
qī qiào
  • Seven orifices;the seven apertures in the human head;the seven apertures in the human head, i.e. eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth
七窍 [qī qiào]
  • [the seven apertures in the human head] 指人头上的七个孔,即两眼、两耳、两鼻孔和口

七窍[qī qiào]
  1. 于是它们一天凿出一个孔窍,到了第七天,七窍是凿成了,但浑沌也死了。

    Then they drilled an aperture3 each day , and on the seventh day , they completed the seven apertures but Hun Dun died .

  2. 终于,他们想出了一个聪明的办法:决定给浑沌的头凿出七窍,这样浑沌就可以和大家一样享受了。

    Finally , they thought of a clever way : they decided2 to bore seven holes on Hun Dun 's head . In this way he would be the same as others .

  3. 他们商量了半天以后发现,每个人都有嘴巴、鼻孔、耳朵、眼睛等七窍,可以吃东西,闻味道,听声音,有大自然美景,只有浑沌没有七窍,无法享受。

    After discussing for a long time they realized that everyone has seven orifices ; the mouth , nostrils1 , ears , eyes , so that they can eat , smell , listen , and see the beautiful scenery of nature . Only Hun Dun did not have them and could not enjoy these pleasures .

  4. “老板生气了吗”“是的他气得七窍冒烟”

    " Was the boss angry "" yes he was really fuming "

  5. 鯈与忽注意到所有人都有口耳目鼻等七窍,而唯独浑沌没有。

    Tiao and Hu noticed that all people have seven apertures in their heads but only Hundun has no.

  6. 本文就其中对七窍病的病因病理学、治疗学和预防学的贡献作了研究。

    This paper made some researches on its contribution to the pathology , treatment and precaution of QiQiao disease .

  7. 终于,他们想出了一个聪明的办法:决定给浑沌的头凿出七窍。

    Finally , they thought of a clever way : they decided to bore seven holes on Hun Dun 's head .

  8. 他们商量了半天以后发现:每个人都有嘴巴、鼻孔、耳朵、眼睛等七窍,

    After discussing for a long time they realized that everyone has seven orifices : the mouth , nostrils , ears , eyes ,

  9. 中毒的者,不分男女老幼,你会在一星期的最后一天,突然七窍流血死亡,死亡场面之恐怖令人发指。

    The poison , does not divide the male and female old and young , you can in one week last day , bleeds profusely from the head suddenly the death , terror of the death scene makes the blood boil .

  10. 此书30卷本内容,罄一为医学总论,包括医学伦理、本草、制药等;卷二~四为妇科病;卷五为儿科病;卷六为七窍病;卷七一八论诸风脚气;卷九~十为伤寒;

    The book is composed of 30 volumes.Volume l is the pandect of medical science , including medical ethics , materia medica , pharmacy and the like , Volumes 2 ~ 4 are on gynecological diseases , Volume 5 0n pediatrics , Volume 6 0n diseases of the seven orifices , Volumes 7 ~ 8 0n dermatophytosis of all kinds ,