
má zuì shī
  • anesthesiologist;anaesthetist
  1. JuliaNeily:“这里的一个关键因素就是消除手术室中的等级制度,这样的话,每一个人,擦洗人员,护士,外科医生,麻醉师,手术室中的每一个人都能够为病人着想。”

    JULIA NEILY : " One of the key elements here was flattening the hierarchy in the operating room so that everybody , the scrub tech , the nurse , the surgeon , the anesthesiologist , whomever it is in the operating room could bring up any concerns they had about the patient . "

  2. 麻醉师是专门训练来给病人实施麻醉的医生。

    An anesthesiologist is a doctor specially trained to give anesthesia .

  3. 2例Hunt-HessV级病人急性期治疗请麻醉师协助。

    Cases of acute Hunt-Hess grade V were assisted by anesthetist .

  4. 方法200例按照美国麻醉师协会(ASA)分级为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级择期手术患者,随机分为盐酸利多卡因组(A)100例,碳酸利多卡因组(B)100例。

    Methords 200 cases ( ASAI - ⅱ, selective operation ) were divided randomly into two groups : lidocaine carbonate group and lidocaine hydrochloride group .

  5. 方法:选择46例美国麻醉师协会(AmericanSocietyofAnesthesiologists,ASA)~级颅脑手术病人,随机分为两组。

    Methods : 46 patients classified as American Society of Anesthesiologists ( ASA ) physical status ⅱ or ⅲ undergoing Cerebral operation were randomly assigned to two groups .

  6. v.报复,回敬n.使人痛苦的人或物adj.免疫的n.麻醉学家,麻醉师随后那个星期,有天下课,我把那本书给老师看,指着关于哈扎拉人那一章。

    The following week , after class , I showed the book to my teacher and pointed to the chapter on the Hazaras .

  7. 婴儿期行舌系带矫正术的并发症方法由专业麻醉师给予异丙酚静脉麻醉诱导后行舌系带矫正术,ASAI~Ⅱ级,年龄6月~132月。

    Methods Propofol Anesthesia was brought into effect by professional anaesthetist to the Tongue-tie operation , ASAI ~ⅱ, the age of the patients ranged from 6 to 132 months of age .

  8. 我有个问题,这些麻醉师真的在手术的时候还看他的手机么?

    Do anesthesiologists really look at their phones during surgery ?

  9. 向手术医生或麻醉师报告异常化验值及其他问题。

    Report abnormal laboratory values and other concerns to the surgeon or anesthesiologist .

  10. 你跟护士和麻醉师有染吗?

    You have a network of nurses , anesthesiologists ?

  11. 如果您对麻醉有什么问题,都可以问您的麻醉师。

    If you any questions about anaesthesia , you can ask your anaesthetist .

  12. 安神的,麻醉的,镇静的麻醉师必须持续不断地评估麻醉深度。

    It is essential that the anesthesiologist continuously assess the depth of anesthesia .

  13. 大多数麻醉师并不是医师(每10万人中合格的麻醉师的比例为1.1)。

    Most anaesthetists were not physicians ( accredited anaesthetist per100000 population : 1.1 ) .

  14. 麻醉师告诉我说,我是他所见到的最镇定的人。

    The anesthesiologist told me I was the calmest person he 'd ever seen .

  15. 实验室技术员、药剂师、内科医师和麻醉师也太少。

    There are also too few laboratory technicians , pharmacists , internists and anaesthesiologists .

  16. 麻醉师给病人施麻醉剂。

    The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic .

  17. 我让麻醉师做局部麻醉。

    I made the anesthesiologist use a local .

  18. 一名出色的外科医生离不开称职的麻醉师、细心的手术室护士和得力的清洁员。

    A brilliant surgeon cannot perform without a competent anaesthetist , attentive theatre nurses and effective cleaners .

  19. 手术开始前,麻醉师会对婴儿进行插管、实施麻醉。

    As you move into the operating room environment , the anesthetist will get the babies intubated and asleep .

  20. 那真是足够简单的事情,没有产科医生,也没有麻醉师,更没有那些稀奇古怪的仪器设备。

    It had been a simple enough affair . No obstetricians , no anesthesiologists , no fancy monitoring devices .

  21. 大律师和法官在法庭上都发挥着重要作用,就像手术中的麻醉师和外科医生一样。

    Barristers and judges both play essential roles in court , just like anesthetists and surgeons in an operation .

  22. 之前有一硬膜外,你的家庭医生或麻醉师会跟您谈谈您的健康和医疗的历史。

    Before having an epidural , your GP or anaesthetist will talk to you about your health and medical history .

  23. 这个外科医疗队由一名高级外科医师、一名麻醉师及一名手术室护士组成,并带有整套急救设备。

    The surgical team consists of a senior surgeon , an anesthetist and a theater sister with complete emergency equipment .

  24. 多亏了麻醉师,你才能在手术中无知觉地度过:不能动弹,也感觉不到疼痛。

    Thanks to the anesthesiologist , during the actual surgery you were out of it : immobilized and insensitive to pain .

  25. 我的呼吸变得断续紊乱,麻醉师给我戴上氧气,然后,我又睡着了。

    My breathing grew so shaky that the anesthesiologist gave me oxygen and then , thankfully , put me back to sleep .

  26. 确保你着装正确。不值得效仿的:麻醉师穿的黑色皮裤不会激发自信。

    Make sure yours is just right . What 's not : black leather trousers on an anaesthetist would not inspire confidence .

  27. 这里的外科医生、护士、麻醉师和技术人员没有人可以想象会允许任何人打破这个(无菌操作)规矩。

    No self-respecting surgeon , nurse , anesthesiologist or technician would ever dream of breaching those sterile protocols in the surgical suites .

  28. 在手术过程中,麻醉师会观察病人的心率,血压和血液含氧量。

    During an operation , the anesthesiologist will observe the patient 's heart rate , blood pressure and amount of oxygen in the blood .

  29. 不一会儿,护士、麻醉师、手术室技师也都围了上来,把我挤到一个角落。

    Within seconds the circulating nurse , the anesthesiologist and an operating room technician had hustled me over to a corner of the room .

  30. 但气候变化可能是你的麻醉师应该考虑的问题,因为弄晕你的那些麻醉气体会促进全球变暖。

    But maybe it should be on your " s mind . Because the gases used to knock you out contribute to global warming .