
  1. 由于我们没有更多东西可失去了,与我的管理员团队讨论之后,我们打算对root磁盘做三重镜像,然后从服务器上拨出磁盘。

    With nothing else to lose , after speaking with my team of administrators , we made a plan to try to physically yank the disk from the server after triple-mirroring the root disk .

  2. 他从手指上拨出一根刺。

    He pick a thorn out of one of his fingers .

  3. 向上拨一下我的眼皮,好让我看一看你。

    Lift my eyelids a little , so I can see you .

  4. 将大便从我们身上拨掉的,也未必是朋友。

    Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend .

  5. 钢轨扣件上拨力的静力计算

    The Calculation of Upward Force Acting on Rail Fastening

  6. 男孩子从鹅身上拨下一根羽毛。

    The boy plucked a feather from the goose .

  7. 机器开着时,不可将电缆插头从插座上拨出。

    Never pull out cable plug when machine operates .

  8. 并设前端装记忆合金检测器与上拨叉配合的开闭阀。

    Open and close valve is equipped for front-end memory type alloy detector and upper shifting fork .

  9. 调整环在运动过程中把压力臂上拨叉的旋转运动转化为转轴的旋转运动,改变了旋转运动的方向。

    During the movement of the regulation annulus , it turns whirligig of the regulations arm into whirligig of the spindle , and change the whirling direction .

  10. 控制箱中所有空气断路器都有标示其所联的开关和插座。机器开着时,不可将电缆插头从插座上拨出。

    All switch socket outlets and switches shall be labeled referencing each outlet to its respective breaker in the electrical distribution board . Never pull out cable plug when machine operates .

  11. 太多情况下,“企业社会责任”的意义只是喊几句空洞口号,在账上拨点钱用于慈善,给员工组织一天的公益活动,或是建立一个无法对重大决策施加实质性影响的企业社会责任部门。

    And all too often , " corporate social responsibility " amounts to nothing more than trotting out a few empty slogans , cutting some checks for charity , holding a day of service for employees , or setting up a CSR department that has no actual input into major decisions .

  12. Buttcall(误拨电话)指误坐在手机上而拨出的电话。

    Butt call refers to an unintended phone call placed by sitting on one 's cell phone .

  13. 他跳回床上,拨了罗伯特的电话号码。

    He hopped back into bed and dialed Robert .

  14. 通常,美国政府每年在疫苗药剂上约拨划八千五百万美元。

    Around85m doses of vaccine are distributed in the United States in normal years .

  15. 将在全体会议和其他一些较为非正式的会议上为此拨出相应时间。

    Time will be allocated to this end during plenary meetings and in more informal settings .

  16. 手动换挡可用方向盘上的拨杆和按钮,也可用换挡杆。

    Manual gear changes are made either with shift paddles or buttons on the steering wheel or with the gear lever .

  17. 英特网现象是一件难以置信的事物,而且虽然长达许多,许多年我们到处是乐观的在线服务,人们向上会拨一个1200鲍而且找某物凉爽的在那里,它是令人失望的。

    The Internet phenomenon is an incredible thing , and although for many , many years we were optimistic about online services , that people would dial up A1200 baud and find something cool there , it was disappointing .

  18. 巴拉克.奥巴马总统设立的最高奖助金竞争把重点都放在了阅读与数学的科目上,并拨出大笔款项鼓励每一个州把学生的考试成绩和老师的业绩评估捆绑在一起。

    President Barack obama 's race to the top grant competition consolidated the focus on reading and math , and leveraged federal funds to push states to tie teacher evaluation to student test results .

  19. 指定递增nas上的回拨已启用或停用。

    Specifies that callback is either enabled or disabled on the ascend nas .

  20. 在美国大平原上,土拨鼠似乎觉得这是天经地义的。

    Out on the American plains , prairie dogs certainly seem to think so .

  21. 从读图、文化、历史、实践和社会等方面对中心议题-读图时代的架上绘画进行拨茧式论述。

    From interpret picture , culture , history , practices and social aspects of the central theme - " The Easel Painting in the Picture-Reading Times " to " poke a cocoon-style " discussion .

  22. 他坐在床上,随意地拨着吉他的弦。

    He sat on the bed , idly plucking the strings of his guitar .

  23. 用户可以在这款手表上接听和回拨来电,但需要有一部iPhone才能正常运行。

    You can receive and respond to calls on the watch , but it requires an iPhone to fully operate .

  24. 水上石油物流分拨中心选址模型及其遗传算法

    Distribution center optimization of waterborne petroleum logistics based on genetic algorithm

  25. 她将窗帘拉上,把灯拨亮了一些。

    She drew the curtain close and turned up the lamp .

  26. 帕蒂,你在哪儿?仍然没有人接电话,加里只好挂上。于是他拨了警察分局的电话。

    Where are you patty ? With still no answer , Gary hangs up and dials the police department .

  27. 不久,我就知道了,这些草原上遍布着土拨鼠的洞穴,坑坑洼洼,马匹在疾驰中可能会因此弄折腿。

    I soon learned that these grasslands are pitted with marmot holes which can break a galloping horse 's leg .

  28. 当把手柄上的转换开关拨至高压时,该手柄可作防身之用的电警棍;

    When the transfer switch is shifted to low pressure , the handle can be used as an electric torch for illumination .

  29. 该断路器通过连接在单片机I/O口上的三位拨码开关,实现对断路器额定电流、脱扣方式的设定。

    Through three bits dial switches connecting on the input or output interface of the microprocessor , the circuit breaker can set rated current and breaking mode .