal Movement Observation Network of China , from September 1999 to March 2004 are introduced with discussions on the selection of datum definition and analysis of the general characteristics of vertical displacements at fiducial stations .

  18. 三月上旬,在马拉西亚的perak,国会在一棵树下召开了一次紧急会议。

    In early March , in Perak in Malaysia , the state assembly convened an emergency session under a tree .

  19. 六月上旬,零售商JCPenney宣布自11月1日起,在苹果公司(Apple)表现优异的高管罗恩•约翰逊将成为公司新的掌门人。

    Last week , JCPenney ( JCP ) announced that Ron Johnson will take the helm at the retailer on November 1 , after making his mark as an executive at Apple ( AAPL ) .

  20. 开花授粉、授精后,珠被发育为种皮时,内珠被逐渐被吸收,大约在开花后2P天左右(5月上旬,子叶开始分化时),内珠被绝大部份被吸收。

    The major part of the inner integument is absorbed after about 21 days of the blooming date ( the cotyledon begin to differentiate within the first ten days of May ) .

  21. 梅有2次落花落果高峰,分别在花后20d和35~40d,4月上旬后一般再脱落。

    Fruit-drop peaks are existed within 20 days and 35-40 days after flowering , and there is no more after the first 10 days of April .

  22. 料想谈判结束,我听说Overstreet将像小甜甜布兰妮一样重复他的角色,这一定会在这一季第八集中开始塑造Sam(计划在12月上旬安排播出)。

    Assuming the deal closes and Im told it definitely will Overstreet will reprise his role as the sweet , sculpted Sam beginning with this seasons eighth episode ( tentatively scheduled to air in early December ) .

  23. 布洛威特在3月上旬成为英国时装零售商MonsoonAccessorize的掌门人。该公司发言人说,布洛威特加入苹果后不久便发现,“他们的文化和战略方向有别于他的想象”。

    Apple 's Mr. Browett soon discovered ' that their culture and strategic direction was different from what he envisioned , ' says a spokesman for Monsoon Accessorize , a U.K. fashion retailer where he took command in early March .

  24. 本月上旬,世界卫生组织官员在CNN的报道中说,此次埃博拉“蔓延速度之快,已超出了我们的控制范围。”截止今天,与埃博拉的斗争仍然刻不容缓。

    Officials from the World Health Organization ( WHO ) said earlier this month the outbreak " is moving faster than our efforts to control it , " reported CNN . So far , the battle against the virus doesn 't appear to be slowing down .

  25. 长江下游地区露地越冬采种甜菜的适宜播期为8月上旬,移栽期在9月中、下旬,移栽期秧龄在8~10片叶,适宜栽植密度52500株/hm2。

    The optimum sowing date of overwinter seed collecting beets in the early of Aug. in the low reaches of Changjiang River , transplanting period is in the mid-late of Semp . the transplanting seedling age is 8 ~ 10 leaves with 52500 plants / ha .

  26. 要知道,在一月上旬的时候,HGNSI还是60.9%,而再早一些的去年十二月,这一情绪指标一度高达68%。

    In early January , in contrast , the HGNSI stood at60.9 % . And last December this sentiment index got as high as68 % .

  27. 本月上旬,《华尔街日报》报道称:“据苹果iPhone计划知情人士透露,苹果新款手机将不再以16G版本为最低配置,新款手机的最低配置将是32G。”

    Earlier this month , the Wall Street Journal reported : ' Instead of 16GB as a starting point for the entry-level iPhone , the new starting point will be 32GB , according to a person familiar with Apple 's iPhone plans . '

  28. 运用双向嵌套的中尺度数值预报模式MM5,对1998年7月上旬西北区东部一次暴雨过程进行了高分辨率数值模拟和敏感性试验。

    Using the two way nested grid mesoscale model ( MM5 ), the torrential rain event east of north west China on the first ten days of July in 1998 is simulated , and a series of sensitive experiments are carried out .

  29. 施肥增产效果氮>磷>钾;适宜始用期为6月中旬至7月上旬(拔节初期),留槎高4~6cm,利用率50%~70%。

    The effect order of fertilization on the forage yield was N > P > K , the suitable initial utilization time was from mid-June to early July ( earlyjointing stage ) with 4 ~ 6cm stubble and 50 % ~ 70 % utilization ratio .

  30. 继马萨诸塞之后,我们在俄亥俄州住了一学期;然后回到华盛顿,只是为了卖掉房产,游了最后一次泳,而后,在闷热的九月上旬,开着从搬家公司U-Haul租来的笨拙卡车北上。

    After Massachusetts , a semester in Ohio ; and a return to Washington only to sell up , take a last swim , and drive north , in the early September swelter , in our lumbering U-Haul .