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  1. 麻阳县小学生HBsAg携带状况及影响因素调查研究磐石市从业人员乙肝病毒携带状况调查

    A Study on the HBsAg Carrying Status and the Influential Factors of HBsAg Carrier among Primary School Children in Mayang County

  2. 目的掌握麻阳县小学生人群HBsAg携带状况和对乙肝的免疫水平;探讨麻阳县小学生HBsAg携带者的影响因素,以采取有效措施降低其HBsAg携带率和发病率,为进一步控制乙肝流行提供依据。

    Objective To master the HBsAg carrying status and the immunization level of hepatitis B , and to explore the influential factors of HBsAg carrier among primary school children in Mayang county .

  3. 湖南麻阳铜矿成矿机制探讨

    A study on metallogenic mechanism for Mayang copper deposit , Hunan

  4. 季铵类表面活性剂对苎麻阳离子化的改性研究

    Research on the cationic modification of ramie with tertiary ammonium surfactants

  5. 麻阳河自然保护区鱼类资源调查初报

    An initial investigation of fish resources in Ma Yang River

  6. 湘西麻阳上白垩统麻阳含铜建造中发现巨型痕迹化石

    A Giant Trace Fossil from the Mayang Copper-Bearing Formation in Western Hu'nan

  7. 麻阳古铜矿遗址调查

    A survey of ruins of ancient Mayang copper mine

  8. 麻阳河国家级自然保护区人地关系研究

    Research on Man-Nature Relationship of Mayang River Nature Reserve

  9. 麻阳苗族自治县土地利用与生态环境建设研究

    A Study on Land Use and Ecologic Environment Construction in Mayang Miao Autonomous County

  10. 同时,柑橘还是麻阳农业的第二大经济作物。

    At the same time , citrus or Mayang second the agricultural economic crops .

  11. 麻阳方言语音语法研究

    A Phonetic and Syntactic Study of Mayang Dialect

  12. 苎麻阳离子改性的研究(四)&改性苎麻的染色性能

    A Study on Cationic Modification of Ramie ( IV ) - Dyeing Behaviour of Modified Ramie

  13. 在沿河麻阳河自然保护区,栖息于较好生境的黑叶猴,主要影响其季节性行为变化的因素是天然食物和环境温度,同时其行为的季节性变化规律性较为明显;

    The primary influencing factor that makes the monkey change its seasonal behavior in better habitat is natural food and surrounding temperature .

  14. 通过对麻阳的土地流转情况进行的调查研究,将麻阳农村土地流转的实践经验进行了全面总结。

    Through investigation and research of land circulation in Mayang , the paper summarizes the rural land transfer practice experience of Mayang comprehensively .

  15. 湖南麻阳是我国的柑橘主要产区之一,其柑橘种植面积和产量居全国前列。

    Hunan Mayang is one of the major citrus producing areas in China , the citrus planting area and production in the forefront of the country .

  16. 试验结果表明,酸洗可以减缓碱改性苎麻阳离子接枝改性的速度,使在苎麻上接枝的阳离子基团分布均匀;

    As a result , acid pickling is beneficial to lower the velocity of cationic grafting to ramie and resulting more even distribution of cationic group on ramie fiber .

  17. 第四章针对麻阳苗族自治县政治发展的问题提出了一些政策应对思路和解决途径,这也是本研究所寄予的价值所在。

    Last , the writer put forward a number of policy responses to ideas and solutions for the political development of Mayang Miao Autonomous County in The fourth chapter , which is the value hoped in this study .

  18. 湖南省麻阳苗族自治县作为成立于改革开放初期的较为年轻的自治县之一,其本身就是民族区域自治制度现代化进程的基层实践。

    Mayang Miao Autonomous County in Hunan Province was established in reform and opening up as a one of relatively young counties , its own system of regional ethnic autonomy is the primary practice of the process of modernization .

  19. 本文报道了麻阳河鱼类48种,隶属4目10科,占贵州鱼类种数202种的23.8%。

    This is a special report about the fish resources and fish-fauna in Mayang river . In Mayang river , there are 48 kinds of fish , belonging to 4 orders , 10 families and 39 genera , accounting for 23.8 % of 202 kinds of fishes in Guizhou province .