
  • 网络Black Earth;black Land
  1. 黑土地切沟侵蚀的成因与危害

    Causes and damages of gully erosion in black land

  2. 东北黑土地上独特的生命视角

    The Unique Life Vision Corner in the Black Land of the North East China

  3. 要采取有效措施切实把黑土地保护好、利用好。

    Effective measures should be made to protect and utilize the high-yielding black soil .

  4. 本文利用最优回归设计310方案,研究了黑土地甜菜Zn、K2O、B的效果及合理施用问题。

    This paper discussed the effects of Zn K B to sugarbeet and its adequate application on the black soil in HuLan county HeilongJiang province by using the regression design & ' 301 ' .

  5. 亩施1kg硫酸锌作种肥在黑土地较对照可提高根含糖率0.76度,提高产糖量2.9%;

    Generally , sugar content of roots was higher 0.76 percent and sugar yield was increased 2.9 percent than control by application of zine sulfate 1kg / mu as seed manure in black earth ;

  6. 山东省砂姜黑土地农业持续发展初析

    Analysis of the agricultural sustainable development of Shandong Shajiang Black Soil

  7. 自然降雨对黑土地表氮素养分流失的影响

    Effect of Nature Rainfall on N Nutrient and Fertility in Phaeozem Surface

  8. 黑土地上的掠食者日本移民东北揭秘

    Predators On The Black Earth & Japanose Immigrants in The Northeast of China

  9. 东北黑土地保护问题的调查报告

    Investigation report on the issue of black soil protection

  10. 作物在肥沃的黑土地里生长。

    Plants grow in rich , dark soil .

  11. 长期的掠夺式经营,造成了东北黑土地的严重退化。

    Long-term predatory operation caused serious soil degradation .

  12. 黑土地不仅养育了他,也给了他宽阔的心胸和许多梦想。

    The land provided for him , molded his character , and fed his dreams .

  13. 施用化肥对黑土地区线虫群落组成及多样性产生的影响

    Effect of chemical fertilizer on nematode community composition and diversity in the Black Soil Region

  14. 绥化市就处于几块典型黑土地的中心地带。

    Suihua city is just located in the center of several such typical black glebes .

  15. 淮北砂姜黑土地力贡献与培肥技术研究砂姜黑土长期定位培肥技术研究

    Study on The Contribution of Shajiang Black Soil Fertilizer and the Appropriate Technical Measures of Applying Fertilizer

  16. 浅谈黑龙江省黑土地保土耕作法的机理及效应

    A Brief Talk on Mechanism and Effect of Soil Conservation Farming on Chernozem Land in Heilongjiang Province

  17. 中国东北黑土地的荒漠化危机

    Desertification in the northeastern China

  18. 对保护黑土地、善生态环境、设生态省都具有重要意义。

    These are of great significance for protecting black earth , improving eco-environment , establishing ecological province .

  19. 但是这块叫做“普雷塔土壤”或者“黑土地”的土壤,十分肥沃。

    But the so-called " terra preta ", or " black earth ", is much more fertile .

  20. 因此,我们必须采取有效的措施保护黑土地,促进吉林农业的持续发展。

    Therefore , measures must be taken to protect the black soil for promoting sustainable development of agriculture .

  21. 蚌埠市砂姜黑土地综合开发治理刍议

    My Opinion on the Comprehensive Development and Harness of the Land with Shajiang Black Soil in Bengbu Region

  22. 为了解决东北黑土地退化的问题,实施保护性耕作势在必行。

    In order to solve the soil degradation of this area , conservation tillage must be put in practice .

  23. 我们走在乌克兰的黑土地上,靴子和绑腿深深地陷了进去。

    You are walking along Ukranian black earth and it sticks to your boots and puttees by the ton .

  24. 厚实的黑土地上,平铺着挤挤挨挨的优质牧草,重叠着浓淡相宜的悠悠绿色。

    Thick black floor tiles with high-quality crowd squeeze suffer suffer grass , overlapping with affordable countless shades of green .

  25. 土壤是农业生产的基本资料,黑龙江黑土地是粮食生产的重要基地。

    Soil is the basic material of agricultural production , and Heilongjiang black soil region is very important to produce grain .

  26. 黑土地是建设农业强省、生态大省的根基,但黑土地危机四伏,推行科学耕作、拯救黑土地势在必行。

    Black-land is the basis of building big agricultural province and big ecological province . But it is threatened by growing crisis .

  27. 寒地黑土的稀缺性、脆弱性决定了保护黑土地是寒地黑土经济可持续发展的基础;

    Of cold blackland rare was short of gender , frangibility to decide to protect blackland land is cold blackland economy the fundamental ;

  28. 晋公子重耳曾因一言不慎冒犯土地而跪地忏悔,祈求黑土地饶恕。

    Ceng Yin of advance childe serious side one character is inadvertent affront land and genuflect ground repents , forgive of invocatory blackland ground .

  29. 随着春光照耀,在火中幸存的根抽出新芽,黑土地又绿了起来。

    Within days of a spring burn , the black earth shows green again , as new shoots grow from roots unscathed by the flames .

  30. 继续前往黑河,窗外是广阔的黑土地,天空突然阴霾重重,或许暴雨将至!

    Going on to Heihe , it is vast black earth out of window , clouds appear in the sky suddenly , and maybe rainstorm is coming !