
  • 网络gold necklace;gold chain;golden necklace
  1. 这条金项链成色很好。

    This is a fine gold necklace .

  2. W:有人偷了我的金项链。

    W : Someone has stolen my gold necklace .

  3. 她戴着一条粗实的金项链。

    She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck .

  4. 她脖子上挂着一根金项链。

    She wore a gold chain round her neck .

  5. 在今年四月举行的纽约苏富比(Sotheby)拍卖会上,一件造型简单的宝格丽金项链最终以2.5万美元成交——比预估价足足高出了4倍。

    A simple Bulgari gold chain necklace went for $ 25000 - five times its estimate - at a sale in April held at Sotheby 's New York .

  6. 艾玛穿着她boho风的长裙和简单的黑色上衣从白天到黑夜,多亏了本•阿蒙的金项链和手抓包。

    Emma takes her boho maxi and basic black top from day to night thanks to a gold Ben-Amun necklace and clutch .

  7. 我们有14K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环。前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。

    We have 14K and 18K gold necklaces , chains and earrings . A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door .

  8. 总有一天你会戴上一条漂亮的金项链。

    One day , you 'll have a proper gold band .

  9. 他昨天给自己的心上人买了一条金项链。

    He bought his sweet heart a necklace and gold yesterday .

  10. 金项链能治好我的痛风?

    Is a gold chain gonna get rid of my gout ?

  11. 我答应过我的女朋友过生日进送她一条金项链,

    I promised my girlfriend a gold necklace for her birthday ,

  12. 这是根金项链,因此很贵。

    This is a gold necklace , hence it is expensive .

  13. 一个首饰盒,里面有一条金项链。

    A jewelry box with a gold necklace in it .

  14. 这个就是我花费了所有的钱买下的金项链。

    This is the necklace on which I spent all my money .

  15. 比如,那个金项链,我去年送她的。

    Like uh , that gold necklace I got her last year .

  16. 我虽没拥有过金项链。

    Even though I didn 't have a gold chain .

  17. 小丑把金项链带去给丽诺儿公主。

    The jester took the gold chain to Princess Lenore .

  18. 金项链能帮你毕业?

    Is a gold chain gonna help you graduate ?

  19. 一条刻有未知神兽的金项链。

    A gold necklace with intricate depictions of animals .

  20. 女店员拿出一条金项链给他看。

    The shop girl takes out a gold necklace .

  21. 他值得信赖的、谨慎的副官;制作精良的金项链。

    His trusted discreet aide ; a discreet , finely wrought gold necklace .

  22. 雪莉:哦,一条金项链。

    Shirley : Oh , a gold necklace !

  23. 比如…?比如,那个金项链,我去年送她的

    Like ? Like uh , that gold necklace I got her last year .

  24. 一个女孩还送给他一条10克重的金项链来表达爱意。

    A girl gave him a gold necklace of ten grams to express her love .

  25. 这里有一根很好的金项链。

    Here is a nice gold necklace .

  26. 这条金项链非常精致。

    The gold necklace is very elegant .

  27. “那些是多少钱呢?”我指着另外一装有金项链的托盘问。

    " And how much are they then ?" I asked , pointing to another tray .

  28. 艾玛第一次发现自己这种有问题的体质是在九岁的时候,她的姑姑给了她一条金项链。

    Emma first discovered she had the problematic condition aged nine when her aunt gave her a gold necklace .

  29. 有位空姐带着亮灿灿的金项链,项坠儿系一小飞机,显得别致而有职业特点。

    A stewardess wore a sparkling gold necklace , a plane model as a drop looking unique and professional .

  30. 那女人挑选了一条约值五个路易的金项链,那做丈夫的则选了一对大概可值十五法郎的纽扣。

    The woman selected a gold chain worth about five louis , and the husband a pair of buckles . worth perhaps fifteen francs .