
hēi shì
  • black market
黑市 [hēi shì]
  • [black market] 暗中进行非法买卖的市场,即在政府实施物价及外汇管制的情况下,以高于政府所规定的价格不公开的买卖货物及外币,这种交易活动称为黑市;亦指进行这种活动的处所

黑市[hēi shì]
  1. 黑市上有大量武器出售。

    There is a plentiful supply of arms on the black market .

  2. 他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。

    He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market .

  3. 黑市价值二百万元的毒品被查获。

    Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars .

  4. 实行定量配给的商品存在黑市交易。

    There 's a black market in rationed goods .

  5. 他是黑市拳王。

    He 's the king of unlicensed boxing

  6. 黑市繁荣,每个人都已堕落,深陷其中。

    The black market was flourishing , everybody was corrupt , in it up to their necks

  7. 罪犯盗窃大多是为了把赃物在黑市上卖掉,换取现金。

    Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market .

  8. 黑市一直存在,不只是在英国,整个欧洲也是。

    There is always a ' black market ' not just in Britain but in Europe as a whole

  9. 像面包、牛奶和肉之类的东西要么是买不到,要么就是只能去黑市买。

    Items like bread , milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market

  10. 食品店关门后,他们就行动起来,偷食品拿到黑市上出售。

    When food stores close , they go to work , pilfering food for resale on the black market .

  11. 非法买卖场所杰里曾在黑市贩卖过南美的香烟。

    Jerry used to sell cigarettes from South America on the black market !

  12. 到目前为止,市场上仅有一些黑市网站,比如SilkRoad。

    So far , the market has only served them with shady websites , like silk road .

  13. 通过一个名叫帕里斯(Paris)的变性人俱乐部看门人,凯恩开始从黑市上购买荷尔蒙。

    Through a transgender club doorwoman named Paris , Ms. Cayne began getting black-market hormones .

  14. DNA分析技术已经成为了致力于大象保护工作者手中的一件新武器,人们可以通过此项技术来追查那些在黑市上被交易的象牙的原产地。

    The complex science of DNA analysis is now helping to protect elephants by showing police and conservationists the source of black-market ivory .

  15. 他已经将维生素C带到了集中营,现在他又想办法从黑市上弄到了一些马麦。

    He 'd already smuggled vitamin C into the camp , and now he managed to get hold of supplies of marmite on the black market .

  16. 投机主义和愤怒帮助权力康拉德对广告媒介生活的高度的M.黑市的上涨。

    Opportunism and indignation helped power Conrad M. Black 's rise to the heights of media life .

  17. 不过在黑市,SIM卡的价格炒到了80到100美元。

    On the black market , cards can cost $ 80 to $ 100 .

  18. 外汇黑市与NDF市场相关性的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Black Market Exchange Rate and NDF Correlation

  19. 如果FDA禁止电子卷烟,那么绝望地寻找传统卷烟替代品的吸烟者肯定将创建一个黑市。

    Smokers desperate search for an alternative to traditional cigarettes will infallibly create a black market if the FDA bans electronic cigarettes .

  20. ISIS也注意到核扩散黑市牵涉到德国、瑞士等国的某些公司。

    ISIS also draws attention to companies involved in the nuclear black market located in countries such as Germany and Switzerland .

  21. 显然这也是与DailyNK共有的一个观点。DailyNK是一个激进分子网络,是“大米在黑市的价格在近几月实际下降了一半左右”的新闻来源。

    This is apparently a view shared by Daily NK , an activist network and news source which says that the price of rice in the black market has actually fallen by around half in recent months .

  22. 从金融角度来研究开放的指标有外汇黑市溢价、本国对外投资和吸收外资的流量、存量、增长率以及它们占GDP的比重等。

    From the view of finance , the involved measurement indexes include black market premium , the flow , stock , growth rate and ratio to GDP of FDI from the domestic country and to the foreign countries .

  23. 加拿大便民店协会请求蒙特利尔HEC商学院,对1994年联邦政府大幅降低烟税,以削弱黑市发生的情况进行研究。

    The Canadian Convenience Stores Association asked the HEC Montreal business school to study what happened in1994 when the federal government slashed tobacco taxes to cripple the black market .

  24. 从EverQuest的黑市经济中得到的收入使拍卖站点和其他人获取了相当多的钱,这是EverQuest本身没有看到的。

    The revenue from the " black market " economy of EverQuest makes auction sites and others a significant amount of money that EverQuest sees none of .

  25. 其中由,Orson,Welles,扮演的,一位活跃于维也纳的黑市勾当,生计主要是靠在黑市中,从事非常卑鄙的交易。

    One of them , played by Orson Welles , is in a black market racket in Vienna and is making a living doing something very bad in the black market .

  26. 缅元(kyat)存在的多重汇率其黑市汇率比官方汇率低最多200%搅乱了贸易和银行业。

    Multiple exchange rates for the Burmese currency , the kyat with a black market rate up to 200 per cent weaker than the official level has complicated trade and banking .

  27. 在黑市里这疫苗能卖很高的价钱。

    The vaccines fetch a high price on the black market .

  28. 任何陈洛可以在黑市上出售的物品。

    Anything that Chen Lo can sell on the black market .

  29. 但短缺、黑市和预算赤字扩大却纷纷现身。

    But shortages , black markets and enlarged budget deficits appear .

  30. 那些存在较大黑市的国家更易受到走私的攻击。

    Countries with large black markets are especially vulnerable to smuggling .