
  • 网络Men of Maize;Cornese
  1. 在人们钟爱的当地橄榄球队内布拉斯加大学剥玉米人队的一场比赛间隙,横加公司在屏幕上播出了支持修建管道的广告,招致人群发嘘声。

    When TransCanada screened an ad in favour of the pipeline during a match of the beloved local American football team , the University of Nebraska 's Cornhuskers , the crowd booed .

  2. 叶黄素和玉米黄素能导致人口腔癌细胞KB的DNA损伤,抑制肿瘤细胞生长。

    Zeaxanthin and lutein from corn gluten meal could lead to DNA damage of KB cell and inhibit proliferation of tumor cells .

  3. 已开垦的土地上,生长着小麦、玉米和半人高的牧草。

    On the cultivated land were wheat , corn and pasture up to the waist of man .

  4. 对于节食者或避免高果糖玉米糖浆的人来说,这即将导致的不仅仅是一个简单的错误。

    For dieters or those avoiding high-fructose corn syrup , this is resulting in more than just a simple mistake .

  5. 该州州立大学的运动队别名叫做“剥玉米壳的人”,这是为了对该地区的一种主要作物玉米的肯定。

    The state university 's athletic teams are nicknamed Cornhuskers in recognition of one of the area 's chief crops .

  6. 而玉米既可供人食用,也可用于牲畜饲养,因此能够很好地反映饮食习惯的变化。

    As corn is used both for human consumption and animal feed , it is a good proxy for changing dietary habits .

  7. DadiriNuro是该组织的会长。DADIRINURO:“我们是农民,喜欢种庄稼,我们需要新鲜的食物,我们有两种玉米,美国人喜欢软玉米,我们班图人喜欢硬玉米。”

    DADIRI NURO : " We are farming people . We like to farm . We need fresh food . We have two kinds of corn . Americans , they like soft corn , and the Bantu , we like hard corn . "

  8. 然而我们过得既不朴素,又没有独立性,在康科德,店里已经很难买到又新鲜又甜的玉米粉了,玉米片和更粗糙的玉米简直已没有人吃。

    Yet so far are we from simplicity and independence that , in Concord , fresh and sweet meal is rarely sold in the shops , and hominy and corn in a still coarser form are hardly used by any .

  9. 残留试验结果表明,5%甲拌磷颗粒剂在玉米播种期沟施,用药剂量为300~600g有效成份/hm2,收获的鲜食果实、成熟种子及玉米植株均对人畜安全。

    The results showed that when 5 % phorate was applied to the furrows beside the corn plants at 300 ~ 600 g a. i. / hm ~ 2 , the fresh cob , mature seeds and stalk of corn were safe to human beings and animals .