
  • 网络Gold product
  1. 我国黄金产品管理市场化改革进程回眸

    Review on the market reform of gold product administration in China

  2. 主席郑家纯(HenryCheng)表示,周大福计划在3至5年内将非黄金产品销售额的比重从27%扩大到50%以上,这类商品的利润率较高。

    It aimed to increase non-gold sales , which have better margins , from 27 per cent to more than 50 per cent in three to five years , said Henry Cheng , chairman .

  3. 由于缺少其它可行的投资渠道,金条和黄金产品便成为热门的投资选择。

    The lack of a viable alternative makes gold bars and products popular investment options .

  4. 周大福表示,自上世纪80年代末以来,对黄金产品的需求从未这样强劲过。

    It said demand had not been this strong for gold products since the late 1980s .

  5. 然而当地的消费者购买黄金产品仍然是为了馈赠而不是为了投资。

    Most local consumers , however , continue to buy gold products to give as gifts rather than as investments .

  6. 香港是世界上第四大稀有珠宝的出口地,也是世界上仿造珠宝最大的出口地和黄金产品的主要生产地。

    Hong Kong is the world 's fourth-largest exporter of precious jewelry . The city is also the world 's biggest exporter of imitation jewelry and a leading producer of gold items .

  7. 黄金产品卖得这么好,我们的销量与去年同期相比增加70%,我敢打赌,销售将继续走在这两个月,因为黄金不断升值。

    Gold products are selling so well , and our sales volume has increased by70 percent compared to last year . I bet the sales will continue to go up during these two months since gold keeps appreciating .

  8. 据中国媒体去年报道,数家基金管理机构正在筹备黄金ETF产品,拟将其在上海和深圳上市。

    According to Chinese media reports last year , several fund managers are working on gold ETF products to be listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  9. 使用奇特的高斯联结相关性模型,以及一些聪明的表外架构,高风险抵押贷款被重新打包成具有3A评级的黄金投资产品。

    And using the magic of the Gaussian copula correlation model , and some clever off-balance-sheet architecture , high-risk mortgages were re-packaged into triple-A-rated investor gold .

  10. 两家交易所在一份联合声明中表示,它们将逐步扩大在债券和黄金ETF产品开发、以及交叉上市等领域的合作。

    In a joint statement , the two exchanges said they would would gradually extend their co-operation to the development of ETFs on bonds and gold , as well as cross listings .

  11. 一种创新型黄金衍生产品的定价研究

    On the Pricing of A New Gold Derivative Product

  12. 在中国珠宝需求下降的同时,中国企业正推出通过网络平台投资黄金的产品。

    While jewellery demand fell in China , companies there are launching investment products for gold via online platforms .

  13. 今年年初,中国工商银行为个人投资者推出了一项新的黄金交易产品。

    Earlier this year , the Industrial and Commercial Bank ( ICBC ) launched a new gold trading product for individual investors .

  14. 黄金分割在产品外观设计中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Golden Section in Product Design

  15. 除了黄金,其他产品仍然明显低于2008年中期的顶峰。

    Gold apart , commodities are still well below the peaks of mid-2008 .

  16. 而对于散户投资者来说,大多数商业银行都提供纸黄金网上交易产品,这类产品一般没有实物黄金作为支持。

    And for retail investors , most commercial banks offer paper gold online trading products , which are typically not backed by physical gold .

  17. 模拟产品的收益分布情况,解释了黄金挂钩型产品的设计关键所在:通过放弃获得高收益的空间换取对本金和最低收益的保证。

    Imitate the distribution of yields , explain the key design of the gold - linked products : received the minimum income guarantee By giving up the possibility of Above-average earnings .

  18. 我们比以往更重视风险多元化,比如投资大宗商品、黄金或结构性产品,以保护客户在动荡时期的投资组合。

    We are giving much more importance than before to diversifiers of risk , such as commodities , gold , or structures to protect clients ' portfolios in volatile times , he explains .

  19. 与黄金挂钩的投资产品(或纸黄金)也在大量涌现。

    Gold-linked investment products , or paper gold , are also multiplying .

  20. 该行表示,它将开发基于伦敦黄金拍卖的新产品。

    The bank will develop new products based on the London gold auction , it said .

  21. 在这样的经济格局下,黄金及相关金融产品作为避险工具备受关注。

    Under this situation , gold and related financial products has regarded as a hedge and attracted much attention .

  22. 杨飞说:投资者会继续将黄金作为他们投资产品之一,以对抗币值波动和资本市场波动。

    Investors keep gold in their portfolios to hedge against risks from currency fluctuations and capital market volatility , said Yang .

  23. 黄金挂钩型理财产品,无论是在作为套期保值还是投资谋利,都受到越来越多投资者的青睐。

    Gold linked structured product , whether as a hedge or investment tool , are favor to more and more investors ' taste .

  24. 通过一系列的深加工将黄金制成一定的产品后在工业上具有极为广泛的用途。

    In this paper , a beneficial probe into deep processing of fine gold chemicals was made and an industrialized program suitable for medium-small sized enterprises was proposed .

  25. 第二章,主要介绍了黄金挂钩型理财产品的概念和分类,并对本文所涉及到的金融衍生产品定价理论做了大致的介绍。

    Chapter two : introduced the concept and classification of the gold linked structured product , and made a general introduction to the derivatives pricing theory involved in this paper .

  26. 该公司正在瞄准海湾国家,在那里,黄金服饰和英国产品都颇受推崇——正因如此,他才参加了阿布扎比的国际贸易展。

    In particular , the firm is looking to the Gulf states , where they say that gold garments and British products are held in high esteem - hence the double-booked Abu Dhabi exhibition .

  27. 黄金挂钩型理财产品是在固定收益产品(如存款、零息债券)的基础上嵌入某种金融衍生产品(如远期、互换、期权)而形成的、挂钩标的为黄金价格的新型金融产品。

    Gold linked structured products are new financial derivatives products , which are fixed-income products ( such as deposits , zero-coupon bonds ) embedded in certain financial derivatives ( such as forwards , swaps , options ), and linked to the price of gold .

  28. 随着世界黄金协会去年推出黄金担保投资产品,黄金作为可选投资工具的吸引力不断增强。

    Its attraction as an alternative investment gathered momentum last year with the launch of gold-backed investment products from the World Gold Council .

  29. 分析师们表示,新政策有望增加国内黄金市场的流动性,并推动黄金金融产品的发展。

    The new policies were likely to increase liquidity in the domestic gold market and spur the development of gold financial products , analysts said .

  30. 指出随着国家黄金市场的逐步放开,黄金企业销售黄金产品将面临着严峻的挑战。

    It is pointed out that with the gradual opening of Chinese gold market , golden products sold by gold manufacturers will face some severe challenges .