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  • Chinese Valentine's Day;Qixi Festival;Double Seventh Festival;Double Seventh Day
  1. 七夕节,即每年农历七月初七是一个充满浪漫爱情的传统节日,也被称作“中国的情人节”。

    The Double Seventh Festival , on the7th day of the7th lunar month , is a traditional festival full of romance and it is also called as Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  2. 七夕节前夕,尘缘禅心祝天下有情人乞巧节巧结良缘!祝博友们中国情人节快乐!

    Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival , the Valentine 's Day Of China , my dear friends !

  3. 祝天下有情人七夕节快乐!

    Wish all the lovers a happy Chinese Valentine 's Day !

  4. 七夕节并不是中国的公休节假日。

    The Double-Seventh Day is not a public holiday in China .

  5. 这里贴了星星,因为它与七夕节有关。

    I used the star because it was collected to Star Festival .

  6. 七夕节,对我现在来说还没有什么意义。

    I do not know what I am doing .

  7. 跨文化视野下的中国七夕节和西方情人节

    Chinese Tanabata Festival and Western Valentine 's Day under Perspective of Intercultural Communication

  8. 宝贝,七夕节快乐。

    Happy Chinese Valentine 's Day , Baby .

  9. 七夕节来自一个中国的传说。

    The Star Festival is an all-Chinese myth .

  10. 今天是中国的情人节,也叫七夕节。

    Today is the Chinese valentine 's day which is also called Qixi festival .

  11. 在中国,许多人把“七夕节”当成本族的情人节。

    The Double-Seventh Day in China is considered by many the Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  12. 当我们老的时候,我们还会记得这个七夕节。

    When we grow old , we 'll still remember the Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  13. 七夕节坐着仰望牵牛星和织女星是中国人的一个习俗。

    It is a custom for Chinese to watch the Altair and Vega on the chairs .

  14. 今天是农历的七月初七,所以叫七夕节。

    Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month , so , it is called qixi .

  15. 我希望你们都去,因为我们在日本旅程的一部分,是关于七夕节的。

    Harazka I want you go to Harazka because part of our adventure in Japan is the big festival .

  16. 民间传说每年七夕节是牛郎和织女聚会的日子。

    It is said in folk legends that the Herd-boy and Weaving-girl get together every Chinese valentine 's day .

  17. 如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个七夕节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

    On this Chinese Valentine 's Day , just like every day , all I have is love for you .

  18. 而在传统节日里边,把七夕节当做情人节来过,那倒是蛮合适的,你说呢?

    Among the traditional festivals , the Double-Seventh Festival is better suited to Valentine 's Day . Won 't you agree ?

  19. 西方情人节与我国传统七夕节的比较研究

    On the Comparability of Valentine 's Day of the Western Culture and the Chinese Traditional Festival Double-Seventh Day from the Cultural Perspective

  20. 在日本,其实有两个七夕节,根据阳历和阴历而分别在不同的日子。

    In Japan , there are actually two Star Festivals , falling on different days according to the solar and lunar calendars .

  21. 七夕节是我国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。

    Tanabata Festival is a traditional Chinese festival in one of the most romantic holiday is past , the most important day of the girls .

  22. 七夕节的主要民俗活动是乞巧。妇女们在这天夜里总要聚在一起,十分认真地祭拜牛郎星和织女星。

    Skills-begging is he main folk custom for the Double-Seventh Festival , on which night women would get together to pray to Vega and Altair .

  23. 看到了七夕节的商机,一些商家也是提前数天就做起了促销活动,尤其是女性商品,更是打折、降价优惠到底。

    Seeing the festival as good business opportunities , other businesses launched promotions days earlier , offering commodities especially for female use at the lowest prices possible .

  24. 纵使多年已过,但每当我紧握你的手时,仍有一种自己还是高中生的感觉。在这个七夕节,我一直思念着你。

    After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand . I 'm thinking of you this Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  25. 每年农历七月初七的七夕节,简称七夕,俗称乞巧节,又称少女节或女儿节,是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。

    Qiqiao Festival ( Ingenuity-Begging Festival ) falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month ; it is also called Girls " Festival , or Daughters'Festival .

  26. 每年八月,他们既有相当于西方的情人节的七夕节,也要过马上要来的世界版的情人节。

    There 's qixi , China 's equivalent to Valentine 's Day , which takes place in August , as well asthe global version coming up on Saturday .

  27. 我将与你们分享一些初步的成果,并展示我们如何将七夕节,和孩子们自己的经历联系起来。

    I 'd like to share some of the rough products with you , and how we made the connection between the Star Festival Story and the children 's own story .

  28. 这个节日在八世纪的时候从中国传到日本。在日本,其实有两个七夕节,根据阳历和阴历而分别在不同的日子。

    The festival came to Japan from China in the eighth century . 4 In Japan , there are actually two Star Festivals , falling on different days according to the solar and lunar calendars .

  29. 据旅游网站去哪网调查显示,超过60%的旅行者会在8月20日,也就是即将到来的七夕节期间选择短途旅行。七夕也被称为中国的情人节。

    More than 60 percent of travelers reported they will take short-distance trips during Qixi Festival , or the Chinese Valentine 's Day , which will fall on August 20 , according to travel website qunar.com .

  30. 下次你要许愿时,不用对着流星许愿或是把硬币丢到许愿井里,你可以在七夕节的时候试一试日本的许愿方式。

    The next time you make a wish , instead of wishing on a shooting star , or throwing pennies into a wishing well , you can try the Japanese way of wishing during the Tanabata Festival .