
  • 网络Mansa;Raumauthar;Raumathar;Firmanzah
  1. 太平洋的浪潮蜂拥到墨西哥滩曼萨尼约的黑沙滩上。

    The Pacific Ocean tide rises onto a black-sand beach in Manzanillo Mexico .

  2. 第一部分是从印度传统的官僚制&曼萨卜达尔制入手。

    The first part begins with a traditional Indian bureaucratic system & Mansabdari .

  3. 但是,对于这些不幸的虫儿来说,曼萨尼略就是它们生命的终点。

    For the unfortunate worms , however , Manzanillo was the end of the line .

  4. 当然你也可以找些人比较少的海滩玩耍,比如说巴拉德纳维达,圣帕特里西奥和曼萨尼约。

    You can also find less-crowded beaches like Barra de Navidad , La Manzanilla or San Patricio .

  5. 3月26日,亚特兰大号满载着捕鱼所获——包括大约十几只庞贝虫在内的众多标本,驶入了墨西哥的曼萨尼略港。

    On March 26th she sailed into Manzanillo , in Mexico , bearing a trove of specimens including a dozen or so Pompeii worms .

  6. “我们已经明确了一些需要克服的障碍,”诺曼萨的莱奥妮沃森,谁是盲目的,在联合国总部新闻发布会上声明。

    " We 've clearly got some obstacles to overcome ," Nomensa 's Leonie Watson , who is blind , told a news conference at UN headquarters .