
  • 网络gold resource
  1. 黄金资源信息中心管理系统设计

    Design of the Management System for the Gold Resource Information Centre

  2. 陕西省黄金资源可持续发展的研究

    Study on the Sustainable Development of the Gold Resource in Shanxi Province

  3. CCTV黄金资源广告传播价值分析

    An analysis of The Value of CCTV Prime Time Advertising Commercial

  4. 微细浸染型金矿是目前国内外重要的金矿床类型之一,目前,我国微细浸染型金矿累计资源量已超过1000t,该类型矿床也己经成为中国重要的黄金资源。

    Carlin type gold deposit is one important type of gold deposit at home and abroad . At present , Carlin type gold deposit resources have accumulated more than 1000t , the type of deposit also has become an important gold resource .

  5. 山东黄金资源与地质勘查若干问题的思考

    Problems on gold resources and geological prospecting in Shan Dong province

  6. 利用超声技术开发黄金资源的研究

    Research on exploiting the source of gold by using ultrasonic aided

  7. 安徽省黄金资源概貌及发展对策

    The general situation and development policy of gold resources of Anhui

  8. 世界黄金资源形势及我们的对策

    The gold resources situation of the world and china 's development strategy

  9. 开发利用我国低品位黄金资源

    Developing and utilizing low-grade gold ore resources of our country

  10. 2007年央视黄金资源广告招标政策说明。

    Explanation on ads bidding of CCTV Golden Resources in2007 .

  11. 黔西南州黄金资源开发现状与发展

    Reality of Resources Development and Prospects for Southwestern Guizhou

  12. 黄金资源开发投资及融资理论与实践

    Theories and practice of investment and financing for the development of gold resource

  13. 我国黄金资源的开发利用与环境对策

    The Development and Utilization of Gold Mineral Resources in China and Its Countermeasures

  14. 莱州南部地区黄金资源遥感勘探

    Remote sensing for exploration of gold resources in the south of Laizhou City

  15. 中国黄金资源地质勘查和生产开发的战略研讨

    Strategic discussion on the geological exploration and exploitation for gold resources in China

  16. 中国黄金资源潜力与可持续发展

    Potential of gold mineral resources and sustainable development of the gold industry in China

  17. 我国黄金资源开发利用的现状与可持续发展对策

    The Situation of Gold Resource Exploitation and Utilization and the Countermeasures for Sustainable Development in China

  18. 我国黄金资源开发战略浅析

    Exploitation of china 's gold resource

  19. 中国黄金资源现状、特征及21世纪持续发展对策

    Situation and characteristic of gold resource in China and policy for continuous development in the 21st century

  20. 云南省黄金资源图文信息库在云南金矿资源评估中的应用

    Application of gold resource and geological information data-base management system based on GIS for gold resource pre-estimating of Yunnan

  21. 黄金资源国内外供需形势分析及合理开发利用建议

    Analysis on domestic and international supply and demand situation of gold resources and suggestions of rational exploitation and utilization

  22. 对我国黄金资源的基本情况及各种难浸金矿石预处理工艺的现状进行了综述。

    The gold resources in China and present status of pretreatment process of various refractory gold ores are reviewed .

  23. 我国丰富的黄金资源给液膜技术的研究和应用提供了良好的物质条件。

    The abundant gold resources in China provide the researches and applications of liquid membrane with better material condition .

  24. “这就造成大量黄金资源的浪费,对黄金行业的可持续发展极为不利,”崔玲说。

    " This has generated immense waste of precious gold resources , which is harmful to the sector 's sustainable development ," Cui said .

  25. 二年多的生产实践表明,用这种方法开采该矿Ⅰ&2号极碎矿体,不仅技术上可行,生产稳定、作业面安全可靠,而且企业的经济效益显著,能充分的回收黄金资源,利国利民。

    A two-year-period practice at its extremely broken orebody , the No. I-2 has showed that not only is the method itself practicable in technology , steady in production and safe in operation !

  26. 本文分析了造成两难选择的原因是我国的黄金资源特点、生产技术工艺不过关和资源效益、经济效益与环境效益不协调。

    This paper analyzed the reasons that causes difficult alternative , consistent character of gold mineral resources in our coun - try , or poisonous elements in the ores , or the contrast between economic results and environment - protection results .

  27. 在分析我国大地构造演化历史基础上,对我国黄金资源特点、勘查开发现状、近几年勘查进展等作了系统总结,进而提出了未来可持续发展建议。

    Based on the analysis of geotectonic evolution of China , this paper summarizes the characteristics , development situation , and surveying progress of gold resource of China in recent years , brings forward suggestions on the sustainable development in the future .

  28. 我国黄金矿产资源形势及其发展对策

    Gold resource in china : present state and development strategy

  29. 对黄金矿产资源价值经济评价的研究

    Researches for valuation of gold resource as asset

  30. 我国黄金矿产资源特点、勘查进展与可持续发展建议

    The characteristics , surveying progress and sustainable development suggestions of gold resources in China