- interbreed;hybridization between varieties

Cytological Analysis on Hybrid Progenies of ph-gene Mutant Line x Common Wheat Varieties
The performance of some traits of f_1 generation of chrysanthemum varietal hybridization
Genetic Analysis of Fiber Traits and Population Heterosis for F_1 and F_2 between Different Fruit-Branch Type Cultivars in Island Cotton
Correlation between growth period and growth habit and yield in f_2 generation of crosses between soybean varieties of different growth habit
So , the selection of bolting and flowering characters in cabbage were effective in early generations . 4 . A F2 generation population derived from F1 self-cross from crosses between cabbage varieties was used for constructing a genetic linkage map of SSR and AFLP molecular markers .
Analysis of Perioxidase Isozymes of Hybrid Progenies among the Grapevine Breeds
A Preliminary Research on Cross Breeding Between Lily Cultivars
Study on yield components of offspring of reciprocal cross in upland cotton intervarietal hybrid E-za-mian No.3
Studies on Physiology and Biochemistry Mechanism of High-yield and Stress-resistance of Upland Cotton Intervarietal Hybrid Za 29
Determination of the Proper Sampling Period for Embryo Rescue from Crosses Between Diploid and Tetraploid Grape Cultivars
The genetic variation of the growth duration in the Intervarietal cross between early and late crops of rice
Studies on the Crossing Compatibility and Ploidy Variation of Chromosome in the Crossing Progenies of Different Ploidy Varieties in Grape
The cross breeding for SCN was carried out from 1984 to 1992 , A mew strain 84-51 was selected .
The invading-resistance of tobacco plant was proved to be more ready to be delivered to offspring than spreading-resistance to the disease .
The wheat varieties with high resistance to WSSMV and high yield potential could be developed by both pedigree selection and intervarietal cross .
The sweet potato variety Yushu 13 , bred by inter varietal hybridization , is high yielding multi resistant and rich in starch content .
Segregation in growth habit was found in the F 2 generation of a soybean cross between two erect cultivated soybean varieties in two experiment locations .
The effect of three factors , stem perimeter , weight per plant , and leaf area , on the formation of large panicles was analyzed in this paper .
The proportion of different resistant individual plant of the hybrid progeny of different resistant varieties indicated that the resistance to the scab of wheat was not qualitative character heredity .
This paper has studied grain-filling characteristics of inter-subspecies hybrid rice combinations with different grain degree , intervarietal crossing rice and conventional rice . The results show that : their grain filling parameters were significantly different .
By means of intervarietal crossing and linear selection , the new rape variety " Youyan No.1 " of low erucic acid and " Youyan No.2 " of " Double Low "( low erucic acid and low glusosiolate ) have been bred .
From the inheritance study , it is suggested that the resistance of cucumbers to ZYMV was controlled by one recessive gene .
We did experience in cross-hybrid breeding between species and varieties in Iris , and had 40 combinations , 14 of them had seeds .
The results indicated that most restorer lines clustered as one type with large keep close degree and small hereditary difference due to inter - crossing and complex & crossing .
However , because of long cultivated history and lack of enough writing record , and that cultivars of different species can hybridize each other , many problems correlative to taxonomy and classification of pear cultivars are under solution .
Most of cultivated varieties are interspecific hybrids , 1 / 2 or more of the genetic bases of their germplasm are from the original population Laminaria japonica . Single species exist great threat of genetic vulnerability .
Varieties were used for observing the pollen germination and the growing state of the pollen tube under interspecies crossing conditions .
Character , and the relative high boron concentration of boron-efficient cultivars in stem at the condition of boron deficiency may be a mechanism of rapeseed boron-efficient nutrition .
It is very significant to pear breeding that the Chinese wild species and cultivars are composed of the gen-es involving many species that result from the natural evolution of complex crossing between species or varieties in China , occuring in nature .