
  1. 给出了各分子层上序参数随温度变化的情况。

    The temperature dependences of the order parameters on the molecular layers are given .

  2. Banach格上的序连续范数算子

    The Order Continuous Norm Operators on Banach Lattices

  3. 本文利用Banach空间类上的序结构讨论了一些经典的Banach空间之间的序关系,并研究了序结构的若干性质。

    It is discussed some relationships of the ordering among classical Banach spaces and properties of the ordering structure on Banach spaces .

  4. K-f环上格序模的张量积

    Tensor Products of Lattice Ordered Modules over K f Rings

  5. 模型不但充分利用了样本在各指标上的序关系,而且还考虑了差异程度,解决了FSA研究中风险控制方案选择过程中主观因素强的不足。

    The model not only makes full use of samples ' order relationship on each index , but also takes into consideration the degree of difference , thus overcomes the disadvantage of strong subjective factors in the process of RCO selection in FSA studies .

  6. 对C60晶体中的有序相变提出了一个热力学模型,并计算了热力学性质.在同一临界温度上,序参量、熵、内能及比热都发生明显的跃变,与实验结果符合。

    Thermodynamic model for ordered phase transition in C60 crystal is presented . The thermodynamic properties for C60 crystal is calculated using this model . The ordering parameter , entropy , inter-energy and specific heat occur sudden change at the critical temperature and fitting to the experimental results .

  7. 在MTD的估计上保序设计要优于传统设计,在多数情况下优于Narayana设计和二维Narayana设计,而Up-and-down的设计3在多数情况下好于保序设计。

    For the estimation of MTD Isotonic design is superior to the Traditional method , and better than Narayana design and Narayana design of two-dimension in most of the cases , the Storer 's Up-and-down design 3 is better than Isotonic design in general .

  8. 格上的序差的性质及其存在条件

    The Properties aud the Existential Propositions of the Order Difference on a Lattice

  9. 布尔代数上保序对合映射与对称运算等价;

    The order-preserving doubly mapping on a Boolean algebra equivalents to symmetry operation ;

  10. 引入交换环上半序空间的概念。

    The notion of the space of semiorderings on a commutative ring is introduced .

  11. 交换环上高层序与赋值对的相容性

    Compatibility of an ordering of higher level with a valuation pair for a commutative ring

  12. 广义拓扑分子格上的序同态

    Order-homomorphisms on Generalized Topological Molecular Lattices

  13. 两个常用格上的序同态

    Order-homomorphisms on Two Fuzzy Lattices

  14. 完全分配格上的序同态

    Order-Homomorphisms on Completely Distributive Lattices

  15. [-1,1]上同序单调函数的同序变换群与模糊数运算

    Transformation Group of Monotone Functions with Same Monotonic Formal on [ - 1,1 ] and Operations of Fuzzy Numbers

  16. 而本文关注的正是数据流研究领域一个热门话题:数据流上的序查询。

    In this dissertation , we focus on one hot research topic in data streams , which is known as rank query .

  17. 然后利用半序集上全序集的一些性质,证明了混合单调集值算子的耦合不动点定理和极小极大耦合不动点定理。

    And using some properties of the total-ordered subset in semiordered set , the coupled fixed points theorems and minimax coupled fixed points theorems for mixed monotone set-valued operators are proved .

  18. 本文给出了格上的序差映射及序差格的概念,系统地讨论了序差的基本性质,并进一步讨论了序差格的性质。

    This article gives the conceptions of the order-difference mapping on a lattice and the order-difference lattice first , then studies the essential properties of the order-difference mapping systematically and further discusses the properties of the order-difference lattice .

  19. 从毛绒纤维的性能、底纱的性能、底布的组织特性及上胶工序来分析影响针织人造毛皮毛绒固结强度的因素,提出了在实际生产中提高毛绒固结强度的方法。

    This paper analyzes the factors affecting the fastness of knitted man & made pelt from fiber properties , yarn properties , undercloth characteristic and coting , and puts forward the method to increase the fastness of woolen fiber in production .

  20. Fuzzy格上的亚序同态及性质

    Sub Order Homomorphism of Fuzzy Lattice and It 's Properties

  21. 以近似良紧性为基础,在LF拓扑空间上提出了序同态的N-连续性、分子网的N-收敛性及N-闭包算子等概念。

    He concepts of N-continuity , N-convergence of molecular nets , and N - closure operator on LF topological spaces are presented on the basis of notion of nearly nice compactness .

  22. 仿射Weyl群上的半序

    Partial Orderings on Affine Weyl Groups

  23. Dcpo上的辅助序与拓扑

    The auxiliary relation of Dcpo and topology

  24. 多值映射后果空间上的格序决策及其应用研究

    Research on Lattice-Order Decision-Making on Outcome Space with Multivalued Mapping and Its Application

  25. D&>D(μ)的极大性和度量空间上的线性序研究

    Studies on Maximum of " D & > D "(μ) and Continuity under Linear Order

  26. 兼顾乐观主义和悲观主义的决策原则,利用综合评价均值建立了方案集上的全序关系,从而给出对所有方案进行群体排序的方法.最后给出一个算例。

    Considering optimism and pessimism decision principle , a group sequencing method for all alternatives was established by using compositive evaluating average value .

  27. 本文最大的特点是,自始至终从语篇建构的角度去考察语序,研究范围基本上是句序。

    The obvious feature of this article is studying language sequence at the aspect of article construction from beginning to end , whose scope is almost the sentence sequence .

  28. 第四章主要是搜集了留学生在汉语语序问题上出现错序的例句,对这些资料进行归类、整理,并分析了出现错序的原因。

    Chapter Four collects the main problems of the wrong sentences appearing on word order , then classifies and rearranges these wrong sentences , at last analyses the reason of these sentences .

  29. 其次,对适应性企业战略演化惯例进行描述,并分析适应性企业战略演化惯例与生态位因子的关联关系。在此基础上,结合序参量的概念将生态位因子与适应性企业战略演化惯例有机融合。

    Secondly , analyzes the relationship between the evolution routine and niche factors , and bases on the concept of order parameters to combine the evolution routine factors of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche .

  30. 在评价过程中,给出了一个新的偏好指标,当决策者不能提供更多信息的时候,利用它能够建立方案集上的全序关系;

    In the course of appraising , provide a new partiality index , when the policymaker can 't offer more information , utilize it to establish the scheme and collect the whole preface relation on ;