
  • Seven deadly sins;Se7en
  1. 少年版的伊万、凯蕾和汤米去电影院观看了《七宗罪》(1995),当时那家影院同时也在放映《阿呆与阿瓜》(1994)。

    The teenage versions of Evan , Kayleigh , and Tommy go see Se7en ( 1995 ) at a movie theater that 's also showing Dumb & Dumber ( 1994 ) .

  2. 企业并购:HR的七宗罪

    Company Merging : Seven Sins of HR

  3. 暴饮暴食是七宗罪之一。

    Gluttony is a deadly sin .

  4. 对于一家网络公司的成功拉的价值不可替代,ReidHoffman说,“当有了七宗罪中的一宗罪时,社交网络才能做得好。”

    Reid Hoffman has noted that " social networks do best when they tap into one of the seven deadly sins . "

  5. 该七宗罪约俗世自我放纵和自恋。

    The seven deadly sins are about earthly self-indulgence and narcissism .

  6. 意想不到的是,米尔斯却成为了七宗罪中最后一个实施犯罪的人。

    Mills becomes the unsuspecting performer of the final sin .

  7. 我猜“七宗罪”你已经占全了吧?

    My guess is you 've committed all the seven deadly sins ?

  8. 七宗罪之一,过多地饮食。

    Eating to excess ( personified as one of the deadly sins ) .

  9. 七宗罪之一,无节制的性的渴望。

    Self-indulgent sexual desire ( personified as one of the deadly sins ) .

  10. 审判人类的七宗罪。

    Trial of the seven sins of mankind .

  11. 七宗罪之二:每日睡眠八小时

    Daily sin : sleeping eight hours a day

  12. 甚至,都给大学生归纳了“七宗罪”。

    Even , all gave the university student to induce " seven crimes " .

  13. 以下是损害健康的七宗罪以及应对方法。

    Here are the seven daily sins , and what we can do about them .

  14. 七宗罪之四:坐马桶

    Daily sin : sitting on the loo

  15. 你们已经经历了七宗罪。

    You have suffered the seven trials .

  16. 七宗罪之七:饭后即刻放松

    Daily sin : relaxing after dinner

  17. 七宗罪之一:每天洗澡

    Daily sin : shower every day

  18. 七宗罪之六:错误的呼吸方式

    Daily sin : breathing wrongly

  19. 毕竟当它开始变得有破坏性时,它是七宗罪之首。

    After all , when it comes to destructive behavior * it did make the top seven .

  20. 七宗罪之一,有现实的或者假定的错误所引发的好斗情绪。

    Belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong ( personified as one of the deadly sins ) .

  21. 这个世界如此美好,值得人们为之奋斗,但我只信后半部分。&《七宗罪》

    The world is a fine place and worth fighting for , I believe the second part . & 《 Seven 》

  22. 七宗罪是一部上映于1995年的美国恐怖悬疑电影,电影有着恐怖的画面场景。

    Seven ( also known as Se7en ) is a 1995 American thriller and horror film , with dark , disturbing scenes .

  23. 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望。

    Vague answers never contented him . reprehensible acquisitiveness ; insatiable desire for wealth ( personified as one of the deadly sins ) .

  24. 鉴于60名受访者中的大部分可能至少拥有七宗罪中的一宗,为什么却没有人坦白承认呢?

    Given that most of the 60 interview candidates were probably guilty of at least one of the above , why did none of them own up ?

  25. 而七宗罪则被认为是人类道德精神层面上的罪恶,它使得人们了解自己进而虔诚的忏悔。

    The seven deadly sins , which are believed to be the evil of the moral dimensions of the human spirit , induced people to understand themselves , and then confess sincerely .

  26. 一些人认为这部电影也只有芬奇可以使它臻于完美,他曾执导《七宗罪》和《龙纹身的女孩》。

    Some people said that this was a film that only Mr Fincher , the director of " Seven " and " The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo , " could have done well .

  27. 正当警方不知所措之际,凶手奇迹般的自首了,此时凶手的“七宗罪”还差两宗,难道他会就此罢手?

    Police at a loss due , the killer turned himself in the miraculous , and this time the perpetrators of the seven sins is still two , I wonder if he will stop there ?

  28. 就是那个犯下七宗杀人罪的人。

    Was the one who committed the other seven murders .