
  • 网络pre-capitalist;precapitalist;proto-capitalist
  1. 前资本主义世界发展:东方普遍性与西方特殊性

    Pre-Capitalist World Development : Western Peculiarity and Eastern Universality

  2. 其次,分析资本主义私有制与前资本主义私有制的区别;

    And then , an analysis of the difference between capitalist ownership and pre-capitalist ownership ;

  3. 前资本主义时期的俄罗斯远东教育

    Russian Far East Education at the pre-capitalist time

  4. 前资本主义商业资本改造资本主义工商业,也是办社会主义。

    Similarly , to transform capitalist industry and commerce is also to work for socialism .

  5. 本文的主要目的是尝试发展出一个可以比较合理的解释前资本主义社会经济增长的模型。

    This paper focuses on exploring a reasonable economic growth model in a pre-capitalistic society .

  6. 在我国的所有制结构中,社会主义公有制经济虽然占居主体地位,但依然存着大量的相当于前资本主义经济的个体经济。

    Although our socialist public ownership hold a leading position there exists a host of precapitalist individual economy in the system of ownership .

  7. 这一部分包括马克思对前资本主义所有制的考察;马克思对资本主义所有制的考察以及马克思对未来社会所有制的设想。

    This section includes the study of the pre-capitalist ownership ; study of capitalist ownership and social ownership of the vision for the future .

  8. 合同责任甚至疏忽责任在前资本主义时期西方工业发展初期发挥了不可磨灭的作用,此时,发展社会生产力,增强社会物质基础成为首要任务。

    Contract and fault liability have significant effects in the Pre-capitalism . At that time , the development of productivity was the prime assignment .

  9. 高利贷是民间借贷的一种形式,主要存在于前资本主义时代,是一种通过放贷以获取高额利息的资本。

    Usury is a form of borrowing which exist primarily in the former capitalist era , and it is a high level of interest by lending to obtain capital .

  10. 东方社会理论把社会主义看作是能够同时解决东方社会的前资本主义社会和资本主义社会问题,使东方社会走上现代化的现实性力量。

    The theory of eastern society regards socialism as a realistic power that can solve problems that would occur before and during the capitalist society and that can lead eastern society toward modernization .

  11. 首先对英国前资本主义时期最主要的农业生产组织形式&敞田制作了介绍,说明大规模的议会圈地之前英国敞田制的实质已经发生改变。

    It introduces the open field system - the most important farming system during pre-capitalistic times , and points out that the nature of open field system had changed before full-scale parliamentary enclosure .

  12. 我们发现:在前资本主义社会里,存在着一种礼物交换规则,它如同资本主义社会所存在的商品交易规则一样,是维系该社会的稳定和获得一定程度的经济增长的基础。

    We find there was a gift exchange rule , as the commodity trade rule does the important effect in a capitalistic society , which is the underlying power to maintain a stable society and get some increase .

  13. 礼物交换因素的引入以及考虑家庭偏好,我们找到一种能较好的解释前资本主义社会经济增长的诸多事实的方法。

    By importing the factor of gift exchange and considering a dynastic preference , we can explain the stable status , the sudden economic growth in some periods and the declining of a pre-capitalistic economy in the other periods .

  14. 非洲国家政治发展概念是指独立时的前资本主义社会,独立后向现代社会转变过程中政治方面的变化。现阶段的基本目标是以增强民族凝聚力,强固民族国家的地位为主要。

    The concept of " political development " in African countries refers to changes in political transformation from pre-capitalist societies to post-independent modern societies , with the strengthening of national cohesion and the consolidation of the position of the nation-state as its current basic aims .

  15. 综观人类政治发展的历史可见,前资本主义时期政治哲学中把道德作为政治的内在的价值尺度。

    Of the history of political development , we can see , that during the period of pre-capitalism , the political philosophy took the morals as the internal measure of value of politics , and it is the true at all the times and in all lands .

  16. 一年前,资本主义几乎冲出了悬崖。

    A year ago , capitalism careered over a cliff .

  17. 它产生、形成于垄断前的资本主义时期,对资本主义的发展和科学社会主义的诞生有重要作用。

    It came into being in the capitalism period before monopoly and also played a significant sole in the development of capitalism and the birth of scientific socialism .

  18. 霍布斯鲍姆回忆了世纪之交的一次午餐会,席间,乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)这样评价马克思:此人在150年前发现了资本主义制度的缺陷,对此我们必须引以为戒。

    Hobsbawm recalls a lunch around the turn of the century at which George Soros said of Marx : That man discovered something about capitalism 150 years ago that we must take notice of .

  19. 同时,他们还是经济增长的引擎,在几个世纪前就为资本主义和全球贸易的扩张搭起了舞台,并且多年来一直都抢先弄到自己所知的一切新潮玩意或服务。

    They have also been the engines of economic growth , setting the stage centuries ago for the expansion of capitalism and global trade , and continuing through the ages to snap up every new gadget in sight .

  20. 不过,在每个人都穿上毛式制服前,对于近年资本主义究竟有多原始,人们并不明确。

    Before everyone dons Mao suits , however , it is not clear how raw that capitalism really was .

  21. 到了同世纪末年和二十世纪初年,到了四十年前,中国民族资本主义便开始了初步的发展。

    About forty years ago , at the turn of the century , China 's national capitalism took its first steps forward .