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  • 网络Shangxian;SASUNA
  1. 息县是中国历史上县制保存最为悠久的县,更是典型的农业地区,在这里推广的4+2工作法具有典型意义,可以从多层面反映了这种工作法不同效果。

    In history , Xixian is a county that preserves the most glorious county ,, is a typical agricultural areas , here extension " 4 + 2 " methods of working have the typical significance very much , could reflect this method of working different effect from many stratification planes .

  2. 有县但没有事实上的县政府。

    Although geographically the counties exist , but no functional County government .

  3. 此外,相关部门也要在政策上给予县医院一定支持。

    In addition , the relevant departments should formulate support policies to the county hospital .

  4. 冀西北农村人力资源开发研究&关于坝上四县农村剩余劳动力合理利用模式的探讨

    A Study on the Exploitation of the Country Workforce Resource in the Northwest Area of Hebei Province

  5. 明代上洛县主墓出土彩绘木质文物的保护与研究

    Conservation and Investigation of Painted Wooden Figures Excavated from the Tomb of Princess Shangluo , Ming Dynasty

  6. 气候和人类活动对河北坝上丰宁县土壤风蚀沙化的影响

    Influence of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activity On Soil Erosion and Desertification in Fengning County , Hebei Province

  7. 记得要登上南郑县汉山山顶,那里可以拍到最美的景色。

    Remember to climb to the top of Hanshan Mountain in Nanzheng county to take the best pictures .

  8. 来自农村,那个地方虽算不上扶贫县,是因为没有人愿意把钱放进无底洞。

    Comes from the countryside , although that place is not Fupin County , is because nobody is willing to admit the money the bottomless pit .

  9. 农牧交错带典型地段土地沙化主要因素分析&以河北坝上张北县为例

    Main factors analysis about soil desertification in typical section of interlock area of farming and pasturing : the case of Zhangbei County , Bashang Area of Hebei Province

  10. 研究结果表明:(1)新兴县、曲周县和安塞县在人口、经济、社会、生产等方面存在较大的差距,总体上新兴县的农村发展水平高于曲周县和安塞县;

    The findings are as follows : ( 1 ) There is a significant difference between three counties in population , economy , society , production and so on .

  11. 溧水县土壤资源、水资源和大气资源均有3个等级,总体上溧水县自然资源适宜性具有4个等级,并提出相关建议。

    The soil , water and atmosphere environment all have three grades and the natural resources have four grades in Lishui County . According to the evaluation , some advices are advanced .

  12. 以2002年2月的Landsat-TM影像为数据源,应用景观生态学原理,采用分离度和类型破碎度指数从土地利用现状和空间结构上对元江县河谷区的土地利用格局作了分析。

    Based on Landsat remote sensing image of February 2002 and landscape ecology principles , four indices , i.e , area , patches , fragmentation and isolation were chosen to analyse spatial structure and present land use of river valley in Yuanjiang .

  13. 第一章,重点阐述了国际上对贫困县的界定和莘县的贫困状况。

    Chapter 1 mainly discusses the international description of the poor county and the present condition of Shen County .

  14. 首先必须把农村劳动力转移提高到一个战略的高度,从整体上思考济阳县农村劳动力转移。

    Must shift the rural laborer to bring up to a height of strategy at first , think the rural laborer in Jiyang county shifts on the whole .

  15. 保护区管理机构行政上受金山县人民政府的领导,业务上受市海洋局的指导和监督。

    The administrative departments shall subject themselves to the administrative leadership of the People 's Government of Jinshan County and shall professionally be guided and supervised by the SMMAB .

  16. 在实行生态补偿机制的基础上,昌江县积极探索多种措施,努力促进处于生态核心区的农民增收。

    Based on the implementation of ecological compensation system , Changjiang County actively carries out many measures to boost incomes of the farmers in ecological core areas with efforts .

  17. 主要研究成果如下:(1)在遵循评价指标体系建立的程序、方法和原则的基础上建立甘南县农业干旱评价指标体系。

    Main results are as follows : ( 1 ) On the basis of procedures , methods and principles of evaluation index system established agricultural drought evaluation index system in Gannan area .

  18. 对长江冲积土壤硫进行了分析,结果表明:1.从无为县开始沿江而上至宿松县,长江冲积土壤有效S有减少的趋势。

    The result of analysing 67 samples of alluvial deposit Soil from Yangtze river showed : 1.Available sulfur content of soil was getting lower and lower from Wuwei county to Susong county .

  19. 一名姓杨的男子表示,他们此前在北京边上的香河县一栋17层公寓楼的工地上工作,但这栋楼已经停建,他们只拿到一半工资。

    One of them , a Mr Yang , said the group had been working on a 17-storey apartment building in Xianghe County , just outside Beijing , but construction had stopped and their wages were only half paid .

  20. 在运营管理的整个链条上看,县公司处于业务发展和客户关系维系的一线,实现对县公司管理的有效支撑是整个企业能够可持续发展的保证。

    The entire chain in terms of operations management , business development companies in the county and maintain the first-line customer relations , to achieve effective management of the county support the sustainable development of the whole enterprise can guarantee .

  21. 第一部分介绍了上林县的概况,主要从自然环境背景、社会人文背景和物产资源三个方面进行介绍,这样就能从整体上对上林县有个基本的把握。

    The first part : Introduce the basic situation of Shanglin , make an introduction from three aspects of natural environment , social cultural resources and produce resource , in this way the circumstance of Shanglin can be known on the whole .

  22. 但这些人正要离开北京,返回家乡照看自己的小块农地。一名姓杨的男子表示,他们此前在北京边上的香河县一栋17层公寓楼的工地上工作,但这栋楼已经停建,他们只拿到一半工资。

    But they were leaving the city , going back to their small patches of farmland . One of them , a Mr Yang , said the group had been working on a 17-storey apartment building in Xianghe County , just outside Beijing , but construction had stopped and their wages were only half paid .

  23. 在分析县域旅游规划中必须重点把握的问题的基础上,对饶平县旅游规划指导思想、旅游定位、旅游发展思路和目标、旅游发展的空间结构等问题进行了探讨。

    Some important problems in Raoping County tourism planning are discussed .

  24. 地方上主要是州县学,包括官办书院等。

    Regional schools include state or county-run schools , plus state-run Shuyuan .

  25. 在上尼罗州马班县也有难民营。

    There are also refugee camps in Maban County in Upper Nile State .

  26. 2004年,民营企业上缴税金占全县财政收入的40%。

    In2004 , private enterprises paid taxes throughout the county accounted for40 % of revenue .

  27. 卡特看见在我的名字标签上写着鲍德温县,于是停下来和我说话。

    Carter saw Baldwin County on my name tag that day and stopped to speak with me .

  28. 在此基础上,结合安溪县综合治理实践经验,提出相应防治建议。

    On this basis , it combined with practical experience of the comprehensive management in Anxi County , proposed countermeasures .

  29. 在此基础上提出了隆回县乡村生态旅游可持续发展的战略和举措。

    Therefore , the strategies and initiatives concerning the sustainable development of the rural eco-tourism in Longhui County have been proposed .

  30. 这位22岁的保姆名叫亚历克西斯-可汗,上周一在查尔斯顿县巡回法院,她承认了人身伤害的罪名。

    The babysitter , 22-year-old Alexis Khan , pleaded guilty to assault and battery last Monday in Charleston County Circuit Court .